February 19th, 2008

[info]mr_rockstar in [info]haunted_roads

Week Two - Saturday

When: Saturday night
Where: Alibi Room's main stage
What: ROARKE's show
Who: Anyone who wants to come!

They were scheduled to take the stage in ten minutes, the opening band still warming up the crowd that was quickly gathering inside the Alibi. Behind the scenes each member of ROARKE was tending to whatever pre-performance ritual they might have. Someone was bouncing repeatedly on the balls of their feet and judging from the soft clack of drumsticks to hardwood, yet another member was warming up in the 'dressing room.' Kaden tended to center himself rather quietly before a gig - standing off to the side, just where he could see the crowd, watching their reactions, getting a read for them. Not every audience was the same, you could read them and what they wanted if you paid enough attention. He did - it was one part of the many things that made him a good frontman. It was as if he had a sixth sense for the varying crowds, always knew exactly what to give them.

Eventually their warm up act stepped off stage and the small sound crew that worked on the bar's stage moved to arrange their equiptment. They'd soundchecked earlier in the day, would do so briefly again, but everything should be ready to go. A set list was taped to the amp facing his mic and from where he stood, Kaden's eyes traced over the numbers he'd picked again, just to be sure. There was a ballad or two they'd need to take out, tonight's group wasn't the type for anything too slow, too mellow. They were wired up and wanted something that was truly going to give them a reason to move. Keeping it fast paced and loud was clearly the way to go.

He was always the last to take the stage - if he had any tradition it was that. The lights would dim to near complete darkness as the others made their way out, tinkered around for a moment to make sure that everything was still in tune, still set to go. He came last, sliding up to the mic without the glare of those blasted spotlights on him, readying himself for the glare that was sometimes almost too much; a vampire's favorite place to be was definitely not under a complete set of high powered lights. When they rose tonight it was slowly enough that his eyes could adjust, that he could prepare himself for the brightness ahead. They revealed nothing particularly spectacular, the group all on stage ready to go, their frontman clad as usual in nothing more than a pair of jeans, a henley and one of many black jackets he tended to sport. That didn't stop the female portion of expressing their gratitude, not that it was all for him of course.

"Ladies and gentleman," the sound man's voice came over the system announcing the band as Kaden adjusted the mic stand, "please give it up for ROARKE!" They wasted no time with silly on-stage banter, it wasn't why people where there anyway. They wanted music, they wanted it to be good, and the band was going to waste no time in giving it to them. Hand wrapped around the mic, the count began - it wasn't long until Kaden's voice was filling the bar, floating out into the night.
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