July 26th, 2008

[info]ardent_malice in [info]haunted_roads

Week Twelve: Monday

When: Night
Where: Towers to start
Who: Dimitri and Justine

Dimitri’s time, as of late, was both spent on family and work. While the others within the family were always busy that did not mean that Dimitri was not aware of where they were or what was going on in their lives. All seemed to make it a point to keep aware. But the distraction of work was a well needed thing for him. The Towers did not give him near enough work often, but the last few weeks were busy with talks of possible expansion of the Towers property. There was a company interested in restoring some of the land to make a park behind the towers. Dimitri, of course, had a bit of mixed feelings on the topic. He knew well the sorts of creatures that lived in the depths below the others and was not…completely convinced a park in this location was a wise choice. However though there were risks he did know that many of the supernaturals in the Towers had children and that likely the werecreatures and fae types would enjoy having some nature a bit closer to home.

So far it had come to a bit of a pause, Dimitri speaking that he’d only agree to the park being put on his land if he was allowed sole rights to it after dark. During the day all were welcomed but it was to close at sundown. For all the humans had to know that simply meant none would be there after dark. But Dimitri’s plan was to allow it to the Tower residents at that time. Especially the weres around the full moon. Perhaps if there was a place close where they could roam there would not be so many…attacks around that time.

Still the talks were nothing but busy work. Something to occupy his time but hardly give him anything truly challenging to deal with. Dimitri was the sort of man that needed a bit more activity. A constant need to be on the move and have his hands in various business deals. He did not enjoy the lazy life or sitting idle. He had no idea how his brother had ever been content to simply mill about the towers doing nothing else with his time. It was for these reasons and more that Dimitri was questioning his place here at the Towers.

All thoughts of business and matters of that sort were pushed aside for tonight. Tonight he had plans to have dinner with Justine. His first thought had been to cook something for them. But really Dimitri could use some time outside of the Tower walls and instead had made reservations for them. Neither of them were exactly picky about food, as neither would likely be eating that much. For Dimitri it was far more about the ambience of a place.

It was still a bit early as Dimitri closed the file he was working on and shut down the computer. Early enough that the light was just beginning to fade from the sky to signal the fall of night. It wasn’t the nearing night that stilled his work but more the simple desire to be done with it. It all became so monotonous. Nothing but repetitive acts over and over again. Words that all blurred together, movements that felt near robotic in nature. Something had need to change. He knew that much.

Until his sister arrived Dimitri retired to the library, picking up a book to read that most humans would consider ancient.

[info]ardent_malice in [info]haunted_roads

Week Twelve: Tuesday

When: Late Night
Where: Restaurant
Who: Dimitri and Ophelia - Narrative

Always Dimitri went into meetings with Ophelia with that calm demeanor that seemed as though it could never be budged. He swallowed down emotions and sought to look upon her and not feel so…swayed. But those intentions always so quickly faded the longer he was around her. She, like no other, knew how to get under his skin. How to wiggle her way past that calm and strike at all the other emotions buried within. In a way he loathed her for that, how quickly she could unravel him. And yet at the same time there was a part of him that loved her still for it. It was in her presence that he felt alive. It was with her that the dullness of the world around him seemed to shed away. Leaving something else so remarkably different in its place.

She did not allow him to hide beneath that work or that indifference. She pointed out the flaws in all he spoke and all reasons he gave. She attacked his reasoning’s as though they mattered not. But the trouble was that they did. That for all the reasons he had to let himself truly be swayed by her, he had just as many reasons to not. To deny her presence and walk away.

Yes he had reasons….and yet none of them seemed enough to curb that ache that formed when she spoke that she would be leaving. He had known the words were coming. He knew by her actions and her tone that this decision had been delayed for some time now…hoping to push him to follow. He knew, but it did not dull the weight of the words. Somehow, however, he managed to keep at bay the depth of the reaction. Giving her so little of what she wanted to see from him. He could not falter, as always with her losing even that slightest bit of ground meant that you would soon fall.

Already she had spoken her goodbye to the only other childe she had that would allow themselves to care. Nothing held her here….save him.

Candlelight from the dinner table flickered as he watched her. )

[info]from_the_depths in [info]haunted_roads

Week Twelve: Saturday

When: Late Night
Where: Hotel
Who: Nikolaos, Dorian, Mikkos, Guards
What: Demons - Nikolaos's Point of View - Narrative

Bright light made him squint as he stared across the room at the other still held captive. Trapped there behind bars that never would have held him if it weren't for the light keeping the shadows at bay. How long had it been now? The days began to blend together. Weeks he knew, weeks with so little change. No words, no orders. He was left in this fucking purgatory for acts he had not committed. If he were going to be damned no matter what he did then why keep to the rules of allowing this one life? Why do any of what he was told to do in coming here? Bitterness had begun to snake its way through his veins, slowly feeding the fuels of fires that already nearly tore him apart.

His entire life meant nothing. All teachings were thrown away. He knew this now, the evidence was too striking for him to deny now. Even his mother had somehow managed to slip away. Crawling back to the depths to lick the boots of the old man too lost in his own fucking head to see anything anymore. He spent years under his tutelage and for what? For this disrespect. Never had he put disgrace upon the family and yet he was left to that fate. Denied entrance back into hell, viciously kept here. Forced to remain. He wore scars upon the flesh of the battles fought in attempt to regain rightful place.

Guards were dead. Blood of kin coated his hands and never did Nikolaos feel satisfaction in their fall. This was not what he had wanted. This was not what he had thought would come to pass. But how obvious it was now that he'd never be enough. That always his fathers shadow would veil him from true sight of ever being considered leader. All the tests were false; an act to convince both that he would take up place next while other plans were made.

Betrayed. Backs turned. He could see it in their eyes. The way they wished to sneer as they looked at him, the way lips twitched in the act to remain blank. Lips were torn from the faces of those that dared to lose that false state of indifference. Eyes ripped from the sockets of any that happened to glare in his direction. Tongues removed from those that had no right to speak to him of honor or respect. For each that fell another remained. The numbers were indication that something was amiss. More now then there had been before; none spoke word to father or son. None answered to their demands or snarls for obedience. Yet they remained here. Watching over the other. Only uttering that he was to be kept from escaping still. Why? That they would not answer. There were no answers to be found through their pain or their deaths. No answers to be found through the others that no longer remained.

Nikolaos would not even be here if it were not for words that answers would be given tonight. He was told that it was his father that called him here. That solution had been reached. He held no hope in such utterances; he had no faith in any sense of what had been returning to him. The family he had come to respect was lost. The work done his entire life mattered not. His worth had been made clear.

Still he showed, taking stance in the shadows and waiting. )