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Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Dec. 18th, 2010|01:56 am]
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Who: Aphrodite & Hephaestus
When: Backdated like whoa. About a week or two after the narrative?
Where: Pennsylvania
What: Homecomings :|

Winters in Pennsylvania were cold, enough to drag breath from body and leave it clouding above the head, to finger ice against the windows and reach slyly into the house and steal away the heat )
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Narrative [Nov. 18th, 2010|11:18 pm]
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Who: Aphrodite
What: Trip to Hephaestus's. Greeks.
When: Immediately after Ares/Dite fight.

The car finds the end of the road as if it were the only place to get to, a veritable end of destination for all, rather than the snub end of a long and treacherous drive: one that winds beyond the trees and the dim and distant winter sunshine that leaches light away -- a sky that is a sweep of pale golds and pallid blues, like ink stirred into water, stretching far beyond and dawning behind the landscape. It is beautiful, even on a morning so cold it wraps itself cunningly around the bones, winds tendrils deep, steals the breath from the body, so very beautiful, but the woman emitted from the car does not look as if she finds it so.

There is a dearth of people here, no buzz of bodies and thrum of life, no pulse (and pulse again) of desire and need and want and love and life (life again, for it is double, no thrice important to a woman-goddess whose heartbeat beats entwined with others) )
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[Nov. 11th, 2010|01:01 pm]


Who: Hephaestus ([info]hammer_down)
What: Cycles and seasons, this month's theme.
When: Backdated to Monday afternoon, 11/08.
Where: Centralia, PA.
Warnings: None.

Winter was coming. )
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Is this the chance I've been looking for... [Sep. 10th, 2010|09:47 pm]

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[Current Mood |productive]
[Current Music |"Marble Walls" by Lovex]

Who: Achilles [info]chink_in_armor and OPEN (including Charybdis, Patroclus, Thetis, Absinthe, Briseis, Elisabeth, Hephaestus, Kenneth, Polyxena, The Muses, etc. Most of the Greek clan was invited, and I'm sure some New Gods and whomever they'd like to bring--so if you like jump in and join the party, go for it! The more the merrier)
What: Sabine Premiere After Party
Where: Ziegfeld Theater, New York
When: Friday night, 9:45/10:00 p.m.
Warnings: TBD
Extra: This log will be open for like a week, since I know a lot of you are slower than usual during this month for RL reasons, so it's open for a while so you have the opportunity to jump in when you can! XD)

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[May. 31st, 2010|12:17 pm]

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Who: The Carnival God ([info]theteninone) and all his carnies. Anyone and everyone in NYC is welcome to visit.
What: Midway Plaisance comes back to the home of the sideshow.
When: Memorial Day weekend; starting around 05/30 or thereabouts.
Where: Midway Plaisance's campgrounds in Coney Island.
Notes: The carnival's not a bloodless place, but it is Archie's domain, and he'll be the final word on any scuffles. I'm encouraging sub-threads, and carnies, feel free to breeze in and out as you please.

This is the carnival. They want you there. )
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And these wars, they can't be won / And do you want them, to go on and on? [Jan. 26th, 2010|08:03 am]


Who: Hephaestus ([info]hammer_down) [Narrative]
What: Reflecting on the Greek pantheon and the Titanomachy.
When: Tuesday morning.
Where: His home in Bethlehem, PA.
Warnings: None.

America, land of bountiful harvests and fertile soil, was a land where gods withered on the vine. )
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[Jan. 11th, 2010|12:58 pm]

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Who: Hephaestus ([info]hammer_down) & Pallas ([info]goatofwar)
What: Dismantling the maker.
When: Sunday afternoon.
Where: The road back to Heph's home.
Warnings: Brief violence.

Was it meant to be a critique, or indicative of something larger? )
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[Dec. 30th, 2009|10:03 pm]

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Who: Jofranka Westwick ([info]chooseyourfate) & Hephaestus ([info]hammer_down)
What: The inevitable in-person meet.
When: Shortly after Christmas.
Where: Heph's place in Bethlehem.
Warnings: Nothing likely.

