June 2nd, 2008

[info]haunted_keepers in [info]haunted_roads

Week Nine: March 31st through April 6th

Week Nine
Dates: Monday March 31st through Sunday April 6th
Season: Early April

Monday: Join us at the Seattle Aquarium for Sound Conversations – hosted by KING 5 Meteorologist Jeff Renner. These talk show style events will delve into the plight of Puget Sound and efforts for its recovery. Come to the Aquarium and start your evening off with appetizers, local beers and wine. Register on line at www.seattleaquarium.org to join us and participate in this unique forum and celebrate Puget Sound in Seattle’s green gathering place – the Seattle Aquarium. Tickets are $20 and include refreshments and access to the Aquarium. Seating is limited

Tuesday: April Fools Day. Rarely does anything good happen on this day and often Pranks can get a bit out of hand. Today it seems more then a few people decided that pulling pranks would be a good idea around the city. This morning workers at Lava Lounge awoke to find their entire establishment covered in toilet paper. Another manager came in to find workers scrapping off egg from the front windows. Fortunately for that business they found out who did it. A worker there that, in a drunken dare the night before, thought it would be amusing. It wasn’t so amusing when he got a talking to that afternoon.

Keep an eye out today for continued pranks and jokes!

Wednesday: A prank yesterday went badly when a boyfriend of a young woman decided to try to scare his girlfriend late in the night. After she came home from work he decided to sneak into the house unseen and heard and spook her by running out after her suddenly. The prank took a turn for the worse when the startled woman slipped in her attempt to get away and fell harshly against some counter tops. Neighbors in that apartment complex were awoken in the late AM hours by emergency vehicles that were called to the seen. Thankfully the woman will be fine and the man has, hopefully, learned his lesson. Some pranks just aren’t funny.

Thursday: Come to the The Pike Pub tonight to see the Rolling Boil Blues Band from 6pm till whenever they decide to stop playing! Tonight there is no cover for the show but don’t expect the same for your drinks and food.

Friday: On first avenue today there will be the “ArtXchange”. An exhibit on "compassion," featuring 35 artist from all over the world, stretching from Seattle to Israel. The show supports the Seeds of Compassion, an organization that encourages compassion in children. The nonprofit is supporting Dalai Lama's visit to Seattle April 11 to 15.

Saturday: Mercury Nightclub will be having a night of “art” tonight starting around 6pm. People attending should come in their most artistic or “painted” outfits. At 10pm there will be a contest where those there vote on the best outfit of the night. Drinks are a dollar off from 10pm to closing tonight as well so come in and enjoy a drink, see some creative outfits, and dance till the club has to close its doors.

Sunday: Belltown Billiards will be having a pool competition today from 1pm to 6pm or longer depending of course on how the event goes. Contestants are winners from previous competitions that have earned their right to try to win the prize amount tonight. Expect a lot of tricks and fancy shooting, these players know what they are doing and it should turn out to be a great show!

Monday March 31st: Grey and cool today (High: 45°F Low: 36°F)
Tuesday April 1st: Light rain off and on (High: 47°F Low: 38°F)
Wednesday April 2nd: Windy with a bit of a chill (High: 44°F Low: 35°F)
Thursday April 3rd: Clear day though still crisp (High: 46°F Low: 35°F)
Friday April 4th: Clear and calm (High: 48°F Low: 37°F)
Saturday April 5th: Slightly windy tonight (High: 49°F Low: 33°F)
Sunday April 6th: Rain in the morning to clear by night (High: 48°F Low: 36°F)