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April 22nd, 2009

RP: In Avalon

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When: April 22nd, 2004
Who: Lavender Brown, Gabi Delacour
Where: Avalon Clinic
Private/Public: Private
Rating: All Ages
Summary: Gabi and Lavender meet at the Clinic.

For a place that housed some of the dirty little secrets of the wizarding world, the Avalon Clinic's gardens were wonderfully peaceful. )

April 1st, 2009

RP: George's Not-Birthday Party

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When: Evening; 1 April 2004
Who: Weasleys and friends, acquaintances, and party-crashers.
Where: The Leaky Cauldron
Private/Public: Public
Rating: TBA
Summary: The Weasleys through one of their own a party, even though hes not one for birthday parties.

This was something they all needed )

{Note: I'm thinking things are pretty lax for this. It's all bout good fun and being social. Who knows, maybe even a bit of drama. So come, have fun, and tag yourself as you join. :)}

March 30th, 2009

RP: Flick your wand like this

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When: March 30, 2004
Who: Charlie Weasley, Gabrielle Delacour
Where: Shell Cottage
Private/Public: Private
Rating: G
Summary: Charlie agreed to teach Gabrielle, he was just not sure if he was up to the task.

Charlie finally got a chance to meet with Gabrielle after he told Bill he would be willing to teach her more magic. He wasn't sure what her take on things were, but he was willing to work with her to teach the basics of magic and work from there.

He appeared in the garden of Shell Cottage and walked to the front door. "Showtime," he muttered to himself as he let himself into the house.


March 28th, 2009

RP: Comforting one of the chicks

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When: March 28, 2004
Who: Molly, Gabrielle, Circe Delacour
Where: Shell Cottage
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG
Summary: Molly goes to visit dear Gabrielle.

You poor little lamb! )

March 24th, 2009

RP: Interviewing Gabi

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When: 24th March, 2004
Who: Asher Bradley, Gabrielle
Where: Ministry, Auror division
Private/Public: Quasi-public?
Rating: PG?
Summary: Asher has to interview Gabrielle about her time when she was missing.

Interviews )

March 20th, 2009

RP: Where do I go now?

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When: March 19, 2004 (backdated)
Who: Gabi, Charlie, Fleur, Bill
Where: Hogsmeade, then Shell Cottage
Private/Public: Public
Rating: All Ages
Summary: Gabi wakes up in the streets of Hogsmeade and is feeling more than a bit confused

Read more... )

RP: An Unwanted Problem

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When: 19 March 2004
Who: Rodolphus Lestrange, Gabrielle Delacour
Where: Lestrange Manor
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG
Summary: Rodolphus has to clean up Rabastan's mess. He is not impressed.

It shall be dealt with summarily. )

March 14th, 2009

RP: Healing the wounded

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When: March 14, 2004
Who: Everyone
Where: St Mungos
Private/Public: Public
Rating: Adult
Warnings: Blood, injuries, gore
Summary: St Mungo's find itself overrun with injured after the attack.

Read more... )

March 2nd, 2009

RP: Happy birthday to me...

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When: March 2, 2004
Who: Gabi
Where: Lestrange Manor
Private/Public: Private
Rating: All Ages
Summary: Gabi is depressed and angry at the lack of attention at her birthday, and starts to wonder if a baby perhaps isn't a bad idea at all.

Read more... )

February 23rd, 2009

RP: How to train a Death Eater, part (what are we at now?)

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When: February 23, 2004
Who: Gabrielle, Rabastan
Where: Lestrange Manor
Private/Public: Private
Rating: Unlikely to go beyond PG13
Summary: Rabastan continues to work on shifting Gabrielle's alliances.

Is it truly so bad? )

February 11th, 2009

RP: Feeding the captive

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When: February 11, 2004
Who: Rabastan & Gabrielle
Where: Lestrange Manor
Private/Public: Private
Rating: ?
Summary: Rabastan comes to bring his little captive breakfast.

Small consolation )

February 2nd, 2009

RP: Will you buy me a drink

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When: February 2, 2004
Who: Gabrielle, Rabastan
Where: The Alexander
Private/Public: Private though in public, feel free to see what happens
Rating: Likely Adult
Warning: Kidnapping
Summary: Gabi decides that the only thing that will make her feel better is alcohol, and a lot of it. Preferably if someone else is paying. Too bad for her Rabastan is on the hunt tonight.

She needed to forget, and to forget she needed to get drunk )

January 28th, 2009

There's no good way to talk about this

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When: Tuesday 27th January, 2004
Who: Gabi and Harry
Where: Shell Cottage
Private/Public: Private
Rating: R for erotic content PG (subject to change depending on where the conversation goes)
Summary: Harry goes to see Gabi about the article.

He'd been trying to write a letter all day, but it just didn't work )

Funeral Notice

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When: 28 January, 2004
Who: Everyone
Where: Everywhere
Private/Public: Private
Summary: Funeral notices go out. (Delay was due to the fact that the Muggle police had the body).

Funeral Notice )

January 26th, 2009

OWLs to Bill and Fleur, Gabrielle, and Harry

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When: 26 January 2004
Who: Molly Weasley, Bill and Fleur Weasley, Harry Potter, Gabrielle Delacour
Where: the Burrow to Shell Cottage and London
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG
Summary: Molly has seen the Prophet story on Gabrielle.

Bill and Fleur )

Gabrielle, darling )

Harry, darling )

Owl: To Fleur and Gabrielle

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When: January 26, 2004
Who: Alicia Spinnet, Fleur Weasley and Gabrielle Delacour
Where: Respective locations
Private/Public: Private
Rating: All ages
Summary: Alicia knows only too well the situation Gabrielle must be finding herself in this morning

Owl to Fleur Weasley – with an attachment to Gabrielle )

RP: Have you seen this?

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When: January 26, 2004
Who: Fleur Weasley, Gabrielle Delacour
Where: Shell Cottage
Private/Public: Private (unless Bill's around)
Rating: All ages for now.
Summary: Fleur's seen the paper and wants to talk to Gabi about it.

Is this all true or is someone telling lies again? )

ARTICLE: Reporter still not found - Potter's fiancée exposed

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When: January 26, 2004
Who: Everyone
Where: Everywhere
Private/Public: Public (add your tags as you comment or make posts of your own)
Rating: All Ages
Summary: Daily Prophet reports more about the missing woman, but also has a nasty gossip byline...

Read all about it )

January 10th, 2009

RP: An odd shopping tripp

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When: January 10, 2004
Who: Gabi, Cho
Where: Diagon Alley
Private/Public: Semi-private (ie public place)
Rating: All Ages
Summary: Gabi decides to head out on the town, only to find herself talking to someone she's never met before.

You don't deserve Harry Potter, you know )

December 31st, 2008

RP: Together at New Year's with the Weasleys

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When: December 31, 2003 - January 1, 2004
Who: All the Weasleys & adopted Weasleys that want to drop by
Where: Shell Cottage
Private/Public: Public
Rating: TBD
Summary: Fleur and Bill decided to throw a New Year's Eve party for their family.

Happy New Year! )
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