Sep. 2nd, 2010


Hi all! Some of you I already know from other games but to those I don't. I'm Briege, I'm 28 and from Ireland aka, crazy GMT land of crazy times. I've been panfandoming for quite a while and got MJ enabled into joining with these two. She does that. Its nefarious. Anyway I join with two of my usual mainstays :)

Anyway :D To join the fun I bring two new characters, the first being Ruby of Supernatural fame. She's from Season 4 finale just a few seconds before Dean gets stabby at her with her own knife. He's just broken into the room when she vanishes :) She will arrive very very proud of making the apocolypse and very confused when she finds out it was apparently a bad thing.

Joining her is Jacen Solo from the Expanded Universe of Star Wars. [info]jeditraitor Jacen is the eldest son of Han and Leia Solo. A Jedi turned Sith and many many kinds of deluded. He essentially made the same mistakes as his grandfather while telling himself he wouldn't make the same mistakes as his grandfather. One of his less than smart moves but in his defence he was pretty much lead to it by his two teachers, both of whom felt he needed to be Sith so he could shape the galaxy. He's been disowned by everyone that's ever loved him and died at the hands of him twin sister. It's been a bad year all in all for the boy. His history as well as a list of the horrible horrible things he's done over the years lives in his journal.

Both are available for plot and I look forward to getting into the game. I can be contacted by email at or on AIM at lonestarclaire


November 2010



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