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Oct. 31st, 2010


Zomg, new pups

I am hasing muses today :)

This is Felicity Potter. She's from 2049, the offspring of AlSev and Marcus Flint's daughter. >:D

She has an actual bio because I played her in another game prior to this one, so you can read aaaaaaaallll about her.

::shifty eyes:: 'kay bye.

Oct. 18th, 2010


A Drop and a New Game

So, twitter was busy today XD

For those who didn't see/follow/think they were invited, we've got a side-project. We had one, but I lost the drive for it, so we're revamping another game. It's secondary to ID, just a laid back place where the characters don't have to be repressed and you can play the kids there that you can't/don't want to play here 'cause of power restrictions.

The journal's [info]two_by_two and it's fully updated. Anyone in ID who wants to play is welcome to sign in (first entry) without apping. It doesn't have to be your ID character, either.

I'd like to emphasize the key feature: side project. This isn't an ID replacement, and it's meant to be maintained at a slower pace. It's pretty much for people who want a bajillion characters but can't maintain activity levels in ID with all bajillion of them.

And the aforementioned drop: I'm dropping Swan [info]planted_it from my list. She's been the hardest to maintain a muse for, and after the move, the reason I brought her in is pretty much nixed.

So people are welcome to notice her missing tonight.

Oct. 17th, 2010


A decision was made ...

So, finally settled on which version of my Juliet. Going with the OC mutant rather than the HP OC werewolf version XD

She has the ability to manipulate light. Mostly just small things like making prisms, brightening/dimming stuff, bending light rays and things like that. She's working on bending light around herself to make herself invisible, but that's going to be difficult when they keep crippling her powers. XD

::nods:; so yes, open to play, always.

Oct. 16th, 2010


Kicking and Screaming

Right. More swapping. XD

So, apparently Mandy was simply appalled at my handling of River, and she rushed right in to snatch her back up. I'll have you know, that was the grand plan to begin with. ::big wink:: No, for real, I'm just that good at luring and enabling.

River is now back on [info]lilalbatross and back in Mandy's hands. Lizzy [info]prittyprincess is joining her in a grand return.

With the return of River is the mysterious return of Kyle Trager on [info]not_an_alien, because I'm a tool. What? I am.

Things should be mostly updated. Or completely updated.

For the time being, Nate's still hanging on to Balthazar and Mal, but we'll keep you posted if that changes. You know. If you don't see it on twitter first. 'cause ... well. I think most everyone saw this coming, right? XD

Oct. 15th, 2010


More Swappage

Hello, hello!

Sadly, my venture to disney resulted in only one and a half riddles. :;amused:: so we might have some picture matching or something for the lottery. We also opted to shift the bear attack to thursday and the move to thursday midnight, giving the wolves a broader window so they don't panic.

Which isn't at all the point of this.

Nate's going to be picking up Mal on [info]to_the_black, and I'm going to be picking up River on [info]their_witch. Both of these are being picked up with a surrender clause; if Mandy returns and wants them back, they'll revert to her. 'cause she Rivers better than I do.

We are also dropping the Fisher kids.

I also may be bringing in two other OCs, but haven't fully decided yet. I have two versions of Juliet and I'm not sure which I want to play here. I ... still have to see who all in my current lists needs threads and get on that first >:D

Oct. 14th, 2010


Character Swappage

So while we were out to lunch, Nate and I were chatting, and he has opted to pick up Landon because of the if-then scenario and my dumb personal PB rule. If I end up picking Kyle back up, I'd have two Matt Dallas PBs, and I just can't do that. Besides, it's more fun for me if I'm not playing both Lan and Tris. >:D

So the change will be made on the who plays list. He's just going to swipe my journal, so no other changes there.

Oct. 10th, 2010


New pup, old face

So, as Tristan was whining about missing Lan (see how their usernames make sense now?), it occurred to me that since i dropped Kyle I could have Lan without violating my personal PB rule. (I'm inherently lazy, and ... I tend to use the same icon set over and over and over, and I feel weird with two characters with the same icons, but not weird enough to not be lazy, so I don't play Lan and Kyle or Brenna and Jaime or Ashley L/W and Ashley K in the same game at the same time).

Also, Nate has officially opted to pick up Balthazar, so yay on that. The rest of Mandy's kids will be missing tomorrow morning. Including Mal. So yes, Jaime's going to flip her shit. And it'll be funny to me.

