February 24th, 2008

[info]enemy_in_me in [info]haunted_roads

Week Two: Thursday

When: Evening
Where: Old Town Towers, A5
Who: Jerzy and Taavi
What: An early dinner so Taavi can go out after

So, the Maggie chic was as close to a mother as Jerzy had ever known. Even if Jerzy was sure she wasn’t much older than him. Maybe five years. Now that was fucked up. Shit like that had a way of getting him down on himself. But Jerzi didn’t talk much about shit like that. The world was full of negativity, when he found something positive, like Maggie, Jerzy didn’t want to in any way, foul that.

There had been girls, ok a girl, that Taavi had allowed close enough, and that Jerzy had really liked to. But Maggie was a whole different thing, a relative stranger really. Gave Jerzy warm fuzzies to think there were really good people out there.

She’d dropped off some goodies, of which, Tanya was now enjoying her part, a jar of kitty treats. The other, a tray of cookies almost too pretty to eat, was sitting in the center of the dining table (yes, they did have one of those.) He had lectured Tanya as he set the tray down that she was to stay off the table today. They were going to actually be using it. They, meaning the humans. Er, human and uh… were. Not that Taavi wasn’t completely human to Jerzy, but yeah.

So, he left the cookies alone, but instead tackled the HoHo’s and Candy Hearts that were the gift from Taavi. Made Jerzy smirk when he saw it. Made him want to do something equally nice for his brother. But aside from kicking his ass at Halo, he didn’t think he really had any good skills, and certainly no money. None of that mattered though because Taavi could buy whatever he wanted for himself anyway. What he decided to give him was, what he thought would be a favorite for both of them. A home cooked meal in a clean apartment.

He did his best, straightening messes, trying to put things where they belonged. But half of it unfortunately, ended in piles, shoved in drawers and cabinets, or even under cushions. This was pretty common when Jerzy tried to clean. Then he found the vacuum cleaner Taavi had bought last year. He used the hose to suck up dust where he could see it, then vacuumed all the floors, whether carpet or linoleum, or tile.

By the time he was done with all that, the frozen chicken he’d put in the oven was almost done. Jerzy put the tub of mashed potatoes in the microwave and beside that the steam in bag corn. He didn’t turn it on yet though, he was going to wait for Taavi to come home before he did that. Soon, he thought. In fact, he didn’t even leave the kitchen, but stood there, petting Tanya on her perch on the counter, waiting for the sound of the front door.
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[info]dust_and_shadow in [info]haunted_roads

Week Two: Thursday

Who: Dorian (Narrative)
Where: Pioneer Square through the financial district
When: Thursday Night
What: Uh... brooding?

There was a sharp scent of flowers to the air, seemed to linger throughout the afternoon and into the night when Dorian far preferred to step free from his motel room. It wasn't entirely for the fact that sunlight lessened abilities... but there was simply something about the unforgiving glare of the sun that tended to bring out the harsh realities of the world that he walked through. Melodramatic as that seemed.

Perhaps it was just the day? Couples walking hand in hand out of the cities fancy restaurants. Smiles and side long glances between the pairs as they hurried to cars or waiting taxi's that quickly left the scene heading off to various parts of the city. He didn't begrudge any of them their happiness... in fact as Dorian moved through the darkened streets he found that he couldn't stop watching them. Though it wasn't really them that he was watching.

He'd found that he'd stopped... footsteps away from the City Centre building, Palomino being a hot spot for dates it seemed. His head lifted to the sky for a moment and with a sharp inhale of breath he was in another city and another time. It was almost as if he could hear the sound of her laughter, feel the slide of her hair and most of all... smell that scent that had always been uniquely Belle.

"Honey is that man alright? Should we call someone..." That broke Dorian from his moment of silent reverie. Distracted enough that he hadn't even taken the time to fade into the background enough to be invisible from the humans enjoying their evenings. Dorian gave a short nod of his head and moved on.

And there it was again... that scent. Even more than the scent... the feel of her. His mind hadn't played tricks like this on him in years. Maybe he was finally losing it. Too many years of pushing on and constantly moving... no, it didn't necessarily made sense but none of this was particularly making sense. Dorian's head whipped to the side, practically expecting to see her there next to him again, that secret smile on her face that had always had him, even from hello... But she wasn't there. It was just a crush of people coming out of the early showing at that theater...

Her scent was gone. Overwhelmed by too many others. Washed away again. He couldn't clutch at this and hold onto it like he did with the memories that he'd long ago given up trying to forget. They were his own form of punishment.