June 15th, 2008

[info]from_the_beast in [info]haunted_roads

Week Nine: Sunday

When: Afternoon
Where: Their hotel
Who: Mikkos and Nikolaos

Eighteen days gone. Eighteen days too long. For one so old the days were but a blink, but now held more value to the centuries old demon. Everything had changed. Nothing made sense, and every day held a new urgency.

He’d learned much an absence, and for all he learned he knew he learned not near enough. Only that all he’d known for so long, was now in question. Even family loyalty. No… especially family loyalty. He’d punished the one who brought such questions to light, but that did nothing to erase the doubt. A doubt that now grew with each passing day.

Even speaking with his father had done nothing to diminish it. No, no questions were asked of the old man, and Mikkos was careful not to allow any doubt to show, but neither did his father utter a word about all the questions now in Mikkos mind.

No word from Haimon seemed as good as a confirmation. Haimon after all, feigned as much carelessness as Mikkos, when both knew neither felt anywhere near as careless as they seemed.

Still, it made no sense. None at all. Especially when given word that Nik had Dorian in custody. All the years, all the urgency, and now that they had him, there was no hurry at all in bringing him home.

Mikkos hadn’t even returned to his own suite, instead he went straight to that which Nik stayed in. The guards alerted Nik even before his father arrived and let the elder in. Once inside, the demon washed his hands, splashed cool water on his face, and straightened his suit before fixing himself a drink at the bar.

[info]haunted_keepers in [info]haunted_roads

Week Ten: April 7th through April 13th

Week Ten
Dates: Monday April 7th through Sunday April 13th
Season: Early - Mid April

Monday: At the Photographic Center Northwest tonight is the "Crossing the Water” exhibition reception and book signing. Local artists, Claire Garoutte and Anneke Wambaugh, bring years of experience and research to this exhibition. Their evocative photographs not only draw the viewer into a world rarely witnessed by outsiders, they also offer viewers an unprecedented opportunity to better understand the diversity of Afro-Cuban religious traditions.

Tuesday: Early last night a woman was mugged coming out of local grocery store and shortly after a young couple were mugged just a few blocks down from the store. Police are seeking any information that citizens may have on these attacks, as they believe there are more witnesses out there then those that stayed to wait for police arrival. Police urge all to be careful late at night and watch out for each other on the streets.

Wednesday: 2nd Annual Office Chair Downhill Race! So, the title of this post pretty much explains what this event is all about. People race each other rolling down a hill in office chairs. The race will be on 2nd Ave and will be "after work whenever people start showing up" which is about 5:30pm. The location is near the Pacific Science Center and Key Arena.

Things to prepare for if you plan on racing this year:
Wear protective gear, you'll probably crash because everyone crashes.
Bring your own office chair. If you have more to spare, bring those, too.
Bring a camera, there will be many lovely photo opportunities.

Thursday: EMP is proud to present the 2008 Pop Conference on April 10-13. This year’s theme is Shake, Rattle: Music, Conflict, and Change. The conference will pose the following questions: How does music resist, negate, struggle? Can pop intensify vital confrontations, as well as transform and conceal them? What happens when people are angry and silly love songs aren’t enough? The largest Pop Conference to date, this year’s event will feature more than 160 presenters across some 40 sessions and panels.

Friday: With a Chinese crackdown under way in Tibet, the Dalai Lama will visit Seattle April 11-15 for a conference to nurture kindness. The sold-out Seeds of Compassion event will draw more than 150,000 people to panel discussions, a concert and talks from the exiled Buddhist leader. The goal is to encourage compassion in children.

China has blamed the 72-year-old Nobel prize winner who lives in India for recent violence in Tibet that threatens to undermine the summer Olympics in Beijing. Chinese leaders accuse his supporters of keeping guns and explosives in monasteries. Dalai Lama has condemned the violence. His government-in-exile maintains it's committed to a nonviolent struggle.

Saturday: Other highlights from the EMP Pop Conference include a performance by Seattle political hip-hop leaders Blue Scholars on April 12 at 1 p.m.; a talk about being a “ghostwriter” by the king of the music as-told-to book, David Ritz on April 12 at 6 p.m.; and presentations ranging from music and the war in Iraq, youth struggle from Sierra Leone to Colombia, Bob Marley, grunge’s anti-nostalgia, to John Mayer’s “Waiting on the World to Change.”

Sunday: With today’s warm weather many are hitting up Seattle's local parks. Today Gas Works Park will be promoting group sports, all are welcomed to show up and join in with some teams to have a great time. Over at Green lake many are pulling out their bikes and helmets and biking the day away. Show up and join in to have some company with your ride.

Monday April 7th: A bit of a breeze (High: 50°F Low: 44°F)
Tuesday April 8th: Grey and clear (High: 53°F Low: 46°F)
Wednesday April 9th: Light rain late in the night (High: 52°F Low: 44°F)
Thursday April 10th: Light rain in the morning (High: 53°F Low: 47°F)
Friday April 11th: Spotty sun sightings (High: 55°F Low: 46°F)
Saturday April 12th: Clear today (High: 56°F Low: 44°F)
Sunday April 13th: Clear with some blue skies (High: 56°F Low: 45°F)