March 8th, 2008

[info]shadowwhisper in [info]haunted_roads

Week Three: Wed

Who: Anthony and Mab
When: Weds Night
Where: 11th Floor Hallway, then likely Tony's Condo
Rating: Likely PG13 for language, but unlikely to be higher

It had been a most unenjoyable evening. One that had entirely no purpose to it And if there was one thing that Tony did not enjoy, it was wasting his time. He might be immortal, he might have the patience that comes from living more than two centuries, but he did not enjoy wasting his time at all. Especially, when he could have been doing better things all along.

The fence would not waste his time again. That much he was certain of. Not if he wanted to live that was. As it was, having told Tony he could provide one thing, and then not actually provide that service was one thing that really irritated the vampire. But, on the bright side, and Tony so very much preferred thinking in brighter terms, at least he did not kill the fence. He was so very tempted. Instead, he settled for breaking apart a few items of questionable nature on the fences arm. It would heal sooner or later.

He took his time on his way home that evening. He knew it always took some time for him to come down out of a mood, and he did not want to risk ruining anything in his apartment. It was all so very brand new. That, and with his luck, one of his various pets or planned conquests would notice his mood and be scared off. That just would not be acceptable, after all. Go through all that effort to train and break a proper pet, only to ruin it with a temper tantrum.

But, in his own good time he did return to the Towers. And luck was with him in that he did not need to share the elevator ride up with anyone. Somehow, he suspected, he wouldn’t be able to deal with anyone in such an enclosed space without leaving a bloodstain or two on the side of the wall. But, just the thought of being able to rip someone’s head off brought a smile to his lips.

He saw her the moment he stepped off the elevator. He knew his luck was not going to hold out that night. It just wasn’t the way the fates had declared things. But, Tony put on a smile as he glanced in her direction, before he turned and began his way toward his condo.
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