May 8th, 2008

[info]aloveforgotten in [info]haunted_roads

Week Seven: Tuesday

When: Evening
Where: Serena's apartment
Who: Serena and Alex

Serena really wasn't looking forward to having this chat but she really didn't have any other choice. Kaden was back in her life and that was something that she not only had to explain, but something that Alex was going to have to accept and get used to. Hopefully everything would go smoothly but when trying to convince someone of vampires she wasn't sure that smooth was an option. Oh well, here's to hoping! Though Serena wasn't going to base the outcome of this chat on hope alone.

After her shift she had headed to the store to get beer and the makings for Alex's favorite meal. Hey, nothing wrong with trying to soften the guy up a bit, right? Now whether or not it would actually work was a completely different story but she had faith in her abilities. Besides, it wasn't like he could stay mad at her forever. And eventually he was going to have to deal with reason and yeah.

When she heard the sound of keys jingling, she stopped what she was doing at the stove and headed to the fridge to grab a beer. Oh yeah, she was going to start this by liquoring him up or at least giving him a decent buzz. "Hey, how was work?" she asked nonchalantly as she handed the bottle over. Nothing like a bit of small talk to dance around the purple elephant in the corner of the room. "I hope you're hungry, I've made your favorite..." A hesitant yet bright smile was flashed as she did her best not to look nervous. Please oh please let this go well.
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[info]mr_rockstar in [info]haunted_roads

Week Seven - Thursday

Who: Kaden and Serena
When: Early evening
Where: The Towers and then out for date night
What: Date night, duh!

Originally he'd just planned a casual evening for them...drinks at a little bistro downtown, a walk through the park....but somehow that hadn't seemed like quite enough. This was the woman he'd intended to marry, after all, he could do better than a walk. So a last minute change of plans had instead landed them a private dinner cruise - Serena mentioned she liked to sail, it seemed like a better way to spend their evening. He wouldn't be eating, of course, but he didn't mind watching her. Besides, cruising along the water seemed a little bit more romantic than the park. In the distant past, he could remember liking boats. Here was to hoping that had stayed true over time.

They'd agreed to head out after sunset, no truly specific time set, and since he didn't have far to go there was no rush. It was about an hour after the horizon darkened when he headed out, a bouquet of multi-colored miniature roses in his hand. At least he could make new memories - he hadn't forgotten that she'd like them in the short time span since he'd rushed over to verify what he'd hoped was a memory. He wasn't really the "dress up" type, but he'd figured this occasion warranted his best shot; he'd gone with black boots, jeans and a blazer in the same hue, over a deep gray striped button down. It was more than the typical for him and truly about as formal as he got without the equivalent of a gun to his least, he liked to think so, couldn't remember, really. Maybe he'd been a suit guy in a 'past life,' but he seriously doubted it.

Tugging his door closed, he dropped the keys into his pocket and crossed the short distance to Serena's apartment. Raising a hand, he knocked aloud, jokingly hiding the flowers behind his back. Alright, so he couldn't remember about the last 50 years, but he couldn't be that out of practice, could he? He hoped not. From the other side of the door he could hear her pulse rate increase just slightly at his knock, picked up easily on the click of her heels against the floor as she headed his way. The scent of her perfume was easy enough to sense as well, a light smile gracing his lips as she pulled open her front door. "Evening," he grinned, sliding the bouquet out of hiding, "these are for you. And...," he reached into his pocket and produced a nicely sized chewbone, "for the man of the house." Kaden crouched, offering the treat up to Tony. "So," he gave the dog an affectionate scratch before he stood, "I'm ready to head out when you are. There's been a change of plans, by the way. The new destination is a surprise."
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[info]whiskertips in [info]haunted_roads

Week Seven: Monday

Who: Ardin and Keisuke
Where: Outside several bars (Ardin's walking a lot tonight heh)
When: Night

Ardin both loved and hated St.Patricks day. It was a good excuse to let out steam and party, but more often than not she couldn't quite resist working her ass off on this particular night. Bars were crowded, money was carelessly thrown away and best of all - she could be completely obvious and the drunk's pockets she had her hands in wouldn't notice anything. Actually, all the money lost around the bar might be the best part, seeing as how she could forget pockets altogether with that one. Ardin snickered, the good really did outweigh the bad on this particular day.

She dressed simply, dark jeans and a green t-shirt. Nothing special, she wasn't walking around to attract attention. Quite the opposite in fact. Ardin wanted to be so forgettable tonight that anyone remaining sober would forget her.

She was fairly new to the city )