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Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Mar. 29th, 2011|10:42 am]

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Who: Coal ([info]blacklung) and Wind Power ([info]unfettered)
When: Tuesday, March 29th
Where: Coal's homestead, PA
What: Just like old times

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They think that your early ending was all wrong [Mar. 9th, 2011|08:09 am]

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Who: Coal, US Military, Nuclear Power
What: Whatsa matter with you?
When: Wednesday Morning
Where: Centralia, Pennsylvania

For the most part they're right. But look how they all got strong. )
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Sometimes it's like someone took a knife edgy and dull [Mar. 4th, 2011|01:40 pm]


Who: Coal
What: Turning out the lights
When: Friday night
Where: Centralia, Pennsylvania

And carved a six inch valley through the middle of my soul )
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[May. 16th, 2010|12:54 pm]

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Who: Coal and Wallstreet
What: WTF
Where: Near the candy vein
When: Monday
Warnings: WTF

You worked until your back broke and then you worked some more. )
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[Jan. 28th, 2010|01:53 am]

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Who: Bia ([info]fists_first), Coal ([info]blacklung) and Zelus ([info]competitiveedge)
When: Wednesday evening, 1/27
Where: Some nondescript bar in NYC
What: "Don't touch" is a hard lesson learned.  (Especially when it's Coal's shit apparently.)

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[Jan. 12th, 2010|12:41 pm]


Who: Coal [narrative]
What: Being surly
When: Sunday evening
Where: Heph's house aka The Forge

The Wind had changed him, had a habit of making him do things he never would. Things might be different if they both gave in and realized as much. )
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[Jul. 11th, 2009|07:43 pm]

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Who: Coal and Wind Power
What: Getting back the axe
Where: Alizea’s home, Southern PA
When: Friday Evening
Warnings: TBA

He didn’t want to do this. )
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[May. 26th, 2009|07:12 pm]

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Who: Hephaestus & Coal
What: Meeting after too much, too fast.
Where: Centralia, Pennsylvania
When: Sometime Tuesday afternoon.
Rating: Tame. At worst some misogyny and insulting of the Greeks.

Centralia was as close to comfort as it ever came for either one of them. )
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[May. 6th, 2009|06:55 pm]

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Who: Divorce ([info]itsnotyouitsme) & Coal ([info]blacklung)
What: Reinstating old traditions.
Where: A nameless, faceless bar in the city.
When: Wednesday evening.
Rating: Divorce talks a lot.

They'd been doing this for a painfully long time. )
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