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Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Dec. 18th, 2010|01:56 am]
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Who: Aphrodite & Hephaestus
When: Backdated like whoa. About a week or two after the narrative?
Where: Pennsylvania
What: Homecomings :|

Winters in Pennsylvania were cold, enough to drag breath from body and leave it clouding above the head, to finger ice against the windows and reach slyly into the house and steal away the heat )
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Narrative [Nov. 18th, 2010|11:18 pm]
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Who: Aphrodite
What: Trip to Hephaestus's. Greeks.
When: Immediately after Ares/Dite fight.

The car finds the end of the road as if it were the only place to get to, a veritable end of destination for all, rather than the snub end of a long and treacherous drive: one that winds beyond the trees and the dim and distant winter sunshine that leaches light away -- a sky that is a sweep of pale golds and pallid blues, like ink stirred into water, stretching far beyond and dawning behind the landscape. It is beautiful, even on a morning so cold it wraps itself cunningly around the bones, winds tendrils deep, steals the breath from the body, so very beautiful, but the woman emitted from the car does not look as if she finds it so.

There is a dearth of people here, no buzz of bodies and thrum of life, no pulse (and pulse again) of desire and need and want and love and life (life again, for it is double, no thrice important to a woman-goddess whose heartbeat beats entwined with others) )
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[Nov. 16th, 2010|04:20 am]
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Who: Ares & Aphrodite
What: A fight, what else? Not resolved in the same way, however.
Where: Ares' place in NYC
When: Early Sunday morning

The silence, more than everything else, was deafening, threatening - murderous in its unseen eyes, seeking fear and blood in the unclean waters )
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Yeah I'm bold, I'm bold as love [Oct. 14th, 2010|01:44 pm]

Who Aphrodite and OPEN to ANYONE
When early afternoon
Where that park, and wherever else
What She's people watching and whatever else happens
Warning who's Dite. T for now
status In- Progress

Just ask the axis )
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Repairing burnt bridges. [Sep. 28th, 2010|04:37 pm]
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Who Aphrodite and Hector (open to Helen)
What An apology and a gift
When September 28th, mid afternoon
Where Hector's apartment, Seattle.

Saying you're sorry is like stabbing yourself in the leg... except that heals faster. )
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[Jun. 7th, 2010|02:57 am]
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Who: Ares and Aphrodite
What: What goes around, comes around. Especially when what went around doesn't remember what was coming anymore. Or is it the other way around?
Where: Ares' apartment
When: Sunday afternoon
Warnings: Confusion, Ares/Aphrodite usual.

To not have heard of a punishment or a descent down to Hades again was strange.  )
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[Feb. 27th, 2010|12:15 am]

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Who: Aphrodite, Belphegor
What: Shopping for necessities
Where: Pharmacy in NY
When: Saturday, Feb. 27
Warnings: TBD?

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[Feb. 26th, 2010|01:15 am]
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Who: Himeros, Echo, and Aphrodite
What: Dinner
When: Friday, around 6pm
Where: Himeros' apartment
Warnings: Language(at least on Himeros' side), otherwise TBD

Himeros had really envisioned this meeting to be different )
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If I made you mad today, tell me - would you love me tomorrow? [Jan. 28th, 2010|02:35 am]

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Who: Aphrodite ([info]unrequitedly) and Ares ([info]ares_godofwar)
What: Ares stops by.
Where: Waldorf Astoria.
When: Wednesday night
Warnings: Greek Couple of the Year is having issues.

Oh no; I can’t let you go, my little girl, because you’re holding up my world, so I need you. )
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I don't want to lose a common ground with the whole world upside-down. [Dec. 24th, 2009|11:01 pm]

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[Current Music |Switchfoot - We Are One Tonight]

Who: Aphrodite ([info]unrequitedly) and Ares ([info]ares_godofwar)
What: Merry Christmas~
Where: Vegas
When: Christmas Eve night/eeearly Christmas morning.
Warnings: The Ares package.

