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Dec. 25th, 2011


WHO: Remy and Mike
WHAT: Going on a raid FOR THE CHILDREN!
WHERE: A nearby mall
WHEN: Backdated to Thursday, December 23rd
STATUS: In progress

Do it for the children. )

Dec. 24th, 2011


WHO: Kate & Brennan
WHAT: It's Christmas Eve and Kate has a surprise for Brennan
WHERE: Library; The Periodicals Room (aka Brennan's room)
WHEN: 12-24-18; Christmas Eve
STATUS: Inactive

I oughtta say no, no, no (You mind if I move in closer)
At least I'm gonna say that I tried (And what's the sense in hurting my pride)
I really can't stay (Oh baby, don't hold out)

Oh, but it's cold outside )


Who: Cassie and Noah.
What: Face to face meeting.
When: Christmas, morning-ish.
Where: Federal Hall.
Rating: Sugary sweet.
Status: Placeholder.

She was a little nervous. )


WHO: Sarah and Kori
WHAT: Some cousin-ly advice and delivery of a Christmas gift
WHERE: Madison Square Garden
WHEN: Saturday, December 24th
RATING: Low-ish. Probable cursing.
STATUS: In progress

So, you haven't slapped him yet? )

Dec. 19th, 2011


WHO: George and Kris
WHAT: Super sleuthing, on George's part anyway. Obliviousness on Kris' part.
WHERE: Kris' little techie heaven corner of Grand Central.
WHEN: 12/19/18, afternoon.
RATING: TBD, but not high, for sure.
STATUS: In progress.

Kris was relatively certain that he'd never forget the facial expressions the guards gave him when he halted them and asked them to add a three-foot-by-four-foot-by-two-foot machine to their load. )

Dec. 18th, 2011


Who: Brennan and Kate.
What: Brennan's scheduled patrol gets interrupted again.
When: 18 Dec. 2018, evening.
Where: NY Public Library, 2nd Floor.
Rating: TBD.
Status: In progress.

Brennan rolled his shoulder in the socket, still waiting for the wound there to stop healing and just become scar tissue like the rest of his bite marks. )


Who: Brennan and Ellie.
What: Scheduled patrol and awkward bonding.
When: Backdated to 12/17, evening.
Where: NY Public Library, 2nd Floor.
Rating: G.
Status: Complete.

Brennan had posted his schedule for the Library on the door to the periodicals room... )

Dec. 15th, 2011


Who: George and Noah.
What: Meeting Mr. Ellipsis’ brother.
When: 12/15, early evening.
Where: Grand Central.
Rating: Low, expect some teasing I imagine.
Status: Complete.

It had been four days since her little excursion outside. )


WHO: Mike & Brennan
WHAT: Mike attempts to cheer himself up by harassing someone else.
WHERE: Public Library
WHEN: Forward dated -- December 17th
STATUS: In progresss

Michael was still reeling. )


WHO: Brandon and Leah
WHAT: Raiding Christmas things. A bittersweet moment for sure.
WHERE: Manhattan Mall.
WHEN: 12/15/18, afternoon.
RATING: TBD/medium for cursing?
STATUS: In progress.

He'd always loved his family and spending the time picking out things that he knew they'd love had always made him happy. )

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