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I know the darkness doth feed upon the sorrow / & that a long night has just begun [Jul. 30th, 2010|08:39 pm]

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Who: Pallas ([info]goatofwar) & Styx ([info]stygos).
What: It's been awhile.
Where: Not far from the Hudson's banks.
When: Backdated to around July 19, after this.
Warnings: Potential violence.

One small war in a series of big ones. )
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[Jul. 30th, 2010|08:16 am]

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Who: Pallas ([info]goatofwar), mentions of Perses ([info]perses) and Thanatos ([info]apeacefuldeath).
What: A little war, a little family time. A little inevitability.
Where: New York City, various boroughs.
When: July 18th-ish.
Warnings: Cheerfully vague violence.

Men were dead and it felt fine. )
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[Mar. 17th, 2010|03:32 pm]

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Who: Clio and Pallas
What: Making History, aka Clio's too curious for her own good
Where: Comfort Diner
When: Backdated to last Saturday, March 13th
Warnings: TBD

Once upon a time, Gods, mortals, and everything alike had practically run down her door to be made famous. )
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It's all the same, only the names will change. Everyday it seems we're wasting away. [Jan. 27th, 2010|11:15 am]

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Who: Ares ([info]ares_godofwar) and Pallas ([info]goatofwar)
What: It's all about the timing.
Where: Cronus' apartment building.
When: Monday night.
Warnings: Gods of war in the same building - actually, it can't be all that bad.

I'm a cowboy; I got the night on my side. I'm wanted dead or alive - wanted, wanted - dead or alive. )
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[Jan. 11th, 2010|12:58 pm]

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Who: Hephaestus ([info]hammer_down) & Pallas ([info]goatofwar)
What: Dismantling the maker.
When: Sunday afternoon.
Where: The road back to Heph's home.
Warnings: Brief violence.

Was it meant to be a critique, or indicative of something larger? )
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[Jan. 7th, 2010|10:11 pm]

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Who: Bia, Kratos, Nike, Pallas, Zelus (Open to Cronus, Rhea and Poseidon)
When: Thursday, 1/7
Where: Cronus' Pad
What: Operation - Rescue Poseidon!....with a twist.

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[Jan. 6th, 2010|02:51 pm]

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Who: Pallas ([info]goatofwar), Astraios ([info]reader_of_stars) and Eos ([info]likesthemyoung).
What: Family reunion time!
Where: Astraios and Eos's home.
When: Early during the first week of January.
Warnings: Titans! Reunions! Pallas might get handsy?

War was why Pallas came to New York, family why he stayed. )
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These walls I make - they hold me in and hold me back today, but tomorrow's new. [Jan. 1st, 2010|03:54 pm]

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Who: Cronus ([info]usurped_usurper) and Pallas ([info]goatofwar)
What: Say 'hi' to Mr. Not-so-Creepy Stalker - buy him a sammich and a drink and maybe we'll get along just fine.
Where: The cafe Pallas has been chilling out at.
When: (slightly backdated to) 30th December 2009
Warnings: None.

The road I walk is paved with the broken promises I made. At least a million times I've fallen, but never will I break. )
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