Oct. 16th, 2010


Kicking and Screaming

Right. More swapping. XD

So, apparently Mandy was simply appalled at my handling of River, and she rushed right in to snatch her back up. I'll have you know, that was the grand plan to begin with. ::big wink:: No, for real, I'm just that good at luring and enabling.

River is now back on [info]lilalbatross and back in Mandy's hands. Lizzy [info]prittyprincess is joining her in a grand return.

With the return of River is the mysterious return of Kyle Trager on [info]not_an_alien, because I'm a tool. What? I am.

Things should be mostly updated. Or completely updated.

For the time being, Nate's still hanging on to Balthazar and Mal, but we'll keep you posted if that changes. You know. If you don't see it on twitter first. 'cause ... well. I think most everyone saw this coming, right? XD

Oct. 15th, 2010


More Swappage

Hello, hello!

Sadly, my venture to disney resulted in only one and a half riddles. :;amused:: so we might have some picture matching or something for the lottery. We also opted to shift the bear attack to thursday and the move to thursday midnight, giving the wolves a broader window so they don't panic.

Which isn't at all the point of this.

Nate's going to be picking up Mal on [info]to_the_black, and I'm going to be picking up River on [info]their_witch. Both of these are being picked up with a surrender clause; if Mandy returns and wants them back, they'll revert to her. 'cause she Rivers better than I do.

We are also dropping the Fisher kids.

I also may be bringing in two other OCs, but haven't fully decided yet. I have two versions of Juliet and I'm not sure which I want to play here. I ... still have to see who all in my current lists needs threads and get on that first >:D

November 2010




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