I also may or may not be picking up River. I will decide this after I am home.

So right, this is Landon. Future-gen HP OC, a year below Tristan. Ravenclaw, Quidditch, the voice of reason in Tris' world. Always up for play and plottastic awesomeness.

Sep. 30th, 2010


Oh right

New character. ::shifty eyes:: she's the vet I was toying with like, two weeks ago or last week or something. She finally managed to tell me about herself.

yay, someone play with me!

Sep. 25th, 2010


So, remember when I said ...

that I am my muses' bitch? Yeah.

I has a Katrina. ::points:: from Sleepy Hollow. she was all "whine whine whine I want to come be kidnapped too" and i told her i had enough pups and she pouted and ... i'm pretty sure she chased off Chase to make a spot for herself? I don't know. But anyway, here she is. ta-da!

Sep. 21st, 2010


Patronus reference list

so, there was method to the madness of posting the schedule. For people looking out windows and seeing patronuses, there's now time-frames for what patronuses will be out.

for reference, these are the patronuses attached to each character:

Sirius - dog (big shaggy dog)
James - stag
Lily E - doe
Balthazar - eagle
Harry - stag
Remus - crow
Hugo - hedgehog
Tristan - werewolf
Lily L - monkey
Dave - depends on who casts, so monkey while he's with Lily Lu
Severus - doe
Magius - shield

Sep. 14th, 2010


Because I am my muses' bitch ..

So, she came about I think when we were discussing Wash. She sort of dropped into my head and started telling me her story, and then that was followed up by a demand to app.

Well, since I already had her story ... I figured why not?

This is Lucinda "Lucky" Washburne, future child of Zoe and Hoban Washburne of Firefly fame. Since she actually does have a canon reference (in the comics, as a pregnancy XD ) I'm counting her as a canon character. A technical canon (like the J. Dornys and S. Cappers of Harry Potter fandom), but a canon all the same.


She may or may not show up tonight. I ... need to throw out a Dora post at some point before all the hours of the night flee.

Sep. 11th, 2010


XD Kit Pics

can be found here for those interested.

Sep. 9th, 2010



Mostly irrelevant post is mostly irrelevant, but ...

I am going to Vegas tomorrow. So, straight from work to Nevada, and Saturday ... I AM GOING TO GET FERRETS. I even called ahead, and the kits are 8-9 weeks old, so they are at their fluffiest and cutest. I am very excite.

That said, it shouldn't affect my participation in the game much. I'll pop up the activity check sign-in post tomorrow morning before work, and the worst that happens is ... you have to wait for it to be updated after you've signed in =P Tags may be slower, but i'll have the BB in the car and the laptop at the hotel, so I'll totally be available by e-mail if anything comes up that demands my immediate attention for the ... like ... twenty-four hours i won't have access to a desktop. I can't imagine anything will, but ... if it does.

I also have the plot laid out for the next ... six weeks? Four weeks? But it's hinging on Mandy's approval because I think there were a couple of if/then things in there. We are incorporating the move at some point, possibly directly after the next lottery; the lottery plot will possibly result in some hardcore destruction of property. Oh yes. They are amping things up a bit. XD

So yay! I will totally picspam once we get the kits home.

Sep. 4th, 2010


So ... there was some enabling going on last night

i was enabled into a Sirius. Mandy was enabled into a James. The enabler was then enabled into holding a Wash.

... we need to stop having chats with enablers.

That said, per the current rules, we have capped out HP as far as fandom allowances go.

On the heels of that though, I'd like to pose to you if you (all of you) if you think we need caps? We have a decent spread of fandoms, and if no one feels that one's dominating, should we eliminate capping them until/unless it becomes an issue? The rule was put in place so the game didn't become a "panfan" that was majority one-or-two fandom centric, because I know those are kind of off-putting, especially when it gets to the point people are only playing within their fandom.

But what do you guys think?

Sep. 1st, 2010


la la la

so, IJ is doing the notif!fail thing again (ironic, isn't it?! I was all, "no no, I'm tracking, no need to tell me about new posts" and IJ was all like "bwahahahahaha. no notifs for you!!!!" )

So yeah, that said, kind of keep an eye on group threads, anything you're tracking, and check the comms once in a while 'til IJ straightens out. Hopefully soon, but ... hey.

