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Dec. 14th, 2011


Group Thread 2: Madison Square Garden

WHO: Open to All
WHAT: Holiday party at Madison Square.
WHERE: Madison Square
WHEN: Forward dated to Friday, December 16th, 2018
STATUS: Open, in progress.

The mood was set for a well-needed holiday celebration. )


Group Thread 1: Liberty Island

WHO: Open to All
WHAT: Constructing the Liberty Island greenhouses.
WHERE: Liberty Island, the plain outside the Statue of Liberty.
WHEN: Backdated to Tuesday, December 13th, 2018.
STATUS: Open, in progress.

Rae Alghren had said, rain or shine, that this would happen. )

Dec. 11th, 2011


Who: Cassie and Noah.
What: Accidental vid chatting.
When: Backdated a bit to 12/7, evening.
Where: Federal Hall and Grand Central respectively.
Rating: TBD.
Status: In progress.

A voyeur into the interpersonal relationships that had begun since the intranet went up. )

Dec. 10th, 2011


WHO: Leah & Evan
WHEN: December 09, 2018; afternoon-ish (backdated)
WHERE: Americana Inn, top floor. (Map)
WHAT: The yearly emotional breakdown. Nothing to be concerned about.
HOW: High rating. Probs a lot of swearing.
STATUS: In progress.

December had a vicious way of treating Leah... )


Who: George & OPEN.
What: George needs her butt saved.
When: 12/9, midday.
Where: Some alleyway a ways away from Grand Central.
Rating: TBD.
Status: In progress.

Sure she could read a book but she wanted to move. )

Dec. 9th, 2011


WHO: David and Sarah
WHAT: First real solo interactions.
WHERE: Liberty Island, of course.
WHEN: 12/09, afternoon.
RATING: TBD/medium for language?
STATUS: In progress.

His thumb trailed along the screen, smiling as the screen tugged to the left side. )


Who: Kori and Eli (& Rae later?)
What: Patching up the cut on Kori's thigh.
When: Backdated a little to 12/7, after the boats dock at Liberty Island.
Where: Liberty Island.
Rating: TBD.
Status: In progress?

...she really didn't want to get anyone killed because she was klutz. )

Dec. 8th, 2011


WHO: Eloise & Evan.
WHAT: MORE gifts.
WHERE: Grand Central
WHEN: 8th of December -- noonish.
STATUS: Complete.

Ellie was still in a good mood. )


Who: Lisbeth & Open to anyone
What: Cleaning
Where: Federal Hall, main hall.
When: December 8th, morning
Rating: TBC
Status: In progress

The devil makes work for idle hands... )

Dec. 7th, 2011


WHO: Elliot and Kris
WHAT: The gift of knowledge (aka an underwater camera). Oh, and blowing things up.
WHEN: Backdated to yesterday (12/06) because I derped it up.
WHERE: Grand Central Station, then Lenox Hill Hospital.
RATING: Medium for epic explosions and stuff.
STATUS: Complete

There was something to be said for the ability to make something out of absolutely nothing, and give that something the ability to help the world. Or entertain it, at least. )

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