March 6th, 2008

[info]mother_maggie in [info]haunted_roads

Week Three: Monday

Who: Maggie and Daren
When: Monday Evening
Where:t The Towers then Salish Lodge

She hadn't meant to cancel their plans on his birthday of all days. Maggie was well known for making certain that the birthday of most anyone she knew was celebrated in some fashion. A plate of cookies, a cake, dinner... something. Especially for the man she was dating. Seemed somehow a bit more unforgivable, well it would be if it hadn't been for the fact that it had been that she was called in to cover a fellow nurses shift. All the talk she'd made over the course of the week for the meal she'd been planning... they knew not to call unless it was actually an emergency. Daren had understood, there was little that could be done.

But that didn't mean that Maggie could do her best to make it up to him. She'd spent the better part of an hour rummaging through her closet trying to find a dress for the evening. He was always trying to outfit her in some designer outfit even through her protests. Maggie had just never been able to keep the lovely garmets. Felt like such a waste in her life, worn once and never again? Instead Maggie kept just a bare few and gave the rest to charity. It wasn't just the extravagence that made the gifts hard to accept... It had a great deal to do with the fact that she felt as though she already took enough from him by the very fact that she didn't return his feelings in full (or perhaps his perceived feelings would be the more accurate description) only exacerbated the situation. Resisting the urge to find Sophie and ask her opinion on the black dress she had finally unearthed, Maggie smoothed her hair back and found a pair of heels that would suit the evenings purposes.

A nice dinner to celebrate a belated valentines day and birthday.

A note was hastily scribbled down for Sophie and stuck to the magnet bearing Sophie's name, to the refrigerator. Food was in the freezer and she would be back later. It was always hard for Maggie to walk out the door like this... she knew Sophie held little regard for Daren despite all the things he had done for them. Maggie wasn't certain where they would be right now if he hadn't been around to help out on those rare occasions where Maggie actually admitted to needing help. But he had been and she would always be thankful for it. He was a friend and she did care for him and couldn't help but accept that she did have feelings for him. She just... couldn't love him. At least not as he deserved to be loved. She couldn't. Not when her heart would always belong to one man. Even in all the years he'd been gone... It could never be replaced.

She glanced down at the simple silver watch that adorned her wrist and quickened her pace, hurrying for the small clutch bag she had set out earlier in preparation for this evening. Purse tucked under her arm and a simple black coat slung over her arm Maggie hurried out the door. She had made the reservation but she hae known Daren long enough to simply let his driver know what time they needed to be picked up and where they were going. She wanted to keep something a surprise for Daren.
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