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Sep. 2nd, 2012


WHO: La Famille Marchand
WHAT: George and Evan bring cake.
WHEN: September 2nd
WHERE: Dany's room
RATING: F for Family
STATUS: Placeholder for now.

Read more... )

Aug. 29th, 2012


WHO: Leah and Evan
WHAT: A surprise... gone bad.
WHERE: The wall between guard towers 4 and 5.
WHEN: 08/29, evening.
RATING: Medium for language-ness?

Can't let you go.
You're part of my soul,
You're all that I know... )

Aug. 22nd, 2012


WHO: Evan and Leah
WHAT: Evan's stressed, but he comes home to a surprise date with Leah!
WHERE: The roof of the administrative building.
WHEN: 08/23, evening :: forward-dated
RATING: Medium, maybe?

We'll find ways to fill the empty,
far from all the hysteria;
I don't care if we suddenly find ourselves in Siberia... )

Aug. 16th, 2012


WHO: Evan and Leah
WHAT: Apologies, hugs and worrying.
WHERE: The roof. Because they can't really talk privately in Evan's room.
WHEN: August 17th, 2019, morning
RATING: Medium.

It's a disaster.
It's an incredible mess,
but it's all we've got now... )

Aug. 6th, 2012



WHO: Open to All
WHEN: August 6th, all day
WHERE: The three designated places on the Sing Sing grounds.
WHAT: Interviews.
RATING: Medium.

★ ★ ★ )

Aug. 2nd, 2012


WHO: George and Evan.
WHAT: Siblings being siblings. I don’t know she has The Game of Life anything can happen.
WHEN: August 2, evening.
WHERE: Evan’s cozy apartment.
RATING: Medium?
STATUS: In progress.

Let's play a game )


WHO: Evan, Leah and Marigold (NPC)
WHAT: Art lessons, obviously.
WHERE: Evan's apartment-room-thing.
WHEN: 08/02/19, early afternoon.
RATING: Low, because children.

I love your everything.
You wear the day around you,
like it's yours to stay around you... )

Jul. 25th, 2012


WHO: Evan and Leah
WHAT: Evan's having flashbackiness of killing his bro. :\ He needs his lady.
WHERE: The administrative building, Evan's room.
WHEN: July 25th, 2019, 2 a.m.

We'll face the winds,
and break the strongest of trees.
And beckon for the sweet, soft, summer breeze... )



{ooc: JUST REALIZED that I posted this in the wrong place. ALL OF THE FACEPALMS, WTF, SELF.}

Leah )
Tags: ,

Jul. 20th, 2012


WHO: Elliot, Rae, David, Evan, and Leah
WHEN: July 22, 2019 (late night) — July 23, 2019 (wee hours of the morning) [forward-dated]
WHERE: Quarantine
WHAT: Elliot Zimmerman dies from the infection. The people he loves most (...minus Leah XD) say their goodbyes.
RATING: High for character death.

★ ★ ★ )

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