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Mar. 19th, 2012


WHO: Luke and George.
WHAT: Luke and George meet without realizing, and... Really don't like eachother.
WHERE: Grand Central.
WHEN: 20th of March, 2019.
STATUS: In progress.
RATING: Medium.

This was a bad idea. )


WHO: Kahea and Bridget and Ellie
WHAT: Kahea is roaming the library
WHERE: NYC Public Library
WHEN: 19 March 2019
STATUS: in progress

I Won't Dance )

Mar. 18th, 2012


WHO: Addie and Cutter
WHAT: Running errands, then drowning in drinks
WHERE: Longacre Hardware to start
WHEN: 18 March 2019
STATUS: in progress

And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back. )


WHO: Bridget and Luke
WHAT: Bridget's woolgathering and feeling sorry for herself, Luke wanders in.
WHERE: NYPL, 3rd floor.
WHEN: 18 March 2019
RATING: TBD, probably low.
STATUS: In progress.

Bridget wondered how she'd managed to get away without discovery for so long )


WHO: Rory, Ellie and Mike.
WHAT: Rory and Ellie are trying to study. Mike interrupts.
WHEN: March 18.
WHERE: The Public Library.
RATING: Medium.
STATUS: In progress.

A sunny day. )

Mar. 17th, 2012


WHO: Mike Rivers, Greg Blair.
WHERE: Out on the streets.
WHEN: March 17th, early morning.
WHAT: Mike finds Greg. Or Greg finds Mike. c:
RATING: Medium.

~*~*~*~*~*~ )

Mar. 15th, 2012



WHERE: The Stones' sleeping place
WHEN: Dinner time, the night of the Bear post.
WHAT: A large platter of fluffy and warm scrambled eggs with enough to share, tucked into a cardboard box, delivered by a runner with a note.

Stone )

Mar. 12th, 2012


WHO: Bridget and Rodeo.
WHAT: Scavenging for fabric.
WHERE: Manhattan, near the intersection of Grand and Allen.
WHEN: March 13th, late morning.
RATING: TBD, probably low.
STATUS: In progress.

Read More )

Mar. 11th, 2012


WHO: Evan and Brandon (will be posted in one comment to save time), Charlie, Rodeo, Leah
WHAT: The Sing Sing invasion.
WHEN: March 15th, 2019
RATING: Medium/high for language and zombie asskickery.
STATUS: In progress.

Sing Sing was much larger than Evan ever could have imagined. )

Mar. 9th, 2012


WHO: Kylie and OPEN (to many if that's okay - I figure she would run into a couple of people while she's there)
WHAT: Kylie finally arrives at a safe house
WHEN: Early March 10th
WHERE: Grand Central
RATING: Medium?
STATUS: In progress

And miles to go before I sleep )

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