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log: Jack and John [Jul. 10th, 2008|10:00 am]
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WHO: Jack and John
WHAT: Last of the spam, I swear! A little talk about religion, time and history Look out, kids: you might learn a little something!
WHERE: Outside on the lawn far enough for firearms
WHEN: LONG LONG AGO, last month, pre-Mojo

There's a metaphor in here, isn't there. )
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log: Jack and Dave [Jul. 10th, 2008|09:44 am]
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WHO: Jack and Dave ( o/~little ditty... 'bout Jack and Daaaave!o/~ )
WHAT: the self-defeating bastard at work, words that will be eaten later, Jack sings! and a terrible lesson is learned. Warning: as per the norm, it's long. But yet, singing!
WHERE: the laundry room
WHEN: riiiight after this

Do you want to lose it, or do you want to actually stop being a God damn pussy neurotic Jew for five minutes and take a chance? )
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Thread: Jack & Heath [Jul. 6th, 2008|11:00 pm]
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Who: Jack Murdock & Heath Cameron
When: Sunday evening, June 6
Where: Heath's room
What: So, apparently Heath needs some advice on how to deal with a gay brother. Jack doesn't have a gay brother, but he supposes he might know a little something about the subject.

Ta da! )
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Log: Tuesday, Jack, Richard, and Duckie [Jul. 6th, 2008|01:57 am]
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Who; Tuesday and Jack, and then Richard, and then Richard leaves and Duckie comes in
When; BACKDATED to July 4th
Where; Outside somewhere, and the at the medlab
What; Tuesday and Jack start the log off comparing powers. Then Richard shows up, bitches with Jack, and then Jack shoves him and Richard hits Tuesday with a quarter instead of Jack to make some kind of point and be all 'oooh look what you made happen to your friend, you loser' or something. Anyway, Jack and Tuesday go to the medlab and get Duckie to fix Tuesday.

...Is that the Kentucky state quarter? )
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log: Jack and Phil [Jul. 4th, 2008|11:10 am]
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Who: Jack Murdock and Phil McCoy
What: They meet, they talk, they decide to get back together. Ah, like you didn't see it coming. WE ARE SO TRANSPARENT.
When: July 2
Where: Academy grounds

Sprechen Sie Englisch? ¿Habla usted inglés? Parlez-vous anglais? )
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Log: Jack, Phil, & Pete [Jul. 1st, 2008|11:09 pm]
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Who: Jack Murdock, Phil McCoy, and Pete McCoy
When: BACKDATED to Sunday morning, prior to Jack leaving for Canada
Where: Phil & Pete's room
What: Jack goes to apologize to Phil, ends up being invited in, and a very awkward and uncomfortable experience ensues. It's nasty.

Welcome to Chez Uncomfortable, population: 3. )
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log: Janis, Jack, and Dave (part 2) [Jul. 1st, 2008|07:44 pm]
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Who: Janis Jones, Jack Murdock, David Samson, a surly waitress, and a headless stuffed turtle.
What: Before they make it home, they stop at a diner where Dave hears that Janis thinks he's crazy, Janis throws a shoe at Jack, and Jack becomes attached to a stuff turtle he names Phil. There was some drinking involved, you guys.
When: Sunday evening.
Where: Mildred, Saskatchewan.
Warnings: Oh. There's drinking, mild violence, cussin' and fighting...oh! and blatant disregard for Canadian seatbelt laws.

You're doomed I'm doomed the turtle's doomed. )
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log: Janis, Jack, and Dave (part 1) [Jul. 1st, 2008|07:40 pm]
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Who: Janis Jones, Jack Murdock, David Samson, and Some Mounties
What: Hulk go to Canada! Dave is under suspicion by the Canadians of being the Wendigo! Janis calls the Samson home and finds out Dave's location. She recruits Jack to help her find Dave! They succeed, but they have to convince the mounties that Dave can go home with them.
When: Sunday evening. On Monday, they arrived home-- just in time for Canada Day today! WOO!
Where: Mildred, Saskatchewan!
Warnings: It's kind of long? It's so long, IJ didn't let me post it on one part. Gosh. Uh. THIS IS PART ONE.

We'll get this cleared up in a jiff. )
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Log: Phil & Jack [Jun. 28th, 2008|11:53 pm]
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Who: Jack Murdock & Phil McCoy
When: Ohhh, tonight. Saturday night.
Where: Jack's room
What: Phil comes to Jack's room under false pretenses to apologize. Jack misreads some signals and is ... rather cruel. But on the whole, I find the log rather funny toward the very end. :x
Warnings: Sexual content to the point of nakedness and inappropriate touching, nothin' more!

Thank you for confirming that you're a bastard. )
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log: Jack and Phil [Jun. 27th, 2008|09:26 am]
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Who: Jack Murdock and Philip McCoy
What: Jack goes to visit Phil. And... they argue. Phil's still mad that Jack didn't trust him on the whole "Something ain't right with Pete!" and Jack's mad that Phil is being a jerk.
When: Something shortly after they came back... so either Wednesday or Thursday? Sure.
Where: MacTaggart.
Warnings: Language.

