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Forgotten Gods RPG

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[Oct. 1st, 2009|10:31 pm]

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[Current Mood |busy]

Who: Gaheris and Open
Where: On a street corner.
When: Afternoon.
Rating: TBA.

We could buy an airplane--build a home in the sand )
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[Jul. 12th, 2009|12:28 am]
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[Current Mood |pleased]

Who: Morgan, Gaheris, open to all--we have free champagne and cocktails, and those cute little shrimps!
Where: The Art Gallery
When: Two o'clock on a Sunday afternoon
Rating: Starts PG-13, may well go up.

Your fate is measured by the weight of your gold )
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[Jun. 5th, 2009|09:52 pm]

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[Current Mood |bouncy]

Who: Annika Moore, Emory Scott & OPEN
Where: Out and about
When: Saturday
Rating/Warnings: Let's find out. :>

you know you're so beautiful on the edge of summer )
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[May. 18th, 2009|11:11 pm]

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[Current Mood |drunk]

Who: Gaheris and Mordred
When: Directly post Gaheris' visit with Morgause.
Where: Their apartment.
Rating: TBA, probably language.

While I cannot love myself, I'll use something else. )
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[May. 17th, 2009|02:07 pm]
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Who: Morgause and Gaheris
When: Late afternoon on Sunday
Where: Outside the corner bar near Gaheris' apartment
Warnings: Probably strong language!

..I'll draw three figures on your heart.. )
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[Apr. 26th, 2009|08:44 pm]

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Who: Rehab and OPEN
What: A day of healing around the city
When: Noontime, Monday
Where: Six Train
Warnings: TBD

An Uncommon Drunk: Revelations of a High-Functioning Alcoholic )
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[Feb. 14th, 2009|01:29 am]

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[Current Mood |relieved]

Who: Mordred, Gaheris, Gawain and/or Gareth
Where: Manhattan
When: BACKDATED to late January, around noon
Rating/Warnings: TBD

Midday, and two men emerge from the hospital. )
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[Feb. 2nd, 2009|04:55 pm]
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Who: Nimue and OPEN
Where: The Hollow Tree (Nimue's New Age store)
When: Morning
Warnings: None

anyone interested in shopping? )
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[Jan. 5th, 2009|08:55 pm]

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[Current Mood |scared]

Who: Gaheris and Open
Where: Lennox Hill Inpatient Surgery Wing
When: Around four o'clock.
Rating: TBA, but a tentative PG-13 for possible language and wound description (wounds! :D :D).

Visiting hours are nine to five (but if I show up at ten past six--) )
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[Dec. 26th, 2008|06:24 pm]
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[Current Mood |working]

Who: Anarchism and OPEN
Where: Parsons Free Clinic
When: Late Evening
Rating/Warnings: It’s Annie, so. Language.

Here is a thing I wish the world had more of –  )
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[Dec. 21st, 2008|11:24 pm]

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[Current Mood |anxious]

Who: Gaheris and Sallie
Where: Central Park Reservoir
When: Evening, late.
Rating: TBD

Asleep in the arms of this slow swinging sea )
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[Dec. 18th, 2008|05:08 pm]
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[Current Mood |busy]

Who: Hestia, Hephaistos, and OPEN
Where: Katsulas’ Bakery
When: December 18th
Rating/Warnings: ?

the weather outside is frightful )
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[Dec. 18th, 2008|12:31 am]
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[Current Mood |accomplished]

Who: Melancholy and OPEN
Where: SoHo
When: Early afternoon
Rating/Warnings: ?

and though I know you can't appreciate it )
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[Dec. 13th, 2008|11:06 pm]
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[Current Mood |patient]

Who: Morgause/Mordred/Gaheris/Alex
Where: A table at a largely abandoned sidewalk cafe
When: Evening.
Rating/Warnings: PG or thereabouts Bumped up to an R now. Uh, yeah..

watching, waiting )
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[Dec. 13th, 2008|12:42 am]

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[Current Mood |thoughtful]
[Current Music |*#$& jingle bells]

Who: Mordred and Gaheris/OPEN
Where: Gaheris' pesthole apartment and environs.
When: December 12. Evening.
Rating/Warnings: TBD
Notes: Anybody who wants to waylay him on the walk home should feel free, provided it allows him to still get home the same night. :)

the homeless man and the prince of pride )
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[Dec. 4th, 2008|10:40 pm]
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[Current Mood |cheerful]

Who: St. Martin of Tours and OPEN
Where: Outside the Soldier’s Legal Aid Society offices.
When: Early Thursday Morning
Rating: None yet!

Is it a monastic austerity to bike to work in the snow? )
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[Sep. 17th, 2008|10:58 pm]

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[Current Mood |lonely]

Who: Gaheris and Hephaistos
Where: Katsulas' Bakery
When: Backdated to some time between meeting Mordred and meeting Morgan.
Rating: PG

nothing's fine, it's just a minor variation )
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[Sep. 3rd, 2008|12:51 pm]

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Who: Famine and OPEN
Where: Central Park, NYC
When: Wednesday afternoon
Rating/Warnings: none

Melas Eoh, young, dynamic, successful )
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the waiting (is really boring) [Sep. 3rd, 2008|02:31 am]
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Who: Gawain and OPEN
Where: a cafe not far from the ATF building
When: not long after Gareth & Guinevere go questing
Rating: TBA

being confined to desk duty is no fun at all )
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[Aug. 31st, 2008|09:43 pm]
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[Current Mood |artistic]

Who: Morgan le Fey and Gaheris
Where: The gallery.
When: Late on Thursday night.
Rating: PG-13 for language.

old memories have faded, nearly all of them are lost )
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