Oct. 16th, 2010


Kicking and Screaming

Right. More swapping. XD

So, apparently Mandy was simply appalled at my handling of River, and she rushed right in to snatch her back up. I'll have you know, that was the grand plan to begin with. ::big wink:: No, for real, I'm just that good at luring and enabling.

River is now back on [info]lilalbatross and back in Mandy's hands. Lizzy [info]prittyprincess is joining her in a grand return.

With the return of River is the mysterious return of Kyle Trager on [info]not_an_alien, because I'm a tool. What? I am.

Things should be mostly updated. Or completely updated.

For the time being, Nate's still hanging on to Balthazar and Mal, but we'll keep you posted if that changes. You know. If you don't see it on twitter first. 'cause ... well. I think most everyone saw this coming, right? XD

Sep. 15th, 2010


TMI busted finger

way more than you need to know about the state of my middle finger. may be triggery for squemish types )

Suffice to say, with the move and the school and the work and the volunteer work and now the finger? Tagging form me is going to slow down even further.

I swear, guys. One of these days Halo is going to get tired of my hypocrisy and throw me out and then you will not have to put up with me anymore =P

Aug. 30th, 2010


magic thread

So, you guys in the magic thread want to kind of do a summary so we know how our kids stand as far as injuries and whatever, in case it takes us a week to finish the thread? XD

I personally don't expect any accidental injuries for my two, because IF the magic was conflicting (and I can go either way on this) Lily would have made them stop.

Someone seems to think that some other character's wand might slip though and cause her pup some injury. Ahem.

Also, I will get to tags later. Mail was late and we have a lot of it so I'm ... Um. Working? Is that what they call it? Right now.

So yeah. Discussions and "if-then" scenarios are encouraged here :)

Aug. 19th, 2010


I... suppose I should do one of these ^_^"

I suppose I should start with actual introduction, as it occurs to me I wasn't really around when some of you joined our numbers O_O

So, um, hi! I'm Mandy, the mini-mod and those are the pups that I play. I haven't been around for the last... month, or so, because... yeah. My internet is completely unreliable and my summer job is exhausting. BUT! I am back in time to has reavers, so... yay!

I also played Kirk, Barney, Luna and Elle but dropped them when I returned 'cause their muses went quiet. Most of them will come back eventually though, I imagine, so we'll pretend that they were sent off to the lab and they'll be back with war stories.

I also play Tinkerbell, and Sayuri (<--OC) but they're dying in the reaver attacks, thus not listed under who I play.

Annnnd. I think that is it! I am so ready to get back into play you have no idea. Like, 3 more pups and I make activity check. I'm excited.

Ps- Halo, I have no idea how to tag this =/ teach me?

Jun. 27th, 2010



so, right, I'm always really bad at remembering do to these.

TL;DR: Mandy is going on hiatus until Thursday )

I should be available by the usual means (ie: twitter, email, text - just not AIM) so if you have a question / plot idea / etc, don't hesitate to contact me and I should be able to get back to you within a few hours. If not, I'll see you Wednesday!

EDIT: I am not tagging this entry with all of my pups. I will forget someone.

November 2010




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