August 24th, 2010

[info]aim_with_my_eye in [info]indarkness_ooc

Apologies (or, a little TMI)

So right. Those of you nosing through the OOC probably saw that one of my ferrets was having trouble. We did end up taking him to the vets, and had to go to three different vets (you can see a timeline here; feel free to follow me if you have a twitter. XD ). We didn't get home 'til 1:30, and then we had to be up by 7:30 to go pick him up to bring him to his other vet. I'm kind of stressed out of my mind right now. Nim's at his vets right now, on fluids and with a catheter. they'll be doing an ultrasound to figure out what the mass is (so everyone pray it's a liver lobe they can chop off and not an adrenal tumor they can't operate on), and we'll go from there. the vet gave us a 50/50 shot at a survivable prognosis so we're preparing for the worst but hoping for the best. I'm starting to feel like I'm someone's badly written Mary Sue.

That said, my apologies for neglecting tags and doing them out of order (network tags were easier to do on a blackberry last night while killing time in waiting rooms). I have a backlog of them (like. 14 mails or something. i'm not sure how many are relevant), one app to tend to, and a post to get up. I apologize in advance if I'm excessively cranky to anyone. I am aiming for a nap later, and hopefully that'll help :)

Thanks, guys :)

[info]merrickmayfair in [info]indarkness_ooc


Hey everybody, I'm Tim a newbie to the game. And I brought you Merrick Mayfair form the Vampire Chronicles. For those of you that know the book and the character she's been plucked from right before she was made a vampire, so for the purposes of this game she is still human. For those of you that don't know much about her, she is a member of the Telemasca, and orgainization dedicated to the study of the paranormal, and also a powerful voodoo witch. She's pretty cool and easy to get along with so I can't wait to get her mingling with everybody. If anyone wants a thread with her just let me know. Catch you all later.

[info]in_darkness in [info]indarkness_ooc

Conversation Snippets

Before I forget again ... since I was interrupted when I started this last night.

Right, so, we seemed to have a fairly positive response to the broadcasting of conversations at random on the network. I enjoy this idea. It will bring out the awkward, the embarrassing, the paranoia, and whatnot.

Only conversations taking place inside the hotel (including the roof) will be posted in the network. So if your scene is taking place in the mall, or outside, or in one of the stores, the conversation can't be used.

Conversations from a character's canon can also be used; they do like recording actual events, after all.

While this part will mostly only apply to me and Mandy, anyone else with multiple characters is welcome to do the same: if you want conversations between two of your own characters to be posted, just type it up and toss it into the drop box, and if and when Matt is inclined, he'll toss it onto the network.

This is going to be an ongoing thing, not simply a "plot week" thing. There will likely be more of them on no-plot weeks, but they will be worked into the network sporadically and randomly.

Not all conversations will be used, but the more revealing/embarrassing the conversation is, or the more mental damage it's likely to inflict on the participants, the more likely it is to be posted.

While we will be prowling logs to dig out useful snippets, we are encouraging people who want to participate to drop the relevant snippets into the drop box. Right now, there's no specific formatting, but do make sure to make a distinction between which characters are speaking. Please do not include narrative, and only include actions if they made a sound. For example, laughter, tapping something on a table, snorting, scoffing, sneezing, dropping something, etc. And since the posts will be put up in the network, it would be preferred if you bracketed the sound to distinguish it.

So an example conversation would be:

Bob I like pie.
Bill [laughter] Where the hell did that come from? That's a cookie!

Only, you know, more revealing and significant. XD

If you have questions, comment here, but ... um. Try to keep the comments relevant on this post, since I'm linking to it in the drop box so new people have an idea of what we mean with "conversation snippets" and new people can play too.

Thanks guys!


As of 8/27, we have introduced the possibility of spliced conversations. Things your character has said, taken out of context or merged with someone else's conversation, perhaps even someone your character has never spoken to.

All spliced conversations (actual canon or game canon) should be run by the players of the characters involved to make sure everyone's really fine with it before it is submitted.

[info]in_darkness in [info]indarkness_ooc

Plot (8/30 - 9/5)

All righty.

So after lengthy discussion of our options (our options keep growing. It is awesome when you guys suggest plots. you should do it often ::hynotizes:: ), we've decided to go ahead and go with the Adult Program Week.

For those unfamiliar with this plot, it is fairly simple.

Normally, the TVs (in room and in lobby area) are able to access a wide range of channels, from cartoons and family programming to HBO and Starz type movies.

However, starting Monday, August 30th, all the TVs will only play shows rated adult. This includes everything from pornography to extremely violent horror films to things like South Park, loaded with swears and adult humor.

As an added bonus, the captors have also included videos of events from the characters' home canons. I would like to point out here that they also may have staged things as well. (why yes, I am playing the cover-my-ass card for a bit of canon twist we're setting up). These events can be sexual, or violent, or simply laden with swears. So you're welcome to torment your kid by having them stumble across them doing something, or their SO/bff/whatever doing something that fits the theme of the week. Like cheating on them, or killing their mother, or ... you know. Whatever we want to play with for triggers.

Since not everyone's going to want to read graphic stuff that might squick them, please, please, please remember to list any potential triggers in your headers if you're doing these as logs. This includes anything from underage stuff, rape, extreme violence, excessive swearing, or extreme kinks. Kind of ... use your judgement on it.

If you don't plan on describing things in a thread, but would like something your character has participated in to be part of the viewing line up, go ahead and comment here with an idea of what would be shown on the TV in case anyone wants to stumble across it and recognize your character in it. So make sure you guys check the comments now and again to see if there's anything your kid wants to see. or ... you want your kid to see to freak 'em out. XD

As always, hit me with questions if you have 'em. The odds are good if you have a question, I have not been clear and someone else shares your question.

November 2010



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