Oct. 16th, 2010


Ice Bears

Hello, and welcome to our lottery-plot writeup!

As promised, I am doing this before clicking tiles.

Since we are very anti-bear death (Sam petitioned very hard for this and overrode Matt's "shoot 'em up" plan), this is going to be a hide-and-seek sort of plot.

You can read about the bears here, and Isadora has the answers people need; she's networking with Didymus but will do a post later to educate the masses so the IC bit's covered.

What's going to happen is this:

The armor is going to be scattered across the old island, and some will be in the buildings. Jaime's power is going to be half-crippled for this so it won't be a matter of her being able to find everything, but she will be able to point the search parties in the general direction of the armor pieces before her brain breaks. None of it will be across the white line 'cause that's just cruel.

The armor is heavy, because it's made of "sky-iron" and is used by very, very large bears. Like, Hulk could probably haul a bit of it around by himself, but for most everyone else, it's going to be bare-minimum 2 person job to haul the larger pieces. One Jayne-sized man can handle a standard helmet (and might struggle with a more elaborate one), and someone slightly smaller could probably drag one with pauses.

We're going to have fifteen pieces scattered around on Monday, and that will give a clue as to what's going on when the first piece is found. I assume it will be stumbled on by accident, so if someone wants to call first-find, lemme know; that way we won't have all of us finding the armor first. XD

To the ice bears, their armor is like their dæmon or their soul. They are nothing without it, and they will kill whatever stands between them and it. They forge it themselves (they have opposable thumbs) and it's very personal to them. They will not be pleased upon learning that their armor was stolen.

In regard to powers to neutralize the bears ...

They are sentient and can be reasoned with.

Stunning spells, binding spells, and confunding spells will work, but not for very long.

They won't be felled by human physical attacks because ... uh. They're giant polar bears.

The Force can be used to slow them down/trip them up.

There's still no ammunition for the firearms, so shooting them is right out.

If people get clever and try to rig some traps, those may work on a mod-discretion basis.

I'm not angling for any casualties on this one, but they are certainly capable of killing characters, very easily. So it's an option if you want to take it >:D Matt's hoping they knock down the hotel, and I hope they'll be incited to damage it, but is not something I'm going to force. Characters will be moved either way; this was just the convenient IC reasoning.

If you have questions or your character's power wasn't covered on the list as will/won't work, go ahead and hit me up for clarification. Or if anything else needs clarification. I'm here for you, yo.

Oct. 13th, 2010


Lottery Drawing

Okay. For this weekend's lottery:

Bruce Banner
Sir Didymus
Ichabod Crane
Chase Collins

will be participating. and oh dear god do I ever not look forward to Chase in a social scene. XD he might bring out the Hulk. idek. ::Dead dead so dead::

I don't know what it's going to be yet. Riddles, probably, as soon as i figure out which way I want the clues to go. Then someone's going to have to take responsibility for posting it in the network.

... or posting the riddles themselves in the network ::amused:: because really, what's to stop them from doing that? ahahahaha. ::cough::

um. so right, tradition stands. Lottery post will go up late night friday, though the actual meeting's saturday at noon. but a lot of us are nightowls or some junk? idek.

if your kid isn't going to show up, drop us a line so we know not to wait on you for threads.

Does anyone need a writeup on how the lotteries work or do we all have that down by now? I guess for reference you could click the "!lottery" tag and lookit the other writeups. Same deal. Friday morning there are tickets, and the "winners" have instructions to meet in a room (Different room though since this hotel is shorter; I'll address that in the header when I stick up the post) Saturday at noon, and we thread from there. >:D

Sep. 12th, 2010


Kidnapping Plot

Oh hai!

Something tells me I should have done this ... sooner. In fairness to me, I had a very busy weekend.

First, I updated the application slightly. It was mostly just adding a couple of parentheticals for clarity. No major changes to what we need to know, but things that people seemed to be unclear on ... have been clarified. Theoretically.
Kidnappings )

If you didn't sign up the first time around and want to now, there's still time to do so. Up until Monday night, you can sign up to have your kid kidnapped.
Lottery )

Third, the return of powers.
Powers )

I think that covers everything for this week. Next weekend, we'll get into details on the dementor attack; we still haven't fine-tuned how that's going to be handled/played out yet, but hey. We have a week to line up our ducks XD

If you have any questions or need something clarified, please don't hesitate to comment, IM me, email me, hit the drop box, etc.

Aug. 11th, 2010


Lottery Time!!

Okay. Now that we seem to have a steady-ish flow of play, we'll go ahead and run a lottery. The last one kind of flopped because RL chewed on everyone at the same time. Which is neither here nor there but made me sad all the same.

Since I don't think anyone here now was here for the first one, we'll run down the basics.
Sparin' the f-page )

Also, we are working up to an adventure plot, probably for next week sometime. The boys want bullets, so we'll give them something to shoot at XD Oh, and bullets to shoot with. And a narrative post for an idea once I've lined up all my ducks.

So right. Any questions or need for clarification, go ahead and hit me up and I'll attempt to clarify. You're probably not the only one with your question so be brave and ask.

Jun. 28th, 2010


Plot! And instructions

Starting Thursday and running until Friday at midnight, all the TVs in the hotel (including the ones in the lobby), will only play children's shows (like, Barney, Teletubbies, Sesame Street, Reading Rainbow, Blues Clues, and ... whatever UK equivalents there are). The video game systems will not work, either. The DVD players have mysteriously gone missing.

The computers/limited internet sites are still working though, and there are plenty of books.

Also on Friday, every character will have a lottery ticket on their bedside table. They look like this, more or less, but with only 4 numbers. Everyone's ticket (except the four drawn for the experiment) have standard instructions on the back: to claim your prize, mail this ticket to, or come to blah blah office that doesn't really exist.

The four who "won" will have instructions to meet on the 10th floor in front of room 1006 at noon on Saturday. If your pup isn't going to come play, let me know so we don't hang up the thread waiting on you ;)

If you have questions (ever, about anything) hit me up.

edit for clarity

The TVs are not constantly playing. They can be turned on and off. But when they are turned on, they only play those types of shows.

November 2010




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