April 1st, 2008

[info]haunted_keepers in [info]haunted_roads

Week Five: March 3rd through March 9th

Week Five
Dates: Monday March 3rd through Sunday March 9th
Season: Winter 2008
Month: Early March

Monday: Take some time to visit the Arboretum tonight to enjoy a catered dinner. Every season is beautiful here. The well-loved Arboretum's collection of 10,000 trees, shrubs, and vines ensures that something is at its peak every month of the year. In the fall, the Woodland Garden explodes with color as the Japanese Maples turn various shades of purples, reds, and oranges. February through May are also colorful times to visit, when camellias, azaleas, Japanese cherry trees, magnolias, and rhododendrons burst out in waves of successive bloom.

Tuesday: Danger Bees are coming all the way from LA and are going to perform at the Comet. It's pretty cool; they definitely have talent. Their music makes fans want to put on a mini-dress and go-go boots and dance groovy, man!

Wednesday: A nasty storm is set to start up tonight and by the weather forecasts it looks like it will last through the rest of the week. Around noon today the wind will begin to pick up and the rain will get increasingly heavier as the hours go by. By nightfall thunder will have rolled in. Except flickering lights tonight but no full power outages are expected yet.

Many stores are urging people to get ready for the storm now rather then waiting till the last possible second. Many will be open longer hours tonight and some are all prepared to run on generators should the power go out. But that won’t last for ever and we all know how chaotic those stores can get! Go in before things get crazy out there.

Thursday: The wind yesterday caused a bit of damage around the city. A weak tree tipped over, falling onto a young couple’s new home. Thankfully there was no one harmed but the house has to undergo extensive repairs before it can be livable again. Lucky for the couple that they have family living near by that they can stay with…and that their insurance will cover all the repairs.

Doubtful that will be the worst damage that this storm leaves the city with however. Wind is expected to increase tonight making for some very nasty weather and very likely outages scattered all through out the city. Make sure to be prepared for the worst here in Seattle. With the cold weather it is urged to make sure you are well stocked with blankets. But be careful about heaters and generators folks, many of them are not for use indoors.

Friday: The continued cold weather may turn piercing rain to snow tonight in the very late hours. Be careful out on the streets and stay indoors whenever possible.

Saturday: The icy conditions last night caused more then its fair share of accidents. Most were minor and easy enough to get off the roads. But that can’t be said for all of the accidents, especially not the one on I-5 early this morning. A truck lost control on the ice and a large rig truck following behind it was unable to stop in time. The truck was totaled and the man driving in currently in the hospital. It is believed that he will make a full recovery from the accident.

Sunday: The nasty weather continues on through today. Many are without power but some workers and volunteers are working feverishly to get power restored to all Seattle areas. It is estimated that power should return to most people in the city by late tonight so long as the stormy weather does not pick up even more intensity through the late night hours.

Rain or shine events still go on. This Sunday an evening bicycle ride is scheduled out to Alki Beach; a great place to enjoy a gorgeous view of the Seattle skyline. These determined riders will have quite the stormy view. Wear your rain gear!

Monday March 3rd: Cloudy with light rain (High: 48°F Low: 37°F)
Tuesday March 4th: Very grey (High: 47°F Low: 35°F)
Wednesday March 5th: The start to stormy weather (High: 43°F Low: 34°F)
Thursday March 6th: Cold and the storming continues (High: 44°F Low: 32°F)
Friday March 7th: Continued rain and wind with some snowfall in the late night hours (High: 40°F Low: 30°F)
Saturday March 8th: The cold nasty weather continues all through today (High: 38°F Low: 31°F)
Sunday March 9th: Storming through the day and letting up slightly towards the night (High: 41°F Low: 32°F)