October 14th, 2010

[info]in_darkness in [info]indarkness_ooc

Thursday is Maintenance Day This Week!

Wow. I totally missed maintenance last week, but hey. Flying does that.

So know how I said things about new characters going to the new island? Yeah, realized last night that wasn't fair because everything described the old place, so new players were at something of a disadvantage. Oops. So what I did was moved the new description to the mod journal, and am going to finish cleaning that up today so everything is geared toward new!island. So now it's fair. :)

I also changed the island link to a more accurate picture. Made a new ad and hit the ad comms today. I also changed the weather link, because funny thing about Fiji is that it's like, already tomorrow there? Yeah. So I changed it to a place in the Bahamas, so it's closer to most (all?) of our timezones. It's raining for the next couple days, people on the new island, FYI and all that. ;)

What else? ::thinks hard:: Still working on lottery specifics. Pretty sure we're going riddles. I just have to figure out 4-8 that'll make an accurate picture of the task. If I can't, I'll laze out and do puzzles again >:D

I did update the cast lists yesterday, so those are all set (post-move cast list is still in [info]i_find; that'll stay there 'til next weekend).

The moon's on the 23rd, so everyone will be moved to the new island midnight of the 22nd (Friday night), so the wolves first day on the island will be furry. Jungle romp, woo! I can see them banging on Sev's door "I NEED MAH POTION!" ::amused::

Oh. The lottery plot after bears is going to be kidnapping, and they're going after under 18s (you know, kids), so if anyone had any younger muses bopping around, now'd be the month to sign them up >:D ::lures and enables and junk:: I'm also going to try to update our plot timeline through the next couple of months today, so if you guys have any plots off the list you really really really really want to do, either as group or select plots, pipe up and I'll stick it on there (personally, I'm looking forward to implanted phobias, 'cause if any of mine get rolled, they're so getting a fear of doors. >:D )

So, okay. I think this is it. If you guys notice anything that needs adjusting/cleaned-up/spell-checked/whatever, hit me up, 'cause Thursday is Maintenance day ... this week.

[info]baby_boy in [info]indarkness_ooc

Character Swappage

So while we were out to lunch, Nate and I were chatting, and he has opted to pick up Landon because of the if-then scenario and my dumb personal PB rule. If I end up picking Kyle back up, I'd have two Matt Dallas PBs, and I just can't do that. Besides, it's more fun for me if I'm not playing both Lan and Tris. >:D

So the change will be made on the who plays list. He's just going to swipe my journal, so no other changes there.

November 2010



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