February 6th, 2008

[info]in_his_shadow in [info]haunted_roads

Week One: Wednesday, February 6th

Who: Nox and OPEN Cecily
When: Early evening, just before 5:00
Where: Old Town Towers, main floor

Another day passed without word from his sister. It had only been three days so far, including today, but when even one flip of the day calendar went by with Hesper's bed being empty, Nox worried. Yes, this behavior was typical. No, Nox wasn't ever going to get used to it. Every time she up and vanished, he expected to be called to the morgue to identify her body... or, perhaps worse, he'd be called by one of his coworkers at the jail to bail her out. Why couldn't she assimilate the way he had? There were good paying jobs among humans, and the lifestyle was fulfilling. He would never understand the appeal of the city's underworld that Hesper seemed to lose herself in so often. He'd spent enough time down there when he'd first arrived in Seattle, and the bad taste still lingered in his mouth.

He looked as though he was tasting it right then. The corners of his lips turned down, and the skin above the bridge of his nose pinched, his mood was obvious. Worry had invaded his features. He kept his head down as he walked through the lobby to the mailboxes, only looking up to unlock the one belonging to him. Standard stuffing could be found inside: a few bills, far too many advertisements for credit cards and home loans, and a paper filled with community coupons. He slid the bills into the back pocket of his jeans, and then he got to work tearing up the junk mail before tossing it in the trash can that sat beside the mailboxes.

It would be getting dark soon, and in just a few hours he'd head into work for his normal overnight shift. Getting the mail at this hour was part of his routine, and he saw the same familiar faces pass through the lobby. Everyone had a schedule, and Nox was an observant man. He kept unofficial tabs on all that took place around him. He knew in an instant when something was 'off'. This evening, everything appeared to be in place, and that was of great comfort, even if he was still upset about his sister being missing once again. Well, at least her absence was 'normal'. Perhaps he'd be more concerned if she suddenly broke routine and stayed put for a solid month.

A man who lived on the same floor as Nox. The two had never actually conversed, but they acknowledged each other politely. Nox offered a warm smile, and the other man nodded with respect before continuing on through the lobby to the elevators. When he was gone, Nox left the lobby and ventured back to the commons area. He sometimes bumped into acquaintances while there. Perhaps someone had seen Hesper when she left the other night and could tell Nox who she was with at the time.
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[info]haunted_vocals in [info]haunted_roads

Week One: Tuesday

Who: Hale, Adian, and Vallis
When: Evening
Where: Old Town Towers, seventh floor hallways, and Hale's apartment
What: Neighbors getting acquainted, isn't that nice?

"Perhaps if you hadn't offered to pay her afterwards, then she might have agreed to return home with you. Honestly, Vallis. Not all women are prostitutes." It had been rather obvious, that Vallis had used his gift against the woman. Why else would she have crawled beneath the table of a five star restaurant, and tended to him, with her mouth. At least he had been conscious enough of their surroundings, to keep his voice down. They didn't need to draw the attention of the other patrons, she was sure they all ready stuck out as it was. He'd been insistent, that they have the finest table in the restaurant, throwing money around carelessly, in some idiotic attempt to prove his deserving of it. Adian was quickly learning, that he was a great embarrassment. Though, it worried her more, that so many were willing to bend to the will of his money... even herself, though she was not quick to admit it. Her reasons, did not lie with his money, solely. It had it's perks, she couldn't deny that, but rather his connection to her sire. If she were to seek anyone out, it would be him, her brother.

With an ego, as large as his, any bruise it received, was felt in volumes. It had always been this way for Vallis. He was vain, and expected that alone, to catch any womans attention. If that wasn't bait enough, he could always convince them, that they wished to do nothing more,than please him. The gift, it seemed, he had a struggle with, after copulation. The aftermath of an orgasm, usually left a man shaken for a moment. A vampire was no different. It had been in these moments, that the woman had slipped from her stuper. Such a bruise had been received this night, and he didn't exactly appreciate his pet, adding more pressure to it. "Any woman can be a prostitute, at the right price. Even you, Adian. You think far too highly of yourself, when the truth is, that you, and all those in possession of a cunt, are no better than the whores, walking the streets." He hissed, moving around the song bird, as the two walked from the lift.

Those normally pouty lips, became a rather thin line. Once more, she had to question her desire to be around him. Was it really all worth it? With each day that passed, her reason wore down. "You give women far too little credit, and yourself too much. This line of thinking, may have been suitable in your day, and age, but things have changed. Not everyone can be bought." Rather annoyed at this point, her hand moved into the enterer of her hand bag, searching out the apartment key. The sooner she could have Vallis from her sight, the better. "I've never meet a man, who can seem so charming one moment, and then next, be the biggest piece of shit, that ever existed."
The dark blue heels, clicked across the floor, as she walked, sounding a bit more heavy, due to her new found anger. The dress, a gift from Vallis, that she wished she hadn't expected. Every thing in her closet was a reminder of how persuasive he could be. How manipulative.

Before she was able to reach the door, his arm shoot forward, the palm of his hand, pressed against the wall. Haulting her steps. "Ma beauté... if you have no right, to speak of me in such a way. Your mouth, in my opinion, has two purposes. To sing, and bob between my thighs. If you do not mind your tongue, I will make sure, that it is used for nothing more. Are we at an understanding, Adian, l'amour?" She wasn't allowed to answer, his hand rose, so that two fingers laid across her lips. "A nod will do."
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