May 21st, 2008

[info]from_the_dark in [info]haunted_roads

Week Eight: Thursday

Who: Alexis and Justine
Where: Chroma
When: Thursday Evening

It was completely unacceptable.

Alexis had bidded her time, she was in no hurry to see herself proven right. Truly, she would have been content if Mikkos, for all his pratter to the contrary of her suspicions, had proven himself. Finally. But he seemed determined to do just the opposite. She had trusted that her son would be able to keep the elder away from temptation or at least cast a light of shame that even her dear husband could not ignore. But she had overestimated a father's righteous pride in the welfare of a son. Just as she had underestimated loves allure. Such a pithy emotion would not be the downfall of her family. If Mikkos wished to induldge in his weaknesses, he could do so on his own time and when the reputation of their family did not hang in the balance.

Nikolaos had already been dealt with for his apparent failure. Though Alexis may have wished it otherwise, he would grow stronger for it. It was time he realized that his father was proving everyday that he was unfit. Though she knows he held a respect for his father and even held the man in affection, perhaps Mikkos himself had finally given her the opening she needed to truly make Nikolaos realize the true potential of his birth right.

It was not her doing, in the end. She simply was doing what needed to be done. The first time her husband went to see his once earthbound creature, she could almost forgive it for the sake of curiousity. Almost. The second time? The Aristedes patriarch, Mikkos' father, had made his displeasure more than known, and her son had taken the brunt of it. Even now he dealt with the shame and that, more than anything, was unacceptable.

Obviously, her husband could no longer be trusted. Sad, really. For not the first time did she think and wonder how things may have been if only Morris had lived. Morris could have ruled. He could have brought honor to the Aristedes name. He could have elevated them to such status as they were worthy. Nikolaos was so much like him.

Which was why she was there at Chroma. Mikkos had proven that he could not get beyond the past. So she was going to have to take the future of the family in hand. She walked through the doors of the wine bar that displayed such beautiful pieces of art. Cold. Distant. She wondered if the owner was like such pieces. What could a thing of earth understand of fire and passion? Just maybe she would find out.

Alexis strode through the main area, head tilted as she took in not just sight and sound, but taste as well. It was a rather decadent spread for the senses. It was more than one set of eyes that noticed her passage, and perhaps any other day -- any other place, she might indulge. But there was only one creature tonight that drew her. And that was one Justine Baptiste.