He'd meant to stop by and say hello. )
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Surprise you to find that I'm laughing? // You thought that you'd find me in tears. [Dec. 9th, 2009|02:57 pm]
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Who: Elpis & Hephaestus (w/ Pandora-in-the-wings)
What: A meet up for a chat up about a f*ck up.
Where: SoHo bakery
When: Wednesday afternoon.
Why: Don't you mess with a little girl's dream, 'cause she's liable to grow up mean...

Elpis liked bakeries. )
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[Oct. 21st, 2009|09:10 am]

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Who: Hephaestus ([info]hammer_down) and Allegra ([info]h8texpectations)
What: Allegra's come home for a visit. And probably the inevitable argument.
When: Backdated to last Friday.
Where: Heph's place in Pennsylvania.
Warnings: Meh.

Bethlehem always knew when Mr. Pyrrhus's girl was visiting, because there would be a spate of small fires, or floods, or an influx of locusts. )
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[Aug. 6th, 2009|06:33 am]


Who: Hephaestus [Narrative]
What: Post-Aphrodite bids for peace.
When: Backdated to Tuesday afternoon.
Where: Centralia, Pennsylvania
Warnings: Nothing of consequence. It's Hephaestus, so it's hardly ecstatic.

Centralia was a world on fire. )
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[Jul. 28th, 2009|03:53 pm]
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Who: Hephaestus and Aphrodite
What: Aphrodite goes to visit Hephaestus, proving that even the impossible has good chances of being possible.
When: Backdated - Tuesday, July 21st, late afternoon
Where: Pennsylvania, Hephaestus' place
Warnings: TBD (but really, it's Dite and Heph guys, c'mon)

The last time Aphrodite remembered going to her husband like this was during the Trojan War. )
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[Jul. 8th, 2009|03:50 pm]

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Who: Hephaestus & Allegra
What: Meeting up after far too long, and also a game of Who Can Pretend They're Civilized Chicken.
When: Er, technically Tuesday afternoon. I think. Feel free to correct me here.
Where: The Little Owl, the Village
Warnings: It's Allegra. She'll probably beat up the waitstaff and make the cooks cry.

He wanted to see the closest thing he'd ever have to a daughter barreling her way down the street. )
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[Jun. 30th, 2009|05:50 pm]
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Who: Athena and Hephaestus
What: A little bit of conversation
Where: A private room in a restaurant
When: Backdated to Friday, 7 pm
Warnings: Awkward. Much awkward. Mention of past trauma.

If it makes you less sad, I will die by your hand. I hope you find out what you want. I already know what I am. And if it makes you less sad, we'll start talking again. And you can tell me how vile I already know that I am. )
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[May. 26th, 2009|07:12 pm]

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Who: Hephaestus & Coal
What: Meeting after too much, too fast.
Where: Centralia, Pennsylvania
When: Sometime Tuesday afternoon.
Rating: Tame. At worst some misogyny and insulting of the Greeks.

Centralia was as close to comfort as it ever came for either one of them. )
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Greeks Meeting Pt. I [Jan. 27th, 2009|07:41 pm]
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Who: The Olympians & Guests
Where: Zeus' East Hampton Manor
When: Tuesday, 20:00 HR
Status: TBC

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[Jan. 21st, 2009|11:25 pm]
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[Current Mood |moody]

Who: Hephaistos and Laura Ross
Where: The corner grocery, &c.
When: Late afternoon
Rating/Warnings: Undoubtedly language.

take it or leave it, or try to believe it if you've been down too long )
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[Dec. 18th, 2008|05:08 pm]
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[Current Mood |busy]

Who: Hestia, Hephaistos, and OPEN
Where: Katsulas’ Bakery
When: December 18th
Rating/Warnings: ?

the weather outside is frightful )
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[Sep. 17th, 2008|10:58 pm]

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[Current Mood |lonely]

Who: Gaheris and Hephaistos
Where: Katsulas' Bakery
When: Backdated to some time between meeting Mordred and meeting Morgan.
Rating: PG

nothing's fine, it's just a minor variation )
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[Aug. 13th, 2008|03:23 pm]
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[Current Mood |working]

Who: Hestia, Hephaistos, and OPEN
Where: Katsulas’ Bakery
When: Late Monday Evening
Rating/Warnings: None thus far

Come in and be welcome )
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