July 17th, 2008

[info]hope_lingers in [info]haunted_roads

Week Twelve: Monday

Who Bastian and Hope/Alyssa
When: Monday Night
Where: The Barking Spider
What: Reunion

Nox had found out a lot. Well, perhaps not a lot, but enough to make Hope wander if her instincts that told her to come here had in fact been correct. There was a girl reported missing, daughter of the owner of this Tavern, fifteen, nearly sixteen, years ago. The hair, the eyes, it all seemed to add up, but how had she, as a teenage runaway, or was she perhaps abducted, able to get all the way across the country to New York? That was the one question she could not answer, well, one of many. But it was time to stop delaying it and see if it were possible that she was, in fact, Alyssa Veniamin.

She had been working up the courage to step inside of this bar since the first day she had arrived in Seattle and had yet to do so before now. But one foot was inside the door, and soon the other followed, and without much reluctance, she was crossing the barroom floor to the actual bar itself, situating herself upon a stool as her eyes glanced around the place for anything that might seem vaguely familiar. There was nothing.

A hand moved up to push long strands of dark hair back out of her face as she slipped off her jacket, the same one she had had on the night that she had watched the woman die. The blood stains had come out easily at the dry cleaners though she now lacked the belt that she needed to keep it closed. Eventually she would track down something else that would work, but that had been the last thing on her mind since she had arrived here.

In her well-tailored, dark-wash jeans, and her deep brown sweater and brown boots with a small heel, she looked more than a little out of place in this bar. But she was here on a mission and she hardly noticed though she couldn't say there wasn't at least a small bit of intent there. That last thing she wanted was to garner any unwanted attention from drunken bystanders. She was a beautiful woman, this she knew, and attention generally came easy if she dressed herself up, but she hoped that dressing down would alleviate this.

The bartender made his way down to her but she didn't look up immediately, eyes instead focused upon the beer menu in her hand. "Let me have a Beck's Dark." She looked up as she spoke. Nothing too heavy for her tonight. Things were potentially going to get heavy enough as it was.
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[info]lex_isa_wreck in [info]haunted_roads

Week Twelve: Tuesday

Who: Alex and Hesper
Where: Nox's apartment
When: Late Night
What: Alex is freaking out about Serena moving and goes to see his BFF but finds his sister instead.

So Serena had dropped a bombshell on him. She had gotten a job offer. She was moving across the country. And he had a feeling that she really didn't care whether he went with her or not. When he made mention of his plans, his obligations here, she said that it didn't change anything about that, her leaving. And then a big fight ensued, he accused her of running off with Kayden, she insisted that she was NOT doing that, and then the fight ended when he took off, slamming doors behind him.

After way too much to drink, he was human after all, he decided to go to the one place where he knew he would find someone to talk to, Nox's apartment. He would have called first, texted, something, but he was really really drunk and he dropped his cellphone in the pisser and now it wasn't working at all. He'd have to go get a new one tomorrow. So on rather unsteady feet, he made his way back to the Towers, narrowly avoiding a spill down the stairs once or twice, and onto the floor where Nox lived. He pounded heavily upon the door.

Now normally, Alex was a good looking guy. He was never entirely clean shaven and he had a tendency to wear his hair a little too long because he never got around to cutting it, and tonight was no exception. Granted, his eyes were a little red and glazed over, but he still looked nice in his tight jeans, his cowboy boots, and his white wife beater, not that he cared, and not that he thought Nox would care how he looked either. All he knew was that the women at the bar hadn't minded his slightly disheveled appearance at all.

Once more, he pounded on the door. "Nox! Open up, man! I gotta talk to you." He hadn't thought about the possibility that he wasn't there, or that he was sleeping. But if no one answered, he'd probably just have himself a seat in the hallway there until someone showed up.
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[info]lucky_trouble in [info]haunted_roads

Week Twelve: Wednesday

When: Night
Where: Bar
Who: Prissy

Another shot bought from a pretty little boy was downed; the sharp burn making Prissy purr before it was all too quickly lost. None of these drinks were nearly strong enough. The human bars were always so tame, so lacking in variety for the supernatural sorts. Of course she could go down underground but the little humans here were just too much fun to play with. Little puppets to tug about all night long till she tired of them. Tonight they were proving rather entertaining.... That probably had a bit to do with the amount of liquor they were consuming and the songs they were vainly trying to sing to impress her with.

It wasn't very impressive. At all. But it did make her laugh.

”This songs for you!” a older man slurred as he winked at Prissy and dragged himself over to the jukebox. No stage, no actual mic or set up...for some reason these guys just felt like making a show of singing. She was just waiting for them to get up on the bar and start dancing. That would be the icing on the cake. Prissy watched him lumber a long, punching buttons to get the perfect song. And that was? Wild thing of course. Prissy actually groaned, couldn't they get creative at all?

All too soon the music was blaring through the bar and Prissy was downing another shot from a boy that barely looked old enough to drink yet alone able to really afford it. He looked down and out, like he spent more time on the streets then anywhere considered home. It was sort of sweet, the way he was trying to smooth his wild hair back and straighten his clothes when he thought she wasn't looking. Was he all alone? Would anyone miss him if he was gone... Prissy would have to find out.

But not yet. She wasn't finished with the other boys in the bar yet. “I bet you could pick something better huh?” she questioned the man sitting nearest to her, arching a brow with a sweet little challenging smile to her lips. The guy glanced at the man singing, then back to Prissy. Looking her up and down, taking his time, Prissy made sure she was sitting just right to help with that show. “I could do a hell of a lot better.” he retorted finally as he finished off his beer. “Well....show me then.” she pushed, giving him a nudge.

It never took much to get men moving. To get that competitive streak all riled up. They were so fun to watch then, as they started to push and shove wanting to be the top. Of course she was hoping for a fight. For that bickering to turn to snarls and growls of frustration. For bottles to crash and furniture to be shoved around. She doubted she'd be disappointed tonight...the men were already trying to one up each other.

The guy was quick to his feet now, leaving the barstool empty next to Prissy. The slightly down and out cutie quickly took place there instead. He was a shy little thing, glancing down at the ground before even looking over at Prissy. Prissy just smirked and started up conversation for him. Time to find out if he'd make a good playmate for the night or if she’d have to try to find something else to entertain herself with.