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Dec. 23rd, 2012



Read more... )


WHO: Evan and Leah
WHAT: A fight over Leah's refusal to calm down.
WHEN: 12/23, afternoon
WHERE: Their place
RATING: Language-medium, most likely

It was nice to think that little things like this had the chance to become tradition now, and he already had dozens of ideas in mind. )

Dec. 2nd, 2012


WHO: Leah and Evan
WHAT: Ultrasound time.
WHERE: The infirmary.
WHEN: 12/02/19, morning
RATING: Low, maybe medium.
CHALLENGE: Childhood memory

Besides, it was something that he wanted to share with her, and her alone. At least until they started going public about the whole thing. )

Nov. 13th, 2012


WHO: Leah and Evan
WHEN: November 13, 2019; mid-afternoon
WHERE: Their place.
WHAT: Finally having a rational conversation.
RATING: Probably low, because sleeping kidlets are present.

★ ★ ★ )

Nov. 9th, 2012


WHO: Leah and Evan
WHEN: November 10, 2019; morning
WHERE: Infirmary waiting area
WHAT: Chatting before meeting the godson.
RATING: Medium, maybe.

★ ★ ★ )

Nov. 6th, 2012


WHO: Evan and Bea
WHERE: Sing Sing, then Ossining
WHEN: November 6, 2019; Morning-ish
WHAT: Looting, and getting away from the Sing Sing chaos for a while.
RATING: Medium-ish

✧✧✧✧ )

Oct. 15th, 2012


WHO: Evan and Leah
WHAT: It's Evan's birthday!
WHERE: Evan and Leah's place.
WHEN: Forward-dated to October 17th, evening.
RATING: Medium, maybe.

♣ ♣ ♣ )

Sep. 30th, 2012


Who: Evan, George, and Leah.
What: The big reveal dinner.
When: Sunday, Sept 30, evening.
Where: Evan and Leah's apartment.
Rating: TBD based on how it goes.

` ` ` ` )

Sep. 19th, 2012


WHO: Leah and Evan
WHEN: September 18, 2019; night [backdated slightly]
WHERE: Their room?
WHAT: Stress over things.
RATING: Medium because words.

★ ★ ★ )

Sep. 7th, 2012


WHO: Evan and Leah
WHAT: Making up is hard to do.
WHERE: The daycare area.
WHEN: While the party's happening. 09/07, night.
RATING Low-medium
PROMPT: Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Trouble is, I can't get her out of my mind
when I close my eyes at night... )

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