So, uh. Pretty... uh. Pretty weird. What happened. I heard. )
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Log: Jack & May [Jun. 20th, 2008|02:11 pm]
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Who: Jack Murdock and May Parker
When: Friday, around 7 PM
Where: Jack's room
What: After yesterday, Jack is despondent and does not want to talk to May. Naturally, this means this is an incredibly short log.

Take her, keep her. I don't want to walk her. )
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Log: Phil & Jack [Jun. 20th, 2008|03:39 am]
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Who: Jack Murdock and Phil McCoy
When: A relatively short while after the Phil/Pete/Jack log----long enough for bones to be set, etc.
Where: Jack's room
What: Jack is angry at Phil, thinking that Phil has caused Pete to go postal on him. Phil is angry because Jack doesn't seem to understand that Pete isn't acting normal and needs help. Phil... chooses Pete over Jack.

I can't be with you.. )
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log: the McCoy Boys and an Unlucky Jack [Jun. 19th, 2008|11:08 pm]

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WHO: Phil, Pete, Jack and some evil Mojo
WHAT: the airborne nanovirus kicks in at just the right wrong time
WHERE: downstairs in the labs
WHEN: right after this, but before this

What is wrong with you? This is the least worst thing he's ever done! )
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Log: Jack, Phil, and May [Jun. 13th, 2008|11:09 pm]
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Who: Jack, Phil and May
When: June 12th, Thursday night
Where: Jack's bedroom. Oho.
What: May needs a hug. Jack doesn't, because hugs hurt, but he cuddles with her anyway, and then Phil comes in and compounds the cuddle. And feels like Hugh Hefner in the process.

I dunno if I can sleep, I'm all hopped up on the artificial sweeteners, bitches. )
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POKER! [Jun. 11th, 2008|01:34 pm]
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Who: Wes, Ryan, Jackie, Phil, Pete, Janis, Dave
Where: A very crowded Barton room!
When: Friday night (yeah, predated.)
What: Poker night, baby!
Warnings: Possible humiliations for losers. Shameless Wes showing off. *insert more here*

Lick and stick, guys. )
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Log: May and Phil (and some Jack) [Jun. 10th, 2008|11:05 pm]
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Who; Mayday, Phillip, and Jackie
When; June 9th, afternoon
Where; The medlab
What; May and Phil check out May's shoulder and talk about suing the pants off Normie. And then they go make Jack drive them to the store for strawberry shortcake.

The woman is hurt, Jack! She's hurt! We must have strawberry shortcake. )
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log: Normie's Last Stand [Jun. 6th, 2008|12:58 am]
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WHO: Normie Osborn, May Parker, Jack Murdock, Dave Samson, The Hulk, and a small cameo by Hank McCoy (NPC'd by Jessi)

WHAT: Back in the day, childrens, Normie Osborn kidnapped May Parker. This was like, six years ago. He got over it, and apparently, so did May. --ANYWAY. May isn't pregnant. This upsets Normie. He goes to kidnap her again (WHY? DON'T QUESTION IT). Jack intervenes. Then Dave intervenes... and then Hulk doesn't just intervene, he drags Normie out into the yard. Something Bad Happens To Normie. It's safe to say at the end of this log, after a long period of time in the hospital, Normie's going to jail.

WHEN: Late Thursday night, Early Friday morning.

WHERE: Faculty Building and somewhere on the grounds...

SPECIAL: VIOLENCE, LANGUAGE, AND ADULT SITUATIONS! Whatever that means, plus? There was loud arguing and then the Hulk SMASH! You guys probably heard this.

All right, does everyone know the tune We're Off To See The Wizard? )
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Log: Richard, Jack, and Phil [Jun. 4th, 2008|10:55 pm]
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Who; Richard Fisk, Jack Murdock, and Phil McCoy
When; June 4th, evening
Where; Richard's room
What; Jack's pissed about what Richard says, so he makes Richard say it to his face. And then they have a smackdown that Phil has to save Jack from. If any of your characters share a wall with Richard, they probably heard something.
WARNING; Violence and crazy. Richard fucking snaps, people.

You're just like your fucking father. You won't be able to protect anyone. Not Peter, not Ben, not your fucking boyfriend, and not that stupid girl. They'll all die someday because you failed. Just. Like. Daddy. )
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log: Jack and Joan. [Jun. 4th, 2008|04:12 pm]

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Who: Jack Murdock and Joan Allerdyce.
What: Their boyfriends had time together, clearly they should hang out, right? Actually, Joan just wants to fuck with Jack's head for brownie points. She really would like to be named Evil Sidekick of the year.
When: Mid-afternoon, today.
Where: In the gym.

Ha. There. Finally. Mention of Matt 'I'm a Ghoooost, woooo' Murdock. )
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Log: Jack, David, & Hank [Jun. 3rd, 2008|10:34 am]
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Who: Jack Murdock, David Samson, and Hank McCoy
When: Backdated to Sunday, June 1
Where: David's room and the hallway around it
What: David has chipped a tooth and his fear of dentists is overwhelming. You know. Causes anxiety. He's trying to stay calm with meditation and with Jack's help, but when Jack goes to get Dr. McCoy instead of a dentist, the Hulk makes a terrifying appearance. This is a long log with several scene changes, but I highly recommend reading it for the sheer awesomeness that is the Hulk. Holy snot.

Just... promise me you'll stay calm? )
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