October 13th, 2010

[info]in_darkness in [info]indarkness_ooc

Cast List

All right. Not quite the disaster I imagined.

The current cast list for the old island's still in place in the mod journal. The new cast list for post-move is here.

Both directories reflect the entire "cast list", regardless of which island people are on. For example, the old!island directory still has Lily in 214, even though she's not actually present. The Algul Siento directory has everyone listed in the rooms they're going to be moved into. >:D I fully expect moved people to tattle to the others. "Oh yes, you're in a room/in a suite/across the hall from so-and-so" XD

If you need anything changed (or notice something wrong, someone missing), please speak up so I can fix it. I'm so about to start on move!reaction posts. I wanted to get 'em done last night, but i was so bombed when I came home i just ... hit what tags i had, showered, and crashed. So, yeah. ::Nods:: yeah.

Lottery is Friday. Eeek. Prepared, I am not, but I don't have work 'til Monday, so I'll try to work something up that isn't puzzles. I'll have Nate roll when he gets home from class and post the list tonight so people can tell me if they aren't going to be here this weekend so we can reroll. It'll just be moved people eligible since the lottery part is being held on Algul Siento, so if you know already you won't be here this weekend, pipe up. =P

Okay. Off to start posts I am. ::winds up for angst liek whoa::

[info]in_darkness in [info]indarkness_ooc

Lottery Drawing

Okay. For this weekend's lottery:

Bruce Banner
Sir Didymus
Ichabod Crane
Chase Collins

will be participating. and oh dear god do I ever not look forward to Chase in a social scene. XD he might bring out the Hulk. idek. ::Dead dead so dead::

I don't know what it's going to be yet. Riddles, probably, as soon as i figure out which way I want the clues to go. Then someone's going to have to take responsibility for posting it in the network.

... or posting the riddles themselves in the network ::amused:: because really, what's to stop them from doing that? ahahahaha. ::cough::

um. so right, tradition stands. Lottery post will go up late night friday, though the actual meeting's saturday at noon. but a lot of us are nightowls or some junk? idek.

if your kid isn't going to show up, drop us a line so we know not to wait on you for threads.

Does anyone need a writeup on how the lotteries work or do we all have that down by now? I guess for reference you could click the "!lottery" tag and lookit the other writeups. Same deal. Friday morning there are tickets, and the "winners" have instructions to meet in a room (Different room though since this hotel is shorter; I'll address that in the header when I stick up the post) Saturday at noon, and we thread from there. >:D

[info]hunterkassandra in [info]indarkness_ooc


I don't know how many were here when I was here last, so I'm just going to act like I'm totally new.

Hi everybody! My name's Lee, and I'll be bringing in this not so sweet and very far from innocent girl, named Kassandra into this world.

She's not going to bite or anything. It's actually usually her job to kill the things that bite. So feel free to talk to her once I officially bring her in. which will be either later tonight or tomorrow.

If you need me for anything, hit me up here or on her journal.

Look forward to playing :)

November 2010



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