July 1st, 2008

[info]haunted_keepers in [info]haunted_roads

Week Eleven: April 14th through April 20th

Week Eleven
Dates: Monday April 14th through Sunday April 20th
Season: Mid April

Monday: Tonight at the University of Washington there is a lecture called “Color, Cloth, and Plant Dyes in Ancient Japan,” This lecture is free to all. Fifth-generation dye master and textile scholar Yoshioka Sachio presents an illustrated lecture on colors and cloth used for Buddhist and court rituals during the Nara and Heian periods.

Tuesday: The Dalai Lama’s sold out Seeds of Compassion event drew in more than 150,000 people to panel discussions, a concert and talks from the exiled Buddhist leader. The goal of this entire event was to encourage compassion in children. Today is the last day that he will be in Seattle. Tonight he will hold his last discussion group, if you missed your other chances to attend this event then come out tonight. Though packed the conference center will be attempting to allow in as many people as they can.

Wednesday and Thursday: 98.9 KWJZ and the Pacific Jazz Institute at Dimitriou’s Jazz Alley present contemporary jazz supergroup Acoustic Alchemy. Set time on Wednesday and Thursday is at 7:30pm, doors open at 6:00pm Wednesday and 5:30 pm Thursday. AA has grown its legacy via an adventurous mix of Latin, jazz, pop, and more recently soul and reggae textures, along with their core commitment to the twin guitar sounds.

Friday: A black 2002 Audi tooling around Seattle's streets has a vanity license plate that appears to have gotten in under the radar of the state licensing police.
The inscription, C9H13N, is a label for many chemicals including amphetamine. There's an outside chance that the plate may be all right because the chemical compound can be amphetamine, which is used in medicines.

The plate appears to be counter to state regulations that ban vanity plates making reference to alcohol or illegal substances. The driver of the car, whose name was not released, told state officials in his application for the plate that the series of letters and numbers represented red food coloring, said Brad Benfield, spokesman for the state Department of Licensing. But according to the UW Chemistry Department, the compound represented on the plate is not a formula for known red food coloring. It is still unknown just how this case will be handled, as revoking a license plate is not a simple task

Saturday: Laugh Out Loud , $20+, this one has already been getting good press. The chuckles tend to be sparse at the ballet, so this one is a notable. Pacific Northwest Ballet mashes ballet and comedy together for some interesting combinations. These performances are great for ballet newbies, and for families with kids and their short attention spans. They also have a Backstage Bash party tonight after the performance, where the stage of McCaw Hall is transformed into your dance floor.

Sunday: Today is National Walk Day; a day where you're encouraged to step out for a 30-minute walk, and hopefully make it a habit. Thankfully today will turn out to be a decent enough day for it. Get some friends together and get out for some fresh air and work towards a better body and mind! Tonight will also be a great night to see the Full Moon.

Monday April 14th: Grey and cloudy (High: 54°F Low: 42°F)
Tuesday April 15th: Another cloudy day (High: 56°F Low: 44°F)
Wednesday April 16th: Overcast with a faint night breeze (High: 55°F Low: 46°F)
Thursday April 17th: Cloudy with light rain in the night (High: 57°F Low: 43°F)
Friday April 18th: Light rain continues through today (High: 54°F Low: 44°F)
Saturday April 19th: Cloudy for most of the day (High: 53°F Low: 45°F)
Sunday April 20th: Some clearing later in the afternoon (High: 55°F Low: 43°F) - Full Moon Tonight

[info]from_the_depths in [info]haunted_roads

Week Eleven: Monday

When: Late night
Where: Hotel
Who: Nikolaos – Narrative

More then a week had passed. More then a week since his words with Mikkos. More then a week that he'd been seeking to gain entrance back into hell and was denied at every pass. Guards had been killed, slaughtered for trying to prevent him and yet there were always more. The numbers were high; such had been made certain of before they'd even left hell. Now Nikolaos was beginning to understand why. It was not to ensure that they did not fail, but to ensure that if they did fail that they would be punished for it. For Nikoloas this punishment was a slap in the face. This was worse then all other pains. He would take a thousand physical and mental tortures before he would take being denied his home. Yet it mattered not what he wanted.

Still he remained here on the surface. Scorned. Insulted. Belittled.

His worth was made clear. His father’s fate was his own. It was not he that his grandfather wanted at his side still. Not anymore.

The guards would speak nothing however, no matter how Nikolaos sought to...force it out of them. Such attempts to question a superior were rarely met with any acceptance. Nikolaos had been punished in the past for it. But he cared not. No he questioned now, he pushed and he demanded answers. But three was a demon alive that the guards feared far more then Nikolaos. All methods of persuasion went denied. They'd die before speaking that which they were told to not. They did die.

The other demon being contained, however, still seemed to be a part of the family wishes. The guards remained vigilant there and though they did not deny Nikolaos access to the room eyes were always upon him, watching him as though they believed it was he who was traitor. It had never been him. Never once. But he could feel the weight of those sneers from the shadows. It made his skin crawl....made him want to tear into them and rip the sneers from their faces.

The days passed slowly )

[info]tail_chaser in [info]haunted_roads

Week Eleven: Wednesday

When: Late afternoon
Where: Towers
Who: Bo – Narrative

Bra...panties....weird tank top thing that looked like sort of a bra and panties and....how did that thing even go on? Bo lifted it up, twisting it this way and that, holding it up against him like that would make some sense of the strangely made Rubik clothing that he happened to stumble onto. Shrugging his shoulders it was tucked back into the drawer and he continued on with his rummaging. Shinny thing, ruffled thing, lacy thing that she never wore but really really should.

Squinting he turned his head this way and that way, trying to peer further into the bottomless pit of a drawer. That is until he heard the door open. Then he jumped about three feet in the air, slammed the drawer shut...on his hand....and blurted out in a rush 'I was just putting her clothes away!'

The servant girl looked at him as though he'd done lost his mind.

Bo just breathed a sigh of relief. Until the pain registered, then he was a bumbling mess of trying to get his hand free and shaking it around as though that was going to still the pain. It didn't. But it did knock over an expensive bottle of perfume that nearly sprayed him right in the eyes as it hit the table. Bo jumped back to evade the smelly attacking particles, narrowly missing the servant who was working to clean up the room. By that point he realized being still was a good thing. Still...and his red hand drawn up to his chest in a wounded fashion.

He was eyeballing the dresser like it was all it’s fault.

Scowling he wrapped his hand up in his shirt, vacating the room before the dresser decided to strike again. Little did the dresser know that Bo had one. A stolen artifact was now tucked under his shirt and Bo was slipping out of the room to go hide it. He couldn’t keep his stash in Chloe’s room, she’d surely find it and then he’d have nothing. No he hid it outside of the room…but even the apartment itself was too close. One of the other siblings might find it and then they’d give them all back to Chloe too. So no no that wouldn’t work. His stash had to be kept outside of the apartment all together.

Around the apartment complex was risky too but Bo knew lots of secrete places. He had plenty of time to explore. There was the basement and the room with all the wires and stuff that shocked him when he sniffed it. And there was the room with all the pipes, and a little shed up on the roof. And then there was the hole in the wall down in that room that was before the underground. But the rats liked to try to steal stuff when he hid it there. He’d chased one down once but they were tiny and could slip away too quick.

Tip toeing away from the room he peeked down hallways... )