July 3rd, 2008

[info]mens_rea in [info]haunted_roads

Week Eleven: Thursday

Who: Tony and Eliina
Where: Tony's place
When: Thursday Evening
What: He pissed her off!

She'd been avoiding him. For weeks now. Avoiding him quite handily if she didn't say so herself. It would have been easier if she'd had a typical sort of job. One where she was only out about in the hours of the day where he would burn, hopefully to death. No, she had to work with others of his kind and it did necessitate hours that weren't always idea for avoiding fanged individuals.

But whether or not he'd had a mind to harass her, she'd done everything in her power to not have to see him, or think about him. Easier said in theory than actually done. Physically it hadn't been difficult but not thinking about what had happened that proved almost impossible. She just couldn't understand it. She avoided men, especially avoided men like Tony. Old vampires who had spent years manipulating and using those weaker than them. Perhaps that was a bit of a generalization based on little concrete knowledge... But Eliina was alright with that. She'd rather be safe than sorry.

Though safe was the last thing she'd been when she thought back on the memories of that night. Little sense that they made. Why? Why on earth had she done any of that! There was no logical explanation. It should have made her drink less, made her think that perhaps she did go too far and leave herself open to mistakes such as that... but it also was a fantastic numbing device when she couldn't stop thinking. In the end, yher vice always seemed to win.

Thursday had been a particularly long day at the office. All day in court then a series of appointments in the evening with clients who could not come to see her at any other point. Saying Eliina was exhausted by the time she arrived at her condo was something of an understatement. In her usual routine the mail was picked up, including the delivery. But it wasn't until she had set everything down in the entry of her condo that she had the space and hands to open the box. It was odd... she didn't often receive things, unless she had ordered them. And she didn't recall making any purchases recently but maybe something had been backordered that she had simply forgotten about.

Of course, it wasn't anything as simple or as pleasant as that. Eliina stared at the dress that was just under the fine wrapping. Even for a woman who took little heed of fashion, she knew that it was a beautiful dress. The work on it spoke of money. And she hated it. Hated it for being so beautiful and hated what it stood for. The bottle of wine was discovered next and set Eliina's blood to boiling. She was ordinarily such a cautious woman but here and now... that caution was set out the window.

There was only one person who would send her something like this.

Eliina's eyes flashed as she slammed the lid back on the box. She turned immediately on her heel and made haste out of her own condo. In her avoidance her own investigative work had been done and she knew exactly where he lived. The elevator ride was short, he lived far far too close. It was short enough that she still bristled with her anger when the doors dinged open. It only grew as she cross the hallway and approached his door.

She would not be his little doll to dress up either. Never again would she be that... thing. He could take his gift and shove it, quite literally. Which encompassed her plan entirely, to whoever opened the door.
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