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April 22nd, 2009

RP: In Avalon

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When: April 22nd, 2004
Who: Lavender Brown, Gabi Delacour
Where: Avalon Clinic
Private/Public: Private
Rating: All Ages
Summary: Gabi and Lavender meet at the Clinic.

For a place that housed some of the dirty little secrets of the wizarding world, the Avalon Clinic's gardens were wonderfully peaceful. )

April 18th, 2009

RP: Homecoming

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When: April 18th, 2004
Who: Lavender Brown, Richard Summerby
Where: Clink Street
Private/Public: Private
Rating: All Ages
Summary: Lavender makes a trip back to the flat for the first time since the attack.

She wasn't going to use the word dependent. )

OWL: Alecto to Miles

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When: April 18, 2004
Who: Miles, Alecto
Private/Public: Private
Rating: All Ages
Summary: Alecto sends Miles further instructions

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April 10th, 2009

RP: Miles actually sends owls

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When: April 10, 2004
Who: Miles, Draco, Alecto, Pansy
Where: Respective Locations
Private/Public: Private
Rating: TBA
Summary: Miles sends a few owls

Note: All owls are private, charmed to look like a quidditch gear advertisement for anyone other than the recipient.

Owl to Draco Malfoy )

Owl to Alecto Carrow )

Owl to Pansy Parkinson )

RP: A Little Real Life

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When: April 10th, 2004
Who: Lavender Brown, Duncan Brown (NPC)
Where: St. Mungo's
Private/Public: Private-ish
Rating: All Ages
Summary: Lavender gets a visit from her father.

She felt safe here and leaving and trying to go back to real life was just a little too scary right now. )

NOTE: Blaise to Drucilla

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When: April 10, 2007
Who: Blaise, Drucilla
Where: Their home
Private/Public: Private
Rating: All Ages
Summary: Blaise wishes his mother a happy birthday

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April 8th, 2009

Home Again

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When: April 8th, 2004
Who: Richard Summerby, ?
Where: Clink St.
Private/Public: Private, unless it gets loud
Rating: All Ages
Summary: Home from another trip away

RP: Visiting Hours

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When: April 8th, 2004
Who: Lavender Brown, Cass Vaisey, Asher Bradley
Where: St. Mungo's
Private/Public: Private-ish
Rating: All Ages
Summary: Lavender gets a visitor or two and recounts her story to Auror Bradley.

Sick of being ill. )

April 6th, 2009

RP: Empty Shell

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When: April 6th, 2004
Who: Lavender Brown, Susan Bones
Where: St. Mungo's
Private/Public: Private-ish
Rating: All Ages
Summary: Lavender thinks. Or doesn't think. Mostly not-thinking.

Days like this, I dont know what to do with myself. )

RP: What's going on at your end?

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When: April 6, 2004 (before dawn)
Who: Cass, (Percy - sleeping)
Where: Percy's flat
Private/Public: Private
Rating: All Agest
Summary: Cass returns to Percy after a night of investigations

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April 5th, 2009

OWL: to Cass from Pansy

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When: April 5, 2004
Who: Pansy, Cass
Where: the skies
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG
Summary: Pansy sends a birthday greeting.

Happy Birthday! )

RP: Unsuspecting

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When: April 5th, 2004
Who: Lavender Brown, Huxley [NPC], Lauren Lewis [NPC]
Where: Clink Street, London
Private/Public: Public-ish
Rating: Adult
Warning: Violence
Summary: One of the faithful makes a start on Alecto's orders.

It was nearly ten and the thought of a late snack and suitably greasy chips was too tempting, so she made a detour to a local takeaway before walking back down to Clink Street. )

April 4th, 2009

RP: Planning chaos

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When: April 4, 2004
Who: Alecto, her minions, Fenrir
Where: A muggle house just outside London
Private/Public: Private
Rating: All Ages
Warnings: Death is mentioned
Summary: Alecto finds a new house for her head quarters and decides it's time to speed things up. The fools should know who they're dealing with.

New Head quarters, new plans, more chaos )


General letter to all Death Eaters loyal to Alecto )


To Fenrir )

April 3rd, 2009

RP: It's good to have you back

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When: 3 April, 2005
Who: Draco, Blaise
Where: Malfoy Manor
Private/Public: Private
Summary: Blaise and Draco meet for dinner

It's good to have you back )

April 2nd, 2009

RP: Of Course I thought it was just another bar!

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When: April 1-2, 2004
Who: Zach, Miles
Where: The Red Dragon
Private/Public: Public
Rating: Adult
Warnings: Drunk Zach should be a warning if it isn't :)
Summary: With a few pints in his system, Zach does what he's been longing to do for months. Not that it's something he wants to do of course. He just…happened to walk into the wrong bar. Or something.

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April 1st, 2009

RP: George's Not-Birthday Party

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When: Evening; 1 April 2004
Who: Weasleys and friends, acquaintances, and party-crashers.
Where: The Leaky Cauldron
Private/Public: Public
Rating: TBA
Summary: The Weasleys through one of their own a party, even though hes not one for birthday parties.

