Aug. 19th, 2010


Since the sites I'm using for reseach have made it almost near Greek can anyone tell me what could happen to Parker when she does finally pass out during the final Reaver attack tommorow? Nothing life threating but she has been running on near fumes since the dreams of her brother a while back.

So basically I'm looking for possible injuries and effects of very little sleep and not exactly eating so great.


Jul. 28th, 2010


Last character for now but its Juliet and I come bearing Edward aka Radical Edward from Cowboy Bebop.

She's taken several years after the anime so she's now 19 but as kooky and crazy as even. She is at the moment very annoyed since her main computer is not here but is going to hotwire the laptop to make it more fitting her time (but she does have her goggles so all is not lost). As for her PB I always through Bryce Dallas Howard would make an adorable older Ed if the show was ever made into a movie.

So lines? She's got a reunion planned with Spike for the moment.

One small note: for her network posts she'll sign everything with smiley faces since its also her call sign from the anime. Spike will understand it but it may bug others.

Jul. 12th, 2010


I blame a massive binge on Leverage but Parker's voice was itching to play so here she is (its' Juliet BTW). She needs just about everything plot wise and since she is a thief would anyone mind if she swipes small things from people?

There's a link to the show's wiki in her app for the curious as well and she's taken right after last night's episode "The Double Blind Job".

Jul. 10th, 2010


Its Juliet with her newest pup: Gwen Cooper from BBC's Torchwood! I yanked her in the period between "Exit Wounds" and COE since I've been wanting to explore a darker side of her but keeping her human. So while she'll be happy to see Jack and Ianto again she'll also be very confused since her last memory was the Earth being pulled by the TARDIS.

So plot for her along with Violet?

Jun. 19th, 2010


Fresh Player!

I'm Juliet and I just joined with Violet Baudelaire from Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events (but I'm using the novels for her canon but may add some of the movie as needed). She is yanked post the events of the last novel (she is now 17) and well she's not exactly thrilled since in her mind she's sure Olaf is behind this (since I'm also sure she could have a mental illness given everything Olaf did in the novels to her and her family).

So lines, friends, people that would understand her? She's in Room 201 and will post for her ASAP (also drops a hint for her brother to be picked up? I'm using the PB's from the movie). There is also wiki links to both novels and the movie in her app post (which will act as her contact post once I screen comments).

Also one question since I like to avoid stomping on toes: I've got Gwen Cooper from Torchwood on hold so would a version of her that is post the 3 show crossover but pre COE work for those muns?

November 2010




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