February 9th, 2016



Dragging me out of my little corner of the multiverse is fine, but what am I supposed to do here without aged bourbon and Velveeta?

What the hell do you expect from me, to work sober? Is that how you want me? Sober and hungry?

This is hell on earth.



Alright so we're doing a supply run this week, we're leaving Thursday. So far for the wish list I've got the following:
• Highlighters.
• Peanut butter cups
• Twizzlers
• Kit Kats
• Snickers
• Bacon
• Velveeta (really, Tony?)
• Bourbon
• Coffee

Anything else? Keep in mind I have no idea what's out there but you might get lucky. Does anyone need anything - toothbrush, deodorant, shampoo, clothes, etc.

I think we need two days. Last time I ran by the closest stores there wasn't a damn thing to be found. We need to find gas this go or else we might not get back out again, at least in the jeeps, and we'll be screwed for the backup generators. If we need more than two days to find it we'll have to take it. We'll go small, that's a lot of hours to leave the Camp - Natasha and Sara you're with me, everyone else work out a schedule for patrol here.

Stark can help out with patrol if you're short or something comes up.

Give me a list before I head out of what you need. Also we should get in another training session before I go.



Shockingly...still not the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me. She said there were other people from Beacon Hills? Cora?



Okay. This is interesting.

Pretty high on the list of strange things happening.



I don't really know how to feel about this. One minute I'm with my brother and the next I'm... here. And as I've been told, no one really knows anything, so there goes my week of picking apart people's brains to find a way back or at least gather some kind of intel. I'm pretty sure others thought about it first.