I don't want to fight about it now, and the world was burning out. )
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[Dec. 6th, 2009|07:24 am]

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Who: Aphrodite ([info]unrequitedly) and Adrestia ([info]inescapable)
What: Blackmail Mother daughter bonding time
When: Wednesday, December 2nd (backdated)
Where: Aphrodite's place
Warnings: Language?  Beyond that, cannot imagine much else.

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[Nov. 13th, 2009|03:29 pm]

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[Current Music |Wicked - Defying Gravity]

Characters: Aphrodite and Hymenaios
Date/Time: 11/13, 3pm
Location: Great Jones Cafe
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Catching up

It's time to try/ Defying gravity./ I think I'll try/ Defying gravity/ And you can't pull me down! )
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Practice, Practice, Practice.... [Oct. 1st, 2009|10:41 pm]
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[Current Music |"Just Dance" by Lady GaGa]

Who: Aphrodite [info]unrequitedly  and Eros [info]tricky_arrow .
What: Aphrodite comes to visit her son just a few hours shy of his premiere on MTV with his new show
Where: MTV headquarters
When: Friday night, around 6 p.m.
Warnings: None

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[thread] [you shook me all night long] [open to: Greek Gods + Christian Angels] [Sep. 13th, 2009|11:57 pm]
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What: ROCKBAND CONTEST!!! It was bound to happen, seriously.
Warnings: IDFK WHAT'S GOING TO GO DOWN, REALLY. Ares might try to have sex with Michael and if anyone looks at Eve the wrong way, Angels will kick ass so TBD for sex and violence.

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[Jul. 28th, 2009|03:53 pm]
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Who: Hephaestus and Aphrodite
What: Aphrodite goes to visit Hephaestus, proving that even the impossible has good chances of being possible.
When: Backdated - Tuesday, July 21st, late afternoon
Where: Pennsylvania, Hephaestus' place
Warnings: TBD (but really, it's Dite and Heph guys, c'mon)

The last time Aphrodite remembered going to her husband like this was during the Trojan War. )
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[Jun. 27th, 2009|08:32 pm]

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Who: Sebastian and Aphrodite
What: Discussions about Important Things
When: Thursday (backdated)
Where: Aphrodite's office
Rating: TBD

Read more... )
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Selling Private Ryan [Jun. 7th, 2009|02:19 am]

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Who: DHS, DIA and Military people with their respective plus 1, DC money bags upper class. Special invitations were sent to: Uncle Sam and Britannia; Democratic Party and GOP.
What: Charity Function
Where: Renaissance Mayflower Hotel, Washington DC.
When: Sunday evening
Warnings: TBA
Notes: Start threads at your own convenience. ;D

It's for a good cause. Which one? Oh, you know the usual. High-tech surveillance equipment and weapons, fighter jets and vending machines. Yes, you heard right, now go and have another glass of champagne. )
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And now, forever, I know - all that I want is to hold you so close. [May. 21st, 2009|07:37 pm]

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Who: Aphrodite ([info]unrequitedly) and Ares ([info]ares_godofwar)
What: Honey I'm hooome~
Where: New York Citaaay~
When: Thursday early morning.
Warnings: Not for those who don't believe in the POWAAAR OF LOOOOVE~

A life goes by, romantic dreams must die so I bid mine goodbye and never knew, so close was waiting; waiting here with you. )
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[May. 15th, 2009|09:31 pm]
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Who: Guns and Aphrodite
Aphrodite's office
Friday late afternoon
Do you do walk-ins?

Unfortunately, when you were the infamous Greek love goddess, things don't always go as planned and wanted. )
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[May. 14th, 2009|09:10 pm]
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Who: Zeus and Aphrodite
What: Discussion and Dinner
Where: A Limo, and then Adour
When: Today
Warnings: TBA

He suspected that his loveliest had not lost her sense of style while he'd slept. )
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