March 23rd, 2008

[info]mens_rea in [info]haunted_roads

Week Four: Friday

Who: Eliina (Narrative)
When: Friday Night
Where: Her offices

The office was quiet. Near silent. It wasn't a state that it held often. Especially in the evening hours, clients of the undead variety tended to make their appointments then, imagine that. But Friday night, well it was a bit rare that appointments were made unless absolutely necessary. Apparently even some of the attorneys and clients wanted to have a life.

That fact didn't exactly apply to the blond who was at her desk long after her personal secretary had left as well as some of the junior associates. The only sound was the gentle hum of her computer as she poured her eyes over several cases that she'd printed out earlier. It was just busy work though. No court appearance on Monday to be preparing for, no briefs to complete, no motions to prepare... well at least not any that were pressing. But still she was at work.

Always the case. It was one of the few places she felt at home, even her own condominium didn't make her feel as comfortable as being tucked behind her desk did. But it wasn't a home feeling. She didn't know what that felt like anymore.

The words on the page began to fade into a blur of black type. If Eliina was being smart she would have packed up shop and headed back to her apartment, there was a nice bottle of Pinot Noir that had her name on it. Instead though her mind strayed... old memories that had never really faded though she had been so very young. Barely snippets anymore, what lingered the most were the words that Lorenzo had always used against her when she protested.

Her brothers were still alive and he knew where... A fact he taunted her with, threatened her with. But once he was gone... there had been no evidence in any of the old bastards papers to indicate that they had been truth. Had it all been lies just to bend her to his will? She wouldn't have been surprised. But she couldn't just accept that, wouldn't.

Eliina had flirted with the idea of searching for them, now that she had the opportunity and the freedom to do so. Would it be possible? She didn't have the foggiest. Her fingers moved on impulse. Searching through the contacts on her outlook. Investigators that she'd used before. A few were slimeballs that she would never call again unless the hounds of hell forced her to. But Veronica Kincaid... that was a name she was willing to deal with again. Didn't hurt that she was a female and Eliina would be the first to admit to her preference in dealing with women over men.

Nimble fingers flew over keys and an email was quickly sent to the email on file.

[info]better_days in [info]haunted_roads

Week Four: Monday

When: Early Night
Where: Old Town Towers
Who: Bastian, Maggie, Sophie

Somehow he had convinced Sophie that they should wait a night in going to the Towers. It hadn't been easy, no words really were explanation enough, but he had to make it work. It was better that then face them with such a cruel truth so shortly after he arrived in their home. Theirs....not his...such thoughts made him so heavy hearted. Everything had changed....he came back hoping it would be the same but he should have known. The world kept turning, everyone had to keep living....he had just never thought that things would go this way for all of them. He had wanted to give them all so much better...

Before daylight came Bastian was up, shutting every blind, making sure that not an inch of light could get in...he could have gone back to sleep then but instead he stayed awake. He sat there...watching his little girl sleep from the couch that he'd taken up as his bed for the night. He was afraid if he closed his eyes for too long she'd be gone. It was a foolish thought but there it remained all the same.

She was so much different now. He could so plainly see how the passing years had affected her. A tough women who no longer was a little girl at all. he wondered all through the night if Maggie had so much of the life he'd missed captured somehow. Of course Maggie would...but would he be able to look at it? To face completely just how much he had missed? Nothing could make up for those lost years...and nothing would make up for it if he was gone for so much more.

He told Sophie he had no want to leave again...but that tug at the back of his mind reminded him every second that she was out there and less then happy with him. His sire. The bitch.

Bastian pretended to be asleep when Sophie woke for school. It was difficult to let her leave at all but he had...and while she was gone he took that time to rest. Unfortunately for him she was back before night fell, leaving no chance for him to go out and try to feed. He was paler today then yesterday but Bastian dismissed the comment of it away, saying only that it was caused by a bad nights rest. That was all.

But again he had to stall; he hated the lies…the pathetic attempts of explanation that likely made no sense. He could only come up with so many reasons…but through them all he knew that she knew something was up. She was smart, too smart for all his attempts.

Still she let him wait till nightfall. Content it seemed, to simply be around him.

Finally the time came and Bastian got to his feet. He was nervous there was no denying that. Nervous…fearful….and half tempted to try to convince Sophie that they should meet somewhere else. But he knew that any that were after him would know long ago where both all his family lived. His showing there or not, wouldn’t change that.
So he took them outside, he turned in his key to the hotel as he could never stay at any for long…and used that stolen car to drive them to the towers. There he parked in the back; the car wouldn’t be used again. He couldn’t push his luck for too long.

Once parked it was up to Sophie to lead the way, pulling him along through the unfamiliar halls.