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October 2nd, 2013

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

we are here! mwahahaha!

Sorry for the late update, but yes! we are running this thing again this year! WHOOHOOO!

Timeline for 2013:
Sign-ups begin Wednesday, Oct 2.
Sign-ups end at 11 p.m. EST on Thursday, Oct. 10.
Assignments will be sent out by Monday, Oct 14.
Drabbles are due Monday, Oct 28. (That's two weeks.)

Yes, that does say that sign-ups open TODAY as soon as Lore makes the post, so get ready!

Here's to spooky HP action, and tell all your f-list to join in the fun!

-hph mods

[info]hphalloween_mod in [info]hp_halloween

Sign-ups are CLOSED

[info]hp_halloween is open once again! Sign-up between now and October 10! sign-ups are closed for another year.
Sign-ups remain open until a final reply by a mod is made. This usually works in latecomers' favour by a few hours to a day.

Hello, everyone! lore, starduchess, and shadowycat are in the modding mood again this year! Right off the bat, we ask that you please help spread the word that sign-ups are open to your flists and any newsletters or new pockets of HP fandom that you follow. This is a lightning-fast exchange, which means you'll have right at two weeks to write - that's only 100 words a week!

This exchange is for hard-core Halloween drabble lovers out there who are up for an adventure. We take all genres, thus the repeated call for flexibility in the community profile, which you should read. Remember, this is a 200-word drabble exchange that will be posted with reveals on Halloween.

Guidelines for Joining

Sign up by adding a comment to this entry with all questions in the text box below answered.

You're signing up to both request a Halloween-themed drabble and to pledge to write one for someone else. The "Halloween theme" can include the season (fall/harvest), related holidays (example: Samhain, All Saints Day), traditions, etc.

Clearly but concisely state what you would like to receive and what you're willing to give by answering the questions below in your reply. Use the "Any other comments" line for anything you think we didn't cover in the questions. You are only allowed one sign-up comment, as the point of this exchange is to be flexible. If you find your sign-up reply becoming a wall of text, this might not be the exchange for you.

Requests should be both broad and specific, if that makes sense. Giving a choice of pairings or situations is good. For example: SS/HG or DM/HG and a pumpkin = good. Use the full name of a character that isn't considered a "lead" in the HP books. This goes double for Next Gen because of all the repeated names.

One last time, flexibility is key in this exchange. People who choose any as their assignment will be extra loved!

Your reply here should contain the following, copy and pasted into the reply:

Basically, it will help me match to have your wants stated explicitly. I've been confounded in the past! And let me say one more time that ANYs will earn my adoration. ~_^

FYI: If you don't tell me who you've written for before (if you're returning to the exchange), you could end up writing for that person again.

The Rules )

If you have questions, email us at hphmods @ (no spaces). Sign-ups and entries will be mirrored on LJ, so please be sure to only sign up in one place. Thanks, all! I can't wait to see all the writers looking to get their spooky on this year!

love, lore