June 11th, 2008

[info]liar_for_hire in [info]haunted_roads

Week Nine: Friday

When: Nightfall
Where: Around the city
Who: Tavin – Narrative

Eliina. Tavin hadn’t let himself think about his sister in a very long time. The past was the past and the only family he held concern for was the brother that he had to protect. Beyond that Tavin had all but given up. Long ago the pair had attempted to look for her. Seeking out information, going through the available channels to those like them. People that wanted no paper trail and only paid in cash. The sorts of people that refused to give up information on them but were demanding it from others. The search never went well and always resulted in dead ends. Eventually the two had to simply move forward. Forget all else and just focus on surviving the days ahead of them. Now when the two weren’t looking she was there.


Tavin didn’t believe anything anyone spoke. Especially those paid to make someone see their way. Tavin wasn’t going to be convinced by some total stranger that what they said was true. And though the nosey woman had spoken of “neutral ground” Tavin knew that to be bullshit. There wasn’t really any such thing. Not for the people that he knew could be after them still. Sure I don’t know you but I’m going to sit right here where you tell me and why don’t you just tell everyone where to find me….no thanks. Tavin watched his ass better then that. After that meeting Tavin was a ghost, falling into the shadows and scarcely seen by anyone. That didn’t mean he stopped working, far from it, but he did so in a way a bit different then before. Tavin knew how to keep out of sight. It was something he had to excel in more and more as the years passed.

It was never him that he was worried about though. Tavin knew he’d be able to find ways of escape, ways to disappear. Jerzy…that was another story. He told the kid to stay inside for a bit, not necessarily the best way to keep him from being seen since the Towers was pretty active but it worked. It was good enough for right now at least. While Tavin did some investigating of his own.

He didn’t go to any of those that he knew, even if many of them owed him favors. He didn’t go to the supernatural he worked for either…no point to get anyone more involved then they had need to be. Plus if someone did you a favor…you had to do one in return. Tavin attempted to keep himself out of the negative when it came to that. Finding her wasn’t the easiest thing he’d ever done, but it wasn't impossible.

A different name, some big company, a bit of digging and he found the person that had been looking for him at the least. Was it really her? He couldn’t say, not completely. He’d seen her once, at a glance, in passing that he made sure would be nothing more then that. Lost in a sea of faces Tavin could blend right in. The sight of her meant little however, how could it after so many years? But at the least the characteristics he remembered were the same. But the feel…scent…that was an unknown. He hadn’t been able to get close enough. There were too many around, making it difficult to focus just on her.

Tavin hadn’t told Jerzy yet. He wouldn’t either. Not until he was certain. Completely, one hundred percent, certain. Though that was just the start wasn’t it? Even if she was their blood….their sister…that didn’t mean shit if she had ties with those the two were never going to be near again.

Tavin had a lot of digging to do…much as he disliked it he might even have to call in a favor or two. He’d do what he could to learn all about her and then, once he had, meet her on his terms.