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[Jul. 9th, 2008|09:23 am]
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who: Cooper & Tom!
what: Cooper's blowing off some steam by singing along to power ballads of the 80s and 90s.
when: Tuesday, evening
where: Outside...away from people...and embarrassment

If he was going to rock out, he was going to do it right. )
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Hi Kids! It's The Yellow Blob Show [Jun. 23rd, 2008|06:27 am]
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Children's Show set (Think Pee-Wee's playhouse): includes huge animatronic creepy creatures like a talking chair, a rainbow elephant puppet that says "Braug!" between each sentence. Crazy wild-eyed puppets. There's a a corner for "timeouts", as well as a Tickle Trunk that contains costumes for dressing up. The costumes are non-optional, people.
villains: Rosie, Jake, Jude
victims: Andi
heroes: Sarah, Bart, May, Cooper,
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Log: Cooper & John [May. 10th, 2008|11:51 pm]
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Who: Cooper & John
Where: Outside
When: Saturday. May 10
What: Hi. It's drunk Cooper kind of outing himself with a lost-in-time John. They share a haircut. It's cool.

How you feeling there, guy? )
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Working off some steam [Apr. 21st, 2008|08:34 am]
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Who: Cooper Baldwin Jack Murdock
When: Monday morning - early
Where: The gym
What: Cooper is pissed for no good reason and knows what will happen if he doesn't expend the bad feelings that are completely unfounded...but still.

first, he needed to punch something. )
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Log! Box & Kinetic [Apr. 9th, 2008|10:48 am]
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Who: Cooper & Jimmy
Where: The Rec Room
When: Tuesday, April 8
What: Cooper makes Chester a collage because he feels bad for the guy. And to huff glue fumes.

That's...kind of what I do, minus the cholesterol. )
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Thread: Inertia & OPEN [Apr. 9th, 2008|10:30 am]
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Who: Casey Carter and open to anyone who wants to try and stop her (Cooper?).. unless Emma Frost just wants to shut down her brain and strap her to a table for when she wakes up... and if no one stops her then she'll leave and come back and catch hell for it later. XD
When: Morning, Wednesday, April 9
Where: Academy grounds
What: Casey wants to go find her dad but the headmasters said no. She's... deciding that doesn't matter.

Read more... )
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OPEN to ALL! [Apr. 4th, 2008|11:16 am]
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WHO: Magnar Maximoff and OPEN to ALL who are not at the Park.
WHERE: Lunchroom
WHEN: Lunchtime, Friday
WHAT: Watching the news of the battle

Anyone die yet? )
[OPEN to ALL!]
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thread - Health and Well Being [Mar. 24th, 2008|08:52 pm]

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WHO Pete and YOU? YOU, too! Why not?
WHAT Are you ready for some football?
WHERE outside on the lawn
WHEN afternoon, with all the sun that Daylight Savings Time provides

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Cooper and Jimmy AIM log [Mar. 24th, 2008|03:44 pm]
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WHO: Cooper Baldwin and Jimmy Langowski
WHEN: late Monday night / early Tuesday morning
WHAT: Late Night AIMing with Cooper and Jimmy!

You've....THOUGHT of building a death ray? )
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Kinetic Narrative [Mar. 20th, 2008|02:13 pm]

Who: Cooper Baldwin
What: Cooper's cooking and talking to the television
When: March 20, 2033

I just want to ceeeeeelebrate, another chance at liviiiiing... )

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