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Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Sep. 21st, 2010|09:33 pm]
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[Current Mood |bouncy]

Who: Anteros and Phanes
What: Love love!
Where: Phanes' home!
When: Monday evening
Warnings: Possibly the sex, but none yet!

Love may not be wise, but neither am I )
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Is this the chance I've been looking for... [Sep. 10th, 2010|09:47 pm]

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[Current Mood |productive]
[Current Music |"Marble Walls" by Lovex]

Who: Achilles [info]chink_in_armor and OPEN (including Charybdis, Patroclus, Thetis, Absinthe, Briseis, Elisabeth, Hephaestus, Kenneth, Polyxena, The Muses, etc. Most of the Greek clan was invited, and I'm sure some New Gods and whomever they'd like to bring--so if you like jump in and join the party, go for it! The more the merrier)
What: Sabine Premiere After Party
Where: Ziegfeld Theater, New York
When: Friday night, 9:45/10:00 p.m.
Warnings: TBD
Extra: This log will be open for like a week, since I know a lot of you are slower than usual during this month for RL reasons, so it's open for a while so you have the opportunity to jump in when you can! XD)

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[Sep. 10th, 2010|05:45 pm]
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Who: Anteros and Eros
What: Plotting erote revenge (which is not like other people's revenge)
Where: Eros' house
When: Thursday evening

The Erote Avengers )
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[Aug. 10th, 2010|07:07 pm]
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[Current Mood |chipper]

Who: Anteros and Phanes
What: ADVENTURES in unwinding *eyebrow wiggle*
Where:'s an adventure! (meaning, we'll see but somewhere in NYC!)
When: Monday night.
Warnings: TBD

Oh hey, BB, heyyy! )
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[Jul. 30th, 2010|04:08 pm]
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[Current Mood |happy]

Who: Soda and Anteros
What: Really hyper interaction, most likely!
Where: Anteros' shop of trinkety goodness
When: Thursday afternoon

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[Jul. 24th, 2010|07:22 pm]
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[Current Mood |mischievous]

Who: Anteros [info]anteroseroseros and Paris [info]gotmahbow
What: Discussing the unfaithful Helen of Spaaaarrtttaaa
Where: A small and private table in a cafe in New York City
When: Noon, July 23rd.
Warnings: None so far!

Tell me your woes )
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[Jul. 23rd, 2010|04:35 pm]
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[Current Mood |ecstatic]

Who: Anteros [info]anteroseroseros and Eros [info]tricky_arrow
Where: Eros' place!
When: Friday, July 22, evening
Warnings: TBC

Brothers )
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[Nov. 12th, 2009|12:16 pm]
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[Current Music |"My Obsession" by Cinema Bizarre]

Who: Eros [info]tricky_arrow  , Anteros [info]requieted and Echo [info]dittoparrot 
What: Eros is playing match-making again, only this time not in front of the camera
Where: Local Cafe
When: Thursday afternoon.

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[Nov. 1st, 2009|09:26 pm]
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Who: Eros [info]tricky_arrow, Anteros [info]requieted, Echo [info]dittoparrot,  and Narcissus [info]narcissustic
What: Eros has some special guests on his show
Where: On the set of Love Me, Love Me Not
When: Monday night
Warnings: hurt feelings? A schemer at work.

(ooc: No particular order, whomever jumps in first and then we'll go from there)

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[Oct. 30th, 2009|02:13 am]
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[Current Music |"Undisclosed Desires" by Muse]

Who: Eros [info]tricky_arrow and Anteros [info]requieted
What: The twins reunite
When: Late Thursday night/Friday morning
Where: Eros/Psyche's place
Warnings: Adorkableness

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not only misery loves company [Aug. 10th, 2008|10:03 am]

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Who: Freyja, Anteros
When: Saturday Night
Where: A dance club

things were good when we were young )
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[Jul. 28th, 2008|06:58 pm]
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Who: Psyche, Anteros, and Eros
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Il Mulino, Italian restaurant in Greenwich Village

ser·en·dip·i·ty { noun } : the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for )
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