June 22nd, 2008

[info]lex_isa_wreck in [info]haunted_roads

Week Ten: Tuesday

Who: Alex and Prissy
When: 7pm
Where: The Towers Lobby

Alex was actually a little bit nervous about tonight. The conversation he had had with Nox was still weighing heavily on his mind as was the whole situation with Serena. It had been an impossibly long day and he had seen neither hide nor hair of his sister. He had thought about calling this whole meeting off, sending a text to let her know that something had come up, but he didn't. He wanted to see her. He wanted to be here. He felt as though he had to be.

He had showered, shaved, and had dressed himself up pretty nice. His jeans were tight, his cowboy boots polished, and his button up shirt was left un-tucked but was certainly free of any wrinkles. He smelled of cologne, Cool Water to be exact, and as he waited there in the lobby, his hand running back through his already mussed hair to make it even more out of order, he got more than one look from the ladies that past through. Yep, Alex was definitely a ladies' man.

There was one thing he hadn't figured out yet and that was exactly what he was going to give her in the stead of what he had originally planned to do. It was insane that he had even thought it, that he had gone through with it. He barely knew this girl. It was entirely unlike him to give a girl he didn't know anything at all much less build a car for her. He wasn't going to give it to her though, or at least in his present mindset he wasn't. He was going to list it and sell it and use the money for something else. Maybe he could say that the surprise was just a nice dinner or something of the sort.

Alex looked down at his watch to see what time it was, sighing a little as he moved his hands down to tuck them into the pockets of his well worn jeans. Maybe he should have brought flowers. That might have been a good idea. She didn't seem like the flower-loving type, but then again, what woman didn't like a show of appreciation like that?

[info]hope_lingers in [info]haunted_roads

Week Ten: Thursday

Who: Hope and Nox
When: Late Evening
Where: A Crime Scene on the streets of Seattle

The past two days had come and gone and Hope still had yet to manage to go into the tavern. She had come close to it. She had sat out on a bench across the road from it once for a couple of hours, but she still couldn't bring herself to go inside. It was daunting, to say the least. But she had made up her mind that tonight was going to be the night. She was going to go in, order a drink, and see what happened. Fate, however, had other plans.

She had opted for a walk due to the fact that she needed the fresh air in order to prepare herself. She had dressed simply, a pair of dark wash jeans, black heels, a nicely tailored dress shirt that was black with a few silver pinstripes, her hair up in a loose bun on top of her head, a few strands hanging down to frame her pale face with flushed cheeks.

She was tucked into a black jacket, one cut in the short trench style, hands in her pockets, heels clicking upon the pavement on her way to her destination when she had heard the sound of someone screaming. Being a nurse, it was impossible for her to turn her back on someone that needed help, so she hurried towards the sound just in time to see the woman from whom the scream had issued crumple to the ground, blood gushing from a wound in her side, and a tall man, dressed in black, fleeing the scene, a trail of blood left in his wake, dripping from his weapon, whatever it happened to be.

Hope was one that worked well under pressure. She had never served any time in the trauma department, but she was no stranger to blood. No time was wasted in phoning the authorities, giving them a brief synopsis of what had happened and where she was. The cell was tucked away in her jacket pocket as she moved to the aid of the woman who lay bleeding, dying if truth be told, on the pavement.

Having no gloves was certainly an inconvenience, but in spite of that, hope did all that she could. The belt was tugged from her jacket to serve as a makeshift bandage, bunched up and placed upon the wound, Hope putting as much pressure as she could upon it in an attempt to stall the bleeding.

When her breathing stopped, CPR was performed, Hope using a knee pressed hard against the woman's side to keep the pressure tight while she compressed her chest and breathed into the woman's mouth. She had barely started when she heard the sirens of the ambulance.

Seconds later, the paramedics arrived and Hope moved out of their way to let them do their thing. Her hair was disheveled now, cheeks flushed even more, hands covered in blood. It all happened so fast that she had just now had the chance to digest what had really occurred. She was shaking a bit, trying to focus on her breathing as the woman was placed upon a gurney and loaded into the ambulance.
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