Oh, and for those aware of the Goblin situation who aren't on Twitter ...

He made it back from the vets alive!! This is the first one who has since the middle of August. He does have some ulcers though, so we're treating those with meds for a month, and he's going back in for another ultrasound in a month to see how he's doing post-treatment, and we'll go from there. But yay, it's not a tumor and doesn't require surgery. Maybe the month of hell is officially over now. We can hope, right? Right?!

with any luck, this really is the end of ferret trauma, and I can get back to being properly creative. I have not been posting enough and it saddens me.

Though on that note, is bed time. So. Goodnight. XD

Aug. 30th, 2010


For me to know ... and you to wonder

So, since I'm seriously curious and I've never actually seen it done before ... you guys using strikeouts in voice posts? How're we supposed to be handling those? I know how they're handled in text (deleted words), but in voice posts? Are they thoughts or something? Because you can't. Delete spoken words.


Oh no ... not another one again

As you may have picked up from comments in Nate's intro ... I am bringing in LilyLu. Or, Lily Luna Potter.

... yeah, i think that's about it. except for the part where i'm a big fat liar and should know better than to say "and this is my last character". XD because it never, ever is.


magic thread

So, you guys in the magic thread want to kind of do a summary so we know how our kids stand as far as injuries and whatever, in case it takes us a week to finish the thread? XD

I personally don't expect any accidental injuries for my two, because IF the magic was conflicting (and I can go either way on this) Lily would have made them stop.

Someone seems to think that some other character's wand might slip though and cause her pup some injury. Ahem.

Also, I will get to tags later. Mail was late and we have a lot of it so I'm ... Um. Working? Is that what they call it? Right now.

So yeah. Discussions and "if-then" scenarios are encouraged here :)

Aug. 28th, 2010


Oh god not another one!

i'm only doing this because i'm procrastinating grocery shopping. Trufax.

Anyway, this is Tristan. He is my Harry Potter-verse future-gen werewolf. He looks like Reid. Yes, he does. I anticipate him confusing the hell out of several people, and there being much lulz, because he will totally play it up as well as he can. that's just how he rolls. He is also very very gay and not at all shy about announcing that fact. In fact, his first network post will probably be a TMI of his life until now.

um. He will want to continue working on his wolfsbane potion; he's still in the process of learning to make it 'cause it is complicated, and even as awesome as he is, he wasn't born with a steady hand and a knack for potions (i just didn't know 'til we played out the making of it that it was the stirring that was screwing him over. ::amused;: )

Tris wasn't bitten; he was born infected. no, seriously, I can explain this. His mom was 8 months pregnant when she was bitten, so he was born before her first shift, and since her blood was infected, he was born infected as well.

Tris is fun. He's one of my favorite kids. ::nods::

So, I look forward to playing with everyone. you know. More than I already do play with you. (I swear, after grocery shopping, I'm flooding the hell out of the logs comm with open posts. ::nodnods:: since we all need at least one for activity checks. XD )

and theoretically, I'm done with adding characters. ::shifty eyes:: for a little while.


new pup

so, first, notifs are lagging. Not much right now, maybe 5 minutes or so, but it may well be a precursor to notif!fail. If you are in a group thread/tracking something, just make sure you check back every once in a while to see if it's your turn to go.

(as an aside, I just want to commend everyone in the Magical Meeting thread for doing a really great job of keeping posting order and knowing who to skip ;) i was really impressed with the fact we actually got it wrapped up, and we seem to be developing a track record for completing group posts. I'm really, really thrilled by this. You have no idea. I look forward to a repeat of it in the new magic thread ;) ).

That said, I am here with a new character. This is Corey-not-Becky whose bio probably still needs some tweaking. She is Covenant-canon based, but has not actually been to Ipswich yet, so she doesn't know any of the witches in-game. She is, however, familiar with that type of witch. Her father was a hardcore witch hunter, so she and her brother Roland were raised in that way. Corey's heart's not really in it though, and she has a more live and let live philosophy regarding witches. (though she'll probably still take issue with Chase, because, c'mon. Who doesn't take issue with Chase?)

She comes equipped with a wrist sheath and throwing blades (only three) and a knowledge of how to use guns, though she doesn't have any of her own.

So yeah. As always, I am up for organic lines though if you had any specific plots you wanted her for, I'd be willing to listen. :)

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November 2010




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