This was something they all needed )

{Note: I'm thinking things are pretty lax for this. It's all bout good fun and being social. Who knows, maybe even a bit of drama. So come, have fun, and tag yourself as you join. :)}

March 31st, 2009

RP: The new Sherlock Holmes...

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When: March 31, 2004
Who: Stamford, Zach
Where: Stamford's office
Private/Public: Private
Rating: All Ages
Summary: Zach reports in with Stamford about things he's learnt.

...or a guy with a hard-on trying to impress a guy without one )

OWLs: Blaise to Draco, Pansy, Millicent, Greg

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When: March 31, 2004
Who: Blaise, Draco, Pansy, Millicent, Greg
Private/Public: Private (through a series of hexes)
Rating: All Ages
Summary: Blaise gets in contact with old friends – and hope they're more than willing to forget the past few months.

To Draco )


To Millicent )


Pansy )


To Greg )

March 30th, 2009

RP: Fancy seeing you here.

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When: March 30, 2004
Who: Adrian Pucey, Draco Malfoy
Where: The Ministry
Private/Public: Semi-public
Summary: Adrian bumps into Draco on his way back from applying for an International Apparition Licence for him and Stephen.

Fancy seeing you here. )

RP: Memories

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When: March 30, 2004
Who: Blaise, Drucilla
Where: The London home
Private/Public: Private
Rating: All Ages
Summary: Blaise finally gets his memories back.

Please tell me I did not act like a small confused child during the last three months... )

RP: Flick your wand like this

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When: March 30, 2004
Who: Charlie Weasley, Gabrielle Delacour
Where: Shell Cottage
Private/Public: Private
Rating: G
Summary: Charlie agreed to teach Gabrielle, he was just not sure if he was up to the task.

Charlie finally got a chance to meet with Gabrielle after he told Bill he would be willing to teach her more magic. He wasn't sure what her take on things were, but he was willing to work with her to teach the basics of magic and work from there.

He appeared in the garden of Shell Cottage and walked to the front door. "Showtime," he muttered to himself as he let himself into the house.


March 29th, 2009

Hannah meets with Tom's solicitor

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When: March 29, 2004
Who: Hannah Abbott, Lindsey Fawcett (NPC)
Where: Solicitor's office on Diagon Alley
Private/Public: Private, but Hannah can be seen going in.
Rating: Not above PG
Summary: Hannah gets an owl from Tom's solicitor asking to meet with her, so she goes by his office after she's had a few days of rest at home.

We never know what tomorrow holds... )

RP: A Quiet Sunday

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When: March 29, 2004
Who: Lavender Brown, Richard Summerby
Where: Clink Street flat
Private/Public: Private
Rating: All ages
Summary: Sometimes all you want to do is curl up on the sofa.

This last week had been something like a numb blur. )

March 28th, 2009

RP: Comforting one of the chicks

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When: March 28, 2004
Who: Molly, Gabrielle, Circe Delacour
Where: Shell Cottage
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG
Summary: Molly goes to visit dear Gabrielle.

You poor little lamb! )

ARTICLE: Towler New Minister for Magic

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When: March 28, 2004
Who: Everyone
Where: Everywhere
Private/Public: Public
Rating: All ages
Summary: The Daily Prophet reports on the new minister chosen

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March 25th, 2009

Interoffice Memo to Odgen

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When: 25 March, 2004
Who: Stamford, Interim Minister Odgen
Where: The Ministry
Private/Public: Private
Summary: Stamford sends the final list with the names of the cadidates for the position of Minister

Interoffice Memo to Odgen )

RP: Contemplations de Ginevra

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When: 25 March, 2004
Who: Ginny Weasley
Where: Ginny's Bedroom, in her shared flat.
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG
Summary: Just her trying to mentally deal with everything going on.

More for sanity's sake )

RP: A visit

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When: 25th March, 2004
Who: Asher Bradley, Charlie Weasley
Where: Charlie's place
Private/Public: Private
Rating: Who knows.
Summary: Asher visits Charlie at his place.

Wanted to see ya )

March 24th, 2009

RP: Interviewing Gabi

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When: 24th March, 2004
Who: Asher Bradley, Gabrielle
Where: Ministry, Auror division
Private/Public: Quasi-public?
Rating: PG?
Summary: Asher has to interview Gabrielle about her time when she was missing.

Interviews )

March 23rd, 2009

RP: Your father doesn't mind dating me

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When: 23 March, 2004
Who: Stamford and Kenneth
Where: Stamford's house
Private/Public: Private
Rating: NC17
Summary: Stamford needs to discuss Dirk Towler's candidacy with Kenneth

Your father doesn't mind dating me )

Owl to Rodolphus

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When: 23 March, 2004
Who: Draco and Rodolphus
Where: the Sky
Private/Public: Private
Summary: Draco comments on the Daily Prophet article

Owl to Rodolphus )

RP: Feeling better?

