February 4th, 2008

[info]alphonsine in [info]haunted_roads

WEEK ONE : Thursday

WHEN; Thursday, in the evening
WHERE: The Alibi Room
WHAT; Ally is behind the bar at work when Kaden comes in to book a show for his band
RATING; G, can be changed if necessary

The cocktail bar is open from four in the evening until two in the morning; since it is still a little too sunny for the woman at four, she leaves her apartment in the Towers as soon as it is possible. Management initially was not thrilled with her request to come in later once the seasons changed and it was lighter for longer, but they considered her a valuable employee as she often stayed longer than anyone else could or would even want to. Tonight may very well be one of those nights.

It was not especially busy, not all at once, but the patrons had been coming in a steady and consistent trickle. That suited Ally just fine. As she moved about behind the bar, she liked to keep her eyes open for people she knew and others she might like to come to know. Every place had their usuals and tonight, a few had been seated at and around the bar. As she poured another glass of Rosemont Shiraz for a woman named Elizabeth, Ally smiled, because she really did enjoy what she did. This was a very social occupation; it was easy to come to know people, if they wanted to be known, and she liked the atmosphere.

One sleeve of her light, plum sweater was pushed above her elbow, then the other, and she tucked a stray strand of blonde behind her ear. Even as the other ladies wore flat shoes, since they were on their feet all night, she liked to wear heels. They were not always in the best shape, since spills did happen from time to time, but overall, she was an attractive woman with a natural beauty and required little fuss or make-up. Eternal youth had that bonus, after all.

During one of the lulls in service, Ally leaned shifted her weight into her hips and leaned against the counter. Tables scattered the room in an organized fashion with small, lit laterns as centerpieces. There was the restaurant upstairsm, with the bar and the club scene downstairs. DJs came in on the weekends and during the week, exceptional local bands often books their shows. Her pechant for bars and clubs, for their atmospheres and agreeable hours, had allowed her to come to know a lot of bands and their members.

One of which, had just come down the stairs.

[info]aloveforgotten in [info]haunted_roads

Week One: Tuesday - Narrative

It had only taken a few days for Serena to pack up her life and hop a plane to Seattle. At first she had considered just not going but the longer that she stared at his picture on that stupid website the more she realized that she just couldn’t let go. Knowing that he was alive, well as alive as a vampire could be, was like a stab to the heart. If he had really wanted out of their relationship so badly he could have just told her rather than having faked his own death and moved across the country. That alone should have kept her away but closure was an elusive bitch now and she wanted no, needed answers. Anger wasn’t something she generally felt but it quickly began to bubble up inside and threatened to consume her.

As far as her friends and family were concerned, she was heading to Washington to check out a hospital that was interested in having her become part of their team. It wasn’t a lie, she had gotten an offer and what the hell, she might as well check them out while she was there, but that wasn’t the main reason for her sudden departure. They just didn’t need to know the true reason. It was hard enough to deal with without having to hear the opinions of everyone else on the matter.

Ryan had been the only one she called and he had been sworn to secrecy until she had a chance to figure out what the hell was going on. He had offered to go with her or even in her place but she refused. This was something that she needed to handle on her own and he respected that. He had even offered to watch Tony for her but not knowing how long she would be gone couldn’t do that and instead made arrangements for him to come with her. So she let her landlord know that she’d be out of town for a while, put all of her mail on hold and headed for Seattle with the fire only a woman scorned could possess.

It was late Tuesday night when her plane finally touched down and after retrieving her dog, she hopped a shuttle to her new home. The pair was exhausted once they finally made it to the hotel and the only thing on her mind was a hot shower and a warm bed. Tony had the same idea and curled up after a quick bite.

Even through the exhaustion the anger flowed freely through her veins and no length of time spent under the hot spray of water could pull the tension from her shoulders. Now it was just a matter of asking around the city to find out where his band would be playing next and then she could finally get her answers. The only question was did she really them?