July 7th, 2008

[info]liar_for_hire in [info]haunted_roads

Week Eleven: Saturday

When: Night
Where: Towers
Who: Tavin and Eliina

The night before the full moon, Tavin should have been home with Jerzy. He normally was. He’d come home early in the morning, he’d eat the breakfast Jerzy always had waiting and spend the entire day with him since he knew tomorrow night he'd be gone. He wouldn’t work, hell he’d not even really go anywhere if he could avoid it. But tonight was different. Tonight he told the kid he needed to go out for a bit and he didn’t want him to worry none. Just something to take care of and he’d be back. The words weren’t lies; there was something he had to take care of. Eliina.

He’d been watching her off and on for weeks now, following her through the city, seeing where she worked. He gathered up every bit of information on her he could. He’d waited and he’d debated. Tonight wasn’t the night to do this. There would be better times, better chances, if he just waited. But the days around the full moon always put him on edge. His patience always seemed to flat line. He wanted to know who she was. He needed to figure out what her presence meant before Jerzy accidentally stumbled into her. The kid didn’t need to know she was here. Not yet. Not until Tavin had some real answers for him.

Maybe others would be joyful; they’d have tears in their eyes and hope in their hearts. Tavin wasn’t one of those people. What he had was wariness and disbelief. He didn’t trust her here. He didn’t trust anyone that sent nosey ass little humans after him. There were too many ifs. Too many unknowns. And those she kept company with did not exactly give him anymore reason to trust.

If he got even a hint that something was up Jerzy and he would be gone by morning.

Tavin was never ever letting someone hurt that kid again.

He was protective of family, he had always been. Once that had included Eliina…but he didn’t know who she was anymore. Maybe, deep down, there was a part of him that wanted to believe that there was chance to have her back in their lives. They had looked for her…hunted for her so that they could be together again. Now that she was possibly in front of him it wasn’t so simple anymore. Not that it had ever really been.

There was no more delaying, no more digging into her life or watching from the shadows. Tavin was waiting now just beyond her door…he knew she was going out tonight. Someone had spoken so the other day when he’d been so very near and yet so very far away. Tavin had a knack for that, far better then any human could. Heightened senses helped in that but it was more the stealth and speed he had on his side then anything. Abilities that helped to keep him unknown to those he watched.

He could hear her now on the other side of the door. The slight jangle of keys grabbed. There was still time to turn away. Time to rethink this. To realize any other night would be better. But to him there were no other times. No other chances. That patience was gone and now there was just that need to know.

Tavin waited…and he stood there still when the door finally opened. Back to the wall, arms folded against his chest, bright cat like eyes hidden behind dark glasses. But though she couldn’t see his eyes he could see hers. Eyes that were too familiar to not be hers. Eyes that he knew to be his sisters
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[info]jadedheart in [info]haunted_roads

Week Eleven: Tuesday

Who: Jade and Tavin
Where: The Towers, 13th floor - Pool Area
When: Evening
What: Imagine meeting you here...

Jade had a night off from work, and after she'd been awake for a while, she'd decided to try out the indoor pool that she'd seen before but never swam in. She was sure that other tenants must use the pool, but there was nobody else up here, same as the day she'd toured the building. She didn't mind that. At her job, she spent so much time dealing with people that it was nice to have some downtime. Hotel management was definitely not a job for the meek.

Once arriving at the pool, which was dimly lit and surrounded by deck chairs and foliage, she put her towel and robe down on one of the chaises and strolled to the deep end. Pausing briefly, she seemed to be waiting for a signal, or possibly just orienting herself to the humidity in here. Once she was ready, she dove into the water, propelling herself through the light and shadow cast by the lights beneath the surface. It was soothing, and she turned to float on her back after she'd swam for a few minutes.

Life had been busy lately, and when it hadn't, she'd made it so. She needed distraction from her Sire and his machinations and manipulations and from the knowledge that Tavin and Jerzy lived right here, in the same building. She'd made it her business to find out which apartment they occupied, though she'd done nothing with the knowledge. It had upset Jerzy terribly to see her as she was now, and she could only imagine what he'd told Tavin. She was probably lucky that Tav hadn't come to hunt her down with a stake and holy water, she thought wryly.

She'd love to see Tavin again, which was an excellent reason for her to stay away. One, he didn't want her, and she couldn't imagine that her being a vampire would change that, and two, she could be dangerous to him. Well, him and Jerzy. She hadn't given in to Tony's... unique information gathering methods at the Theatre du Macabre that night, and she didn't plan to. She supposed he could try to torture the information out of her, but he hadn't taken that tactic yet. She'd be rather surprised if he did. It wasn't that she didn't think him capable of it, but it hadn't been a tactic he'd seemed to have any interest in using on her thus far.

Ah, well. Right now was for forgetting problems, not trying to create more. Jade floated, occasionally trailing her hands through the water to achieve a small amount of movement.
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