March 21st, 2008

[info]from_the_depths in [info]haunted_roads

Week Four: Sunday

When: Afternoon
Who: Nikolaos and Open
Where: Tropical Butterfly House at the pacific science center

Nikolaos was not a place that anyone would ever really guess him to willingly go. It was bright. It was cheerful. It was colorfully dressed up in fantasy themes of delight to appeal to the young children giggling about. It was everything that gave the hell demon means to sneer and yet he kept that light hearted smile near plastered to his lips. Most however, simply passed him by. A vaguely shadowed corner of the display keeping him out of the direct path of those bustling about with children to entertain. He very well could have sought to blend in, snatch up some child and tell them to play along. But that was more then was needed, for now simply out of sight and mind worked. But the moment curious looks from overly paranoid mothers began to glance his way, he’d have to…step up that ability to blend in of his.

Why was he enduring this menially form of torture? Because a contact was certain that here of all places Nikolaos would not attack or harm him. He was wrong of course, completely so in fact, but Nik wasn’t going to tell him that. Truth be told Nikolaos would kill any many or woman before a grand audience of law officers, children, and innocent hearts, should he have the need. It was in the informant’s best interest that he didn’t give Nikolaos that sort of need. A fact he’d been reminded of when this meeting was put into place.

Still despite the location Nik had shown early as he always did to such meetings. He found a place with easy sight of the entire room and of course his own guards were mixed among the fluttering butterflies and oh so happy humans. Did the little children realize that those gleaming red flecks in the shadows weren’t butterflies trying to hide but instead the great boogiemen that kept them buried under their bed sheets at night? How amusing it would be to simply have one of them jump out and scream. Such panic would ensue, such utter and complete chaos.

Tempting…but he had reason for being here beyond watching pathetic little humans become terrified and run about like little lemmings.

Arms were folded against his stomach, his back was to a wall and his eyes were quickly scanning over every face that came into the exhibit waiting for the man to show. A pair, both man and woman, but it was always the man that showed to give the information over. The woman apparently was far too “delicate” for the task. Why she thought the information game was for her then Nik had no idea. But she’d learn someday that she didn’t have the spine for it. Until then Nikolaos was going to take advantage of both what her and the man came to find.

A minute or two after the set time the man finally showed. Dashing into the room, already making a mother or two glance his way. Idiot. But even armatures could stumble onto rather interesting facts about certain demons. Quickly the man glanced around, spotting Nikolaos only when he let the shadows slide away slightly from his form.

The conversation was brief and to the point, something Nik always made a point of. Just as quickly as the man had stumbled in he was stumbling out. Nikolaos could only shake his head. With the man gone Nikolaos would wait another minute or two before leaving himself. Which meant he had to endure some child suddenly screeching and giggling, making inhuman noises at just the sight of a butterfly. It was grating to the nerves.

[info]shadows_prism in [info]haunted_roads

Week Four: Thursday

Who: Hesper and Nox
Where: Room E4 Old Town Towers
When: Thursday Evening

It had been a few days since she had been home. Really it was so hard to just stay at home, and her most recent job had been on the other side of the state. Really it was unavoidable. Though this did normally mean that once Nox saw her that he would go all mother hen and she would get smothered to death. Though as aggravating as it was she still allowed her brother to do it because it made him feel better about things, especially with her fondness for running off without him. She half wondered if he thought she was going to bolt completely like she had from hell with barely a word to him.

Considering the past few weeks she was almost wanting to. Seattle was a lovely place but she had gotten used to not having to deal with demons really. She had definitely not had to deal with someone being faster than her. Even most older vampires she could handle herself around, she did keep her own senses wary enough that for the most part it was pretty easy. But demons... they were an entire different thing. And if one was being hunted and jumpy enough at one as young as herself, there were things to worry about.

Walking through the quiet apartment, she walked into the kitchen and took a beer out of the fridge. Opening it she took a pull and leaned against the counter, shaking her head. This did not bode well for her and certainly not for Nox. Demons that hunted other demons were things to stay away from. She knew all about them from her days down under. Having a taste for the powerful lead a girl to hanging around with those types. And she saw what those kinds of hunters did. While titillating when it was not happening to you, it was horrifying when it was.

She doubted Nox would have heard anything but he damn well needed to know something like this. Really she should have been telling him about it sooner but that was not something to ponder on now. All she had to do now was wait until her brother got home. There was plenty in the apartment to keep her occupied till then, even if it was sadly lacking of someone pretty to play with.
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