February 8th, 2008

[info]shadows_prism in [info]haunted_roads

Week One: Thursday

Who: Hesper and Nox
When: Evening
Where: Old Town Towers, E4
What: Hesper has decided to make an appearance at home.

It always felt nice to be home after an away job. She had spent the past few days on a quick assignment Las Vegas. It was a miracle really that she had resisted a few rounds at the card tables, but while the job was quick enough it had been a bit messy. It was always too much fun when they decided to put up a fight. While they never actually stood a chance it was something that invigorated her beyond belief. Still, the job was done and she had collected her payment which was now neatly deposited in her account.

Walking into the apartment complex she and her brother called home, she light up a cigarette. It was a shock to the system after the much nicer Nevada climate. Washington was fucking cold and it was hailing outside. Evil little pieces of ice just falling from the sky. Hesper was pretty sure hail was the most dastardly thing ever created, and she had seen her fair share of things that end of the spectrum. Made her want to hop back on a plane to the warm casinos. Still, she was in the building now at least so there was less to be disgruntled about.

While she could not be bothered to check the time, she figured Nox would be home. He always worried more than usual whenever she was gone more then a few hours. Really it was a little cute how he worried, but really it was ridiculous. Still that was just how Nox was, neurotic and anal. She amused herself on the trip up the stairs figuring out just exactly how he was going to yell at her this time. She should have thought to bring a boy, it was always funnier when she did.

Reaching their apartment she fished around her pockets for her key before unlocking the door and heading in. Closing the door rather loudly, she stood in front of it with her hands on her hips and looking into the apartment. "You home, Nox? Maybe squirreled away with some pretty girl off the street corner or whatever?" she shouted out before heading to the kitchen. "You did go shopping recently, didn't you?"
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