November 4th, 2010

[info]in_darkness in [info]indarkness_ooc

Plot (11-8/11-12)

First, make sure you guys have read (and responded to) this. There are a lot of you who haven't signed in one way or the other, and I'd like some response before the end of the weekend, either way, so I can make appropriate edits.

Second, plot!

Sunday night/Monday morning in the dark hours, all of the food will be removed from the hotel and the stores. Any characters stashing food in their room will be drugged to sleep and have the food removed from their room. There will be plenty of bottled water, some basic cooking elements (oil and flour, salt and spices, things like that). There will be a note on the fridge Monday morning that says "Happy Hunting!" complete with a yellow smiley-face sticker.

Wednesday morning, a boat will arrive at the island to "rescue" them. The crew will be people they've never seen before, so it's nothing so glaringly obvious as the minions and Heads who post on the network. The crew of the boat will claim to be a rival company who broke off from the current set of experimenters a decade ago and ever since have been trying to rescue the current lot of experiments. So they'll possess the technology to send people home from the point of abduction, memories intact (or not, as the people so choose), or to send people to other realities besides their own (like, Jaime's totally going to Firefly-verse XD)

Thursday, people will be home. Any back-to-canon/return home posts you want to play out, you can stick in the alt-comm. You can even start them preemptively and just fore-date them to Thursday, so they're done by Friday.

Friday, the characters remaining for v2 will wake up in their assigned rooms. Most of them are the same, but some who lost their suitemates are now in singles, and we had a pair suite up. From Friday and beyond, all posts should go in the ED comms, and not the ID ones.

All right. Hopefully this makes sense with my early-morning coherence. If not, questions for clarity, throw them at me.

November 2010



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