August 23rd, 2010

[info]in_darkness in [info]indarkness_ooc

A few changes

All right.

First, we've eliminated the "duplicate PBs are discouraged" rule that was on the holds page. I'm honestly not sure why it was up there to begin with, because both Mandy and I are fans of mistaken identity.

That said, if you really and truly object to one or more of your PBs being reused, do let me know and we'll write up a restricted doubles list. We've done that before, and I certainly respect the wishes of people who don't enjoy the mistaken identity game, and would rather be the only person with that PB in game.

Second, we've officially and permanently converted room 216 into the infirmary. It's on the cast list and everything. XD

and this is more a question than an update, but since I've got your attention (I have your attention, right?), we're tossing around a few ideas for next week's plot.

But before we decide anything, my question is: Remember how we had an "all kids show" week (...actually, most of you active folk might not have been around for that ... )? Would it rub any of you players (not characters) the wrong way if we ran an "all adults show" week? Not necessarily all pr0n all the time, but ... pr0n, violent shows, and shows with lots of swears (South Park comes to mind ...), and generally things not appropriate for minors and would offend the sensibilities of the more old-fashioned characters?

So right, you know the drill. Comment with your questions or comments and we'll let it devolve into chatting XD


Something that came up a while ago but we never carried through with due to lack of response at the time. But! We were going to have the Heads randomly broadcasting conversations they'd recorded that had taken place in the hotel between the characters. Generally things that the characters wouldn't want people than the ones they were speaking to to hear, personal revelations, difficult topics or things about their life back home.

Does this sound remotely appealing to anyone?

November 2010



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