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When: 23rd March, 2004
Who: Adrian Pucey, Stephen Cornfoot
Where: Cornfoot Manor
Private/Public: Private
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Adrian and Stephen talk about recent developments.

Plans are afoot. )

RP: I hope you're okay...

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When: 23rd March, 2004
Who: Astoria Greengrass, Draco Malfoy
Where: Malfoy Manor
Private/Public: Private
Rating: G
Summary: Astoria wants to see with her own eyes that Draco’s fine.

I need to talk to you. )

RP: Are you the next Minister?

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When: 23 March, 2004
Who: Stamford, Dirk Towler
Where: Towler estate, Norfolk
Private/Public: Private
Summary: Stamford is vetting possible new Ministers

Are you the next Minister? )

RP: I feel like crap

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When: 23 March 2004
Who: Susan Bones, Richard Summerby, other?
Where: St Mungos
Private/Public: Semi private
Rating: PG
Summary: Susan is tired of waiting for her intestines to grow back

March 22nd, 2009

Owl to Millicent

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When: 22 March, 2004
Who: Stephen and Millicent
Where: The sky
Private/Public: Private
Summary: Stephen has been a bad friend and wants to make amends

Owl to Millicent )

OWL: Good news

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When: March 19, 2004 (backdated), late evening.
Who: Charlie, Asher
Where: The skies
Private/Public: Private
Rating: All Ages
Summary: Charlie fills in Asher on developments

RP: A Brave New World?

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When: 22 March 2004
Who: Rodolphus, Stamford
Where: St Mungos
Private/Public: Private
Summary: A pardon has been given to one of the wizarding world's most wanted men... has the world gone mad?

Was this wise? )

March 21st, 2009

Owl to Fenrir

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When: 21 March, 2004
Who: Draco, Fenrir
Where: The Sky
Private/Public: Private (With every privacy spell known to Draco)
Summary: Draco wants revenge

Owl to Fenrir )

March 20th, 2009

RP: To Watch Over You

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When: March 20, 2004
Who: Lavender Brown, Rose Dunstan [NPC]
Where: St. Mungo's
Private/Public: Private
Rating: All Ages
Summary: Lavender watches over her grandmother.

It seemed like her heart was just getting weaker and weaker. )

March 21st, 2009

RP: This Place Is Mine

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When: 20 March 2004
Who: Greg Goyle
Where: Goyle Manor
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG
Summary: Greg takes proper possession of his house, once and for all.

And it's mine alone )

March 20th, 2009

Stuck in hospital beds

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When: Friday 20 March
Who: Draco and Harry
Where: St. Mungo's
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG for now
Summary: Two men stuck in hospital beds. Nothing to do but talk to each other. Once the active ignoring passes.

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RP: Going home

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When: March 20, 2004
Who: Cass, Percy
Where: St Mungo's then Percy's house
Private/Public: Private
Rating: TBA
Summary: Cass finally gets to take Percy home from the hospital

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RP: Where do I go now?

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When: March 19, 2004 (backdated)
Who: Gabi, Charlie, Fleur, Bill
Where: Hogsmeade, then Shell Cottage
Private/Public: Public
Rating: All Ages
Summary: Gabi wakes up in the streets of Hogsmeade and is feeling more than a bit confused

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OWL: Cass to Adrian

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When: March 20, 2004
Who: Cass, Adrian
Where: Wherever the owl goes
Private/Public: Private (hexed a million ways to keep it so)
Rating: All Ages
Summary: Surprised by the news that Pansy gave him, Cass writes to Adrian to ask him why the fuck he didn't tell him about his marriage offer his congratulations.

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RP: An Unwanted Problem

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When: 19 March 2004
Who: Rodolphus Lestrange, Gabrielle Delacour
Where: Lestrange Manor
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG
Summary: Rodolphus has to clean up Rabastan's mess. He is not impressed.

It shall be dealt with summarily. )

March 19th, 2009

Memo: Just a little bit bossy

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When: March 19, 2004
Who: Megan, Stamford
Where: Ministry
Private/Public: Private
Rating: All Ages
Summary: Megan sends Stamford some updates.

Don't complain that you're too busy to eat. )

Message: to Draco from Pansy

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When: 19 March 2004
Who: Pansy Parkinson, Draco Malfoy
Where: St. Mungo's
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG
Summary: Pansy wants to know that Draco is getting better.

Draco, darling )

RP: Decree for the Regulation of Polyjuice

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When: 19 March, 2004
Who: Stamford, Everyone
Where: All newspaper, magazine, WWW
Private/Public: Public
Summary: Stamford informs the public about new decrees from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and the Department of International Magical Cooperation

Decree for the Regulation of Polyjuice )

RP: So this friendship thing...

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When: March 19, 2004
Who: Cass, Miles
Where: St Mungos
Private/Public: Private
Rating: All Ages
Summary: Cass goes to see Miles, partly to check up on him and partly to see if he is willing to give him some information

...can it handle some questions? )
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