Aug. 11th, 2010


Lottery Time!!

Okay. Now that we seem to have a steady-ish flow of play, we'll go ahead and run a lottery. The last one kind of flopped because RL chewed on everyone at the same time. Which is neither here nor there but made me sad all the same.

Since I don't think anyone here now was here for the first one, we'll run down the basics.
Sparin' the f-page )

Also, we are working up to an adventure plot, probably for next week sometime. The boys want bullets, so we'll give them something to shoot at XD Oh, and bullets to shoot with. And a narrative post for an idea once I've lined up all my ducks.

So right. Any questions or need for clarification, go ahead and hit me up and I'll attempt to clarify. You're probably not the only one with your question so be brave and ask.

Jun. 28th, 2010


Plot! And instructions

Starting Thursday and running until Friday at midnight, all the TVs in the hotel (including the ones in the lobby), will only play children's shows (like, Barney, Teletubbies, Sesame Street, Reading Rainbow, Blues Clues, and ... whatever UK equivalents there are). The video game systems will not work, either. The DVD players have mysteriously gone missing.

The computers/limited internet sites are still working though, and there are plenty of books.

Also on Friday, every character will have a lottery ticket on their bedside table. They look like this, more or less, but with only 4 numbers. Everyone's ticket (except the four drawn for the experiment) have standard instructions on the back: to claim your prize, mail this ticket to, or come to blah blah office that doesn't really exist.

The four who "won" will have instructions to meet on the 10th floor in front of room 1006 at noon on Saturday. If your pup isn't going to come play, let me know so we don't hang up the thread waiting on you ;)

If you have questions (ever, about anything) hit me up.

edit for clarity

The TVs are not constantly playing. They can be turned on and off. But when they are turned on, they only play those types of shows.

Jun. 23rd, 2010


Next Week's Plot

This is how Halo deals with her infinite impatience. We plan ahead.

I would also like to take a moment to remind everyone that the people are really chosen at random by dice rolls, and I legitimately have no control over this. I just tell Nate to give me names, and he does.

To spare your f-page )
Last, but not least, we will have our first numbered experiment the weekend following the dream-experiment (so, July 3-4). The following characters have been selected for that; numbers will be posted IC closer to the date, and please remember, no one who isn't present at the experiment will have any idea who was there, unless someone at the experiment shares.
To make a second cut )

Not gonna lie. I died a little bit when I saw that grouping.

If you have questions/concerns, or know for sure you won't be around that weekend and your character would attend, drop us a line and we'll work something out.

Jun. 14th, 2010



First, there aren't any rats. Just the sounds. I clarified in a tweet, but we're not all on my public twitter.

Also, Jaime and Cheshire's numbers were rolled, but they're sharing rooms, so yes, Dug and Lizzy are subjected to wall-noises as well.

The numbers around town are as follows:
Numbers )

And that is the escape sequence. Not that they know that yet XD

Feel free to have your characters encounter the numbers in posts in those areas, or reference the on the network or reference having seen them in narrative if Chase - I mean, your character - isn't going to share XD